03/16/1988 ~. Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Commiltcc Meeting of Murch 16. 1988 Puge 1 a Present: . 1~.._ Charles Dunn, Chairman John Nicholson, Member Micllacl Stuart. Member / H. Michael Laursen. Personnel Director Deborah Lally. Personnel Department Cindy Climan, Personnel Department D. R. Perkins. Payroll Services Manager Nancy Degncr, Industrial Nurse Miles Lance, Assistant City Attorney The meeting was called to order at 9~45 A.M. Michael Stuart mo"ed to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 2, 1988. The motion was duly. seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. Michael Stuart read the name(s) of the following employee(s) to be accepted into membership in the Pension Plan: Date of Employment Pension EIi~. Date , Dennis Allen, Elecldcian ; J ~0 Anthony Pauakos, Pub. Ser. Tech. ~',9 Ccl~ste Marshall. Accounting Clerk I '.. . Traffic Engineering Pub. Wks./pub. Ser. Police 3-14-88 3-14-88 2-22-88 3-14-88 3-14.88 2-22-88 " . , John Nicholson moved to' accept into membership the three (3) employee(s) listed above. 'rhe motion was duly seconded by Michael Stuart and carried unanimously. i' : I " Miles Lance. Assistant City Attorney. sent to Cary Singletary~ attorney for John 'Vclch~ the draft of the letter that will be sent to the psychiatrists. He is awaiting a reply. t.>" Miles Lance submitted an updated opmlon regarding the "contlict of interest" question. The City Commission will not request an opinion from the Attorney General. Discussion ensued concerning this matter. Michael Stuart stated the Pension Advisory Committee as a Board can write to the Attorney General and request a response. Charles, Dunn moved that the Pension Advisory Committee write a letter to request an opinion from the Attorney. General. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. ~: ; T'f' The Committee discussed the draft letters to be used when referring employees to doctors when disability pensions are requested. Michael Stuart did DOt have time to review the letters. Discussion ensued. Review of the Jetter will continue. and this will be discussed again at the next , meethig. . , c"~ " :~.O The Committee discussed the 45-year-old age requirement for pension panicipation. This matter :.:~' . ,., was considered by the Trustees at their last meeting. The three unions informed the Trustees ~,'~ .' . there was no objection to the elimination of this requirement and the matter could be sent to ""referendum., The unions also asked the Trustees to consider sending the $300.00 minimum ,. .~ . ~ ~ ': t>', ' ~ - . ~.' . I ", . Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of March 16. 1988 Page 2 I) payment with the cost.of-living allowance to referendum. '.H I Discussion ensued regarding whe~hcr or not the cost-of-Hving allowance was considered by the Trustees. Secretary Laursen stated he did not think the trustees understood that the cost-of-lIvlng allowance was to be included in the referendum. The question was raised as to whether all employees who were over nge 4S at the time of hire will now be allowed to enter the pension plnn or will it only apply to new hires. Secretary Laursen slated these matters will be resolvcd once the actual ordinance is proposed. Michael Stuart moved that the Pension Advisory Committee recommend to the Trustees that they consider the elimination of thc 45-yenr-age requirement as recommended by the three unions and strongly suggest they also consider the $300.00 minimum pension at the same lime. 10hn Nicholson expressed some concern with the effective date for participation in the pension plan for those over age 45. He amended Mike Stuart's motion to renecl that if current employees arc allowed to enter the plan. their date would be the same as the effective date of the ordinance. Discussion ensued. The amendment and the motion were withdrawn. J Michael Stuart moved to recommend to the City Commission that the referendum when held include an increase in the minimum pension to $300.00. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. '::.:'.''3 Jobn Nicholson m~ved to recommend to the City ~ommission that when t.hey consider the age 45. , .~) the date for cntl}' IOta the plan be the dale the ordmance passes. The motion was duly seconded by Charles Dunn. Dunn and Nicholson voted lIaye;1I Stuart voted "nay." The motion passed. . . .' , The Committee considereCl the request of Betty Russell. Senior Legal Secretary. Legal Department. for a pension based on years of service. Her employment date is December 5. 1960. Her pension ,parucipation date is December 5. 1960. Her retirement date is March 23. 1988. John Nicholson moved to grant Betty Russell a pension based on her years of service. The motion was duly ',seconded by Michael Stuart and carried unanimously. The Committee considered the request of Gerald Weimer. Assistant City Manager. for a pension , based on years of service. His employment dale is August 19. 1937. His pension panicipation date is August 19. 1937. ,:J :-:' '" \ " " ' ;\", " .... r.:.. John Nichch;on moved to grant Gerald Weimer a pension based on his years of service. The motion was duly seconded by Michael Stuan and carried unanimously. The mee~ing adjourned at 10:15 A.M. ':. , H. Michael Laur Personnel Director Secretary. Pension Commiuee , i.. " , ' ;.,''0'''....... ., ;,<, . ':':, . " ". .' " ."1', ' II' . . ~.' . . ~.~ " ' ; . I : ,