10/05/1987 ,/ ~ ~ ': ", ;.'c" " t'!\':' :.~.~:., : l' ~ 1"1. ' '0' , . ' ',I;"t'l :, . ", ~ ." I,' ' J". , ~l:' , .:::J 't ':' ?: ,1:' ,,' : . ~ ",:': , ' .' :':. ~ 'j . ~ ,', t,.~ . - '. 'f,}':,:::::', }\;::' . f,": " rl~'" I ...~1 ~:'. . .- '.L' ': . ; i:'~~ :.:: ,', . ", \~'~'~b .; Il, ..<( -:..:1,; ..\\ ~~:i:~t ' .~~~~.') ~r\;~.~i: <~ . .t' "'e... 8/::: ,..\ ~~i;'::'> ~tt..\: --:\:<.~ '\>": Ii' >. ,~r~~:<<':~:'.: 'c . ,1t~'t{;~~ ~ ~,..:' . :~ .~t] '.~ L "." ~,~; f.{;\,<;:;~:.., , ~;JS~'" ';', '.',' .:tt;J 1=;:',:' ' .. ~'j~(;:;,.:;" " r~%}~L:':':;,~: ' ~:r""~"'" ~{~!i:;~'~.:,,: ': of . _J ~~I' ..~ :).' .. : -. c Proceedings or the Pension Advisory Commluec Meeting or October 5. 1987 Page I Presen t: Charles Dunn. Chairman John Nicholson. Member Deborah Lally. Personnel Department Cynthia Climan. Personnel Department Tina WUson, Payroll Services Manager Nancy Degner. City Nurse John Ferzola. Firefighter Richard Griesinger. Attorney for John Ferzola The meeting was called to order at 9:52 A.M. John Nicholson moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 23. 1987. The motion was duly seconded by Charlie Dunn and carried unanimously. / No action was taken on Becky Smith since the physical papers did not indicate her blood pressure. The nurse will check on this employee. John Nicholson read the names of the following employees to be accepted into membership 'in ,the Pension Plan: Date of ELllployment Pension EUg. Date James Hewitt. Motor Pool Trainee lames Berry. Maint. Worker I Richard DeBord. Maint. Worker I Patricia Stoop. Pol. Comm. Oper. II Iohn Llauget. Recreation Leader Chary)) Iones. Clerk Typist II Walter Miksza. Gas. 0I8t. Pipe. Helper . Dennis' O'Connell. Mech. Fabricator Cent. Ser./Motor Pool Pub. Wks./Pub. Ser. Parks & Rec./Nursery Police Parks & Rec.tRee. Util iti eslS an i tn ti on Utilities/Gas Cent. Ser./Motor Pool 1045~87 10-27-86 9-28~87 12-10-86 12-23-85 9-21-87 9-14-87 4-28-86 10-5-87 8-8-87 9428-87 4-27-87 9-14-87 9-21-87 9-14-87 9-21-87 Charlie Dunn moved to accept into membership the eight (8) employees listed above. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. No new information has been received from John Welch's doctors. However, his pension has been recalculated using the new date. The new amount is $860.93 per month for his non.job-connected disