04/06/1988 },;:" ;", ' ':-><.' " ,~~:.:: ' ~ >.' , .:; ,.:: ",' ." ~: ':. : ;j;\:,:..: :, . Cindi Hochberger, Staff Assistant II Utilities :;~'+:::,:':::, Timothy Hannas. Equipment Oper. 11 Pub. Wks./Pub. Ser. :~~';@ : Larry Roberts, Equipment Oper. II Pub. Wks.tpub. Ser. :~L~"'~:" ,,: Michael Stuart moved to accept into membership the three (3) employee(s) listed above. The ~1~'\'i;.,",," motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. ~.?~~J,:;.. '~"~'~" ~,~.,. ,";" I : . .' ~~~;;';;;k> Cornelius Legters III, Gas InspectorJ Building Department. was not approved by the physician for {l"~ ..' . . ,:..tY!b;,:,'memberslup in the pension plan due to his excessive weight. He may be re.evaluatcd when he 1\:,:rP,,:'::':. ':'loses 100 pounds. ")~_~~.... "':!r'.~: ~ " . W-:5-?:/ ~:' Michael Stuan moved to deny membership to Cornelius Legters In with reconsideration when the '(;1/\."::' weight is lost. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. :i~:":.~~:' .-.: ~. . . i:!i:~~,:~>"-"" MIles Lance; Assistant City Attorney, advised the Committee a settlement has been reached in the ~1~L(;;':,'''' ': malter of Lenard Dixon. Ocie Triggs, the former wife of Mr. Dixon, will receive a lump sum l({'/~~"::::': payment of $1,000.00 with the balance of the pension to be paid to Ella Mae Dixon. :tE;~ ,J :::';~ ,.' .' f,~:':?; ;:', Discussion ensued regarding the upcoming election. Michael Stuart will see about appointing the ~'?;""';'':'"'' five-member committee to handle the election which will take place in June. .~.. . i'. , . .' ~{~~>::T~./. '. . . ,t:::'~"::):':'Michael Stuart asked whether the letter on John Welch that was sent to his doctors was sent <i':: :,"'certified mail. return receipt requested. He was advised by Miles Lance that it was sent certified \ .<<-(.1,' II- ~~~>' :~',: ,mail as requested by the CommJUee. _..l,'" ,", . ,~:;" '.y;', , ,( }iX(> , ::Secretary Laursen advised the Committee that Cary Singletary, attorney for Mr. Welch, submitted ;lf1!~,:~:-:,',:"'dJo the doctors the entire personnel file on Mr. Welch. This was sent in addition to the materials ,~/~\;\:.>. "~submiued by the City. A question was raised at the Trustees meeting concerning payment of the 'f(.i' "; ':doctors' bills. It was the decision of the Trustees to only pay for the review of the documents !~~~O',submiued by Mr. Singletary equal to the' amount (approximately 17 pages) submitted by the City. .#V~':: ,,' .~The Trustees had instructed Miles Lance to write to Mr. Singletary and the doctors and advise them &r;~;':: :',:. 'of this decision. Mr. Lance so infonned all panics. I~f;';'.;, I~A{"(" 'i,': >~~~:tG~~ . . .. , , ~ ~ '. ;;.:}:' .... ,.,' " I~k\' . . ~ ",'" 1(:~"C)' j'., ' I\.< , ~:. . . ~,' I '" ~n . .(' .... ",', " , " >, , /",: \ ;. ~ .' . ~~':.~, . ~;:"::: ,', ,~~;::. ' . . V,\< ' "f'. Proccedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of April 6. 1988 Page l' Present: John Nicholson, Membcr Michael Stuart, Member / ,I V/ H. Michael Laursen. Personnel Director Deborah Lally. Personnel Department Cindy eHman, Personnel Department D. R. Perkins, Payroll Services Manager Nancy DegnerJ Industrial Nurse Miles Lance, Assistant City Attorney The meeting was called to order at 9:36 A.M. Michael Stuart moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 16, 1988. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. ': Michael Stuart read the name(s) of the following employee(s) to be accepted into membership in , . the Pension Plan: Date of Ernpto}'men~ Pension, EHU. Date 3-21-88 4-4-88 4-4.88 3-21-88 4-4-88 4.4-88 ~~;:~;:.T'F~ .i !I/',.,;, , " #:,;:", " '~hl.,:, ' '!:k' ,; ..... tY.i".\:. : ;~',i?I,., Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Commlltee Meetlng of April 6, 1988 gf/:~c..:, '1' . ::~~.~ 11~1 ~. '(~II ~~ . ;~~~(,>,: Since the doctors were asked to respond within 30 days, this maUer will be discussed at the meeting l!'l ":', ,': of May 18. 1988. \.! ~~j:~! " ". J0C~".,.. .,10110 Nicholson received Miles Lancets updated opinion on the conflict of interest question. He is ~>: ,""''', still not satisfied with the response and will pursue this matter further. !~\";':": ''. ?E, ". ':;: J~hn Nicholson presented to Mr. Laursen a copy of an anic1e dealing with H. R. .1200 and th~ Age }~/':;., '~' Discrimination In Employment Act (ADEA). This bill would allow for an age limit on the hirmg of ;(:~,: ;':';; " police officers and firefighters. He requested this snicle be forwarded to the Trustees. ,i I ,;.. j~: " . . . < . ;;;:;::,',':,\.'. John Nicholson moved t~at the Pe~si?n Advi~~ry Committee. make a !ccommendation that .:;!,,','J, , ,Personnel consider a maXimum age hrnll for humg pollee officers and fucfighters. Michael :~;;'/!' ",~' Sluan amended this motion to allow the Committee to review this article and discuss it at the next ~}:-.- ':' meeting. The amendment to the motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson. The motion as ,N::,: ".-: -,,'amended was carried unanimously. I ('Ir..::-c . ~k~;,.:~,\'i:;> John Nicholson raised some questions regarding an item on the Trustees agenda on April 4, 1988. [(:~{:{,.' " D. R. Perkins. Payroll Services Manager. answered his inquiries. :~':.il:..::; " , .> '. ~F:,~'~;,"::;"'Michael Stuart m'oved the meeting be adjourned. :~~1.: ::. ,',:-..'and ,carried unanimously. ~1'\;(.:)'iJ:'::~':': . il:C:;::;,i"<":":The meeting adjourned at 10:07 A.M. '~'~I~;;~:';:\'~' . '. fi\~;;@"Rcspe~t lly S~bm:Jitted' '*&~~~;:~,~C' . , , ' ~ \l~~,t!:", ;"" , ' ~l~~~\~::~ ".-:H. Michael' Laursen ,__-' ,.' . ,,)>;;~::,~l:::.: Personnel' Director and !:.'.~ '~~""f\~'.' < ,~{~;~>:(:~ecretarYt Pension Advisory ~)lr}/';\f .' ~'''\'''''' ,,/.. ~I~:?}:~i . ~ .,'~~ ~....z .~ ~'l c ~=tt;1!~~~'.'~".: ;"~ C:I?'l!;;,;'::,-" E*t\~;,., ," r ~~~;f;,'/:~'~; , ' \1"~ '1"-(, ."", . 1<<~rl~:~':';I":~,~'" 1"- t'~\h'i""" ' j~=~tI:': ,~,~:. ":' ~~1!!!L::~~~ ~ ~, ~\\:'4"~ . ~ff~i;{;~ i$"",., . ~~1"?J,~I<..: .', ~~~.t~::~,.: ::~ ,~t~l"n "I'. > It~~:h:B~,) .- .l\1.)ri.h .IH ~,~t ~~~~~"::. ~:: ;~c "-t~~~ t'1i'~.:,l.~" JoJ J ~~}~:j :s~'N;''\", Page 2 The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson ,\ " ,; , \ ,\ "