10/20/1987 .'() ". ';,>'1..-",1' " ' ;, '. ,,' ;": : .~:c ~ :. .' . I, ~' :,;,\" ", ~:.:" , t"(i' ~.. . . .~:~~. .:. ." :;' > ~... ,. ~r":.] "!: . .' , !):::: ;...~ ......... .' ';'~\~ \i:'.~; ~;; :'. . ,oJ ,.'. . 't~T:::i, :'. Wt~~~." . '~~~(;:\':": . .,,~ \ij>r\: '. l~. :: . " ' ~:\.: :: ' ' \~. . '. ;~~. '. . Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committec Mectlng of October 20. 1987 Pagc I Prcsent: Charles Dunn. Chairman Michael Stuan. Member H. Michael Laurscnt Personnel Director Dcborah Lally. Personnel Depart~cnt Cynthia CHman, Personnel Department Nancy Degner. City Nursc Miles Lance. AssistlUlt Clly Attorney . Raben' Davidson. Fire Chief Nicholas Lewis. Fire Marshal Christopher Kingsley. Fire Departmcnt. John Ferzola. Firefighter Richard Griesinger. Attorncy for John Ferzola The meeting was called to order at 9:42 A.M. Charles Dunn' amended Page 2. Paragraph 5. Line 2. to read as follows: Itruled there could be a maximum age limit for hiring new firefighters. II Charles Dunn moved to approve as amended the minutes of the meeting of October 5. 1987. The motion was duly seconded by Michael Stuart and carried unanimously. I Michael Stuan read the names of the following employees to be accepted into membership in the Pension' Plan: Date of EmploymclJt. Pension Eli i. Datc ,Jeffrey Rosenbaum. Tradesworker. I . Dale 'Brown, Mainl. Worker I Varhese Jolly. WWTP Operator C Hilliard Sanders" Maint. Worker II 'Elaine Muldowney. Clerk Typist I Thomas Glenn. Container Maint. Wkr. 10/19/87 10/12/87 10/19/87 918/87 9/28/87 10/19/87 10/19/87 10/12/87 10/19/87 918/81 9/28/87 10/19/87 CS/Bldg. & MaiOl. Traffic Engineering Pub. Wks.{WPC Pub. Wks./Pub. Ser. Plan. & Urban Dev. ' UtH./Sanitation ,'James Betts. Jr.. Gas Distribution Pipe fitter Helper. Utilities/Gast is denied membership in the Pension Plan due to high blood pressure. Dale Fitzpatrick. Tradesworker I. Central', Services/Building & Maintenancc. will not be , considered until more information is received regarding his previous back problem. . Becky. Smith. who was previously denied' membership due, to lack of information regarding her. blood pressure has resigned. Charlie Dunn moved to accept into membership the six (6) employees listed above and deny membership to the' one (1) employee listed above. The motion was duly seconded by 'Michael Stuan and carried unanimously. A letter has been received from one of John Welch's doctors. , taken. no action regarding the hearing in this matter. However, his attorney has . 'l, ". , I " ,'"1 n , ,- ,~O . . ,I: ,"r." /, ," :::," "/' .', ~ ' ~~.> . ~. ," . .,t" . :'0 >, I . :". . 'T~' , ': .: I. ;;'. ' , ~. . ' '..:' "c I~' . . 'I' , Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of October 20. 1987 Pose 2 No new information was received on Frederick Woodard. ChIef Davidson stated Mr. Woodard is currently receiving unemployment compensution. With regard to John Fenolo. Firefighter, Fire Department. his attorney Richard Griesinger submitted a letter from Dr. Schneider who hod been Bwny on vacation. Charles Dunn advised all parties no vote would be taken today since the Committee was unable to contact the doctors to verify the Informntlon contained in their letters. Hopefully. they will have a~l Lhe Information needed to vote nt the next meeting. The next meeting of the Commhtee will be held an Tuesday. November 10, 1987, at 9:30 A.M. With regard to Lenard Dixon, Miles Lance. Assistant City Attorney. stated he received another letter w'ith a. copy of a marriage certIficate {rom the auomey for the first Mrs. Dixon. No legal action has been instituted at this time. He advised the Committee if no action is taken soon, the City may initiate action and plead both sides in order to resolve this matter. The Committee considered the matter of Christopher Kingsley which was remanded by the Pension Trustees back to the Committce to detcrmine whether or not Mr. Kingsley could be productively employed by the City. Miles Lance stated the Trustees felt there was not sufficient medical evidence to prove Mr. Kingsley is disabled. Chainnan Dunn Slated ns far as he is concerned nothing has changed since Mr. Kingsley1s pension was approved by the Committee last year. He still feels the Trustees do not have the power to reverse a decision made by the Pension Advisory Committee. Michael Stuart questioned why this matter is being sent back to the Committee in October. 1987. when it was approved in August. 1986. He felt this should have been app'rovc:d by the Trustees 'last year. Secretary Laursen informed tbe Committee that action is being taken to rectify this situation. Under prescnt procedures. the Payroll Division will not calculate a pension until after the employee receives a' final, paycheck. This presents a problem when someone has many months of sick leave and vacation to use before a resignation is effected. He has spoken to Daniel Deignan, Finance Director; and a process is being devised whereby the employee's request will be sent to the Trustees for approval with an approximation of what the pension will be. This should preclude this from happening in the future. . Michael Stuart questioned Mr. Kingsley as to his current financial situation. He stated as of August S. 1987, he has received no monies. As of January I, 1987. the law changed requiring employee1s on worker's compensation to do a job search at the discretion of the employer. nle City requested Mr. Kingsley to do a job search. After searching for a job for several months while attending school full-time. be refused to continue. Therefore, his " benefits ran out on August 5. 1987. Robert Davidson. Fire' Chief, questioned whether Mr. Kingsley was to report back to the Fire Department. Discussion ensued regarding the reasons this matter was remanded by the , Trustees. Michael Stuart moved that the original decision of the Pension Advisory Committee should stand. The motion was duly seconded by Charles Dunn. \ ;~ \ , ..'":) II : ... , I....'" <,r;!~ Proceedings of the Pension Advillory Committee Meeting of October 20, 1987 Page 3 Discussion ensued. Chief Davidson advised Lhe Committee lhe Fire Department 8tllt has 0. position available for Mr. Kingsley. Mr. Kingsley stated he was not able to perfonn the duties he would be Ilsslgned and could not be n Firefighter. Secretary Laursen sLaled it was not a requirement for the classification of Fire Prevention Inspector that the employee be a certified firefighter. Purther discussion ensued. A yote was taken on the modon previously made; the motion carried unanimously. Michael Stuart requesled the Pension Advisory Committee be notified of all Trustees meeting to ,afford them the opportunity to attend. Secretary Laursen advised him this would be done. Secretary Laursen advised the Committee that an attorney for Lois Maroon appeared before the Trustees to request she be accepted back into the Pension Plan. The matter was continued until the Trustees' meeting of November 2, 1987. Secretary Laursen informed Lhe Committee he has written a memo to Risk Management asking them to supply the Pension Advisory Committee with any medical information they have on employees applying for disability pensions. Don Petersen. Risk Manager. requested a copy of the Pension Advisory Committeets procedures in an effort to devise a method to incorporate a provision for the release of their medical records to the Commiuee. Miles LllDce stated he felt a release fonn signed by the employee would suffice. Michael Stuart requested Secretary Laursen to forward to Miles Lance a copy of his memo to Don Petersen and Mr. Petersenls response in an effort 10 come up with some method for review of Risk Managementls files. Charles Dunn asked Secretary Laursen how long it would be before Mr. Deignan's proposal would be ready. Secretary Laursen advised him it would a week Of two. Secretary Laursen advised the Committee there would be a meeting of the Pension Rewrite Committee on October 28th at 9:00 A.M. Charles Dunn stated he would be meeting wilh all the detectives next week and will poll them. as to their feelings regarding the pension ordinance revision. He feels it is imponant to try ,to. determine how others fecI about this matter. Discussion ensued regarding the cbanges' in the pension ordinance. Secretary Laursen advised the Committee he was requested by the Commission to send out the memo to all employees who were over age 4S at the time of hire in order to receive their , ,input as to ,what alternative tbey would prefer. Discussion ensued. The meeting adjourned at Respectfully submitted. ~~I c1ursen , Personnel Director and 'Secretary, Pension Advisory Committee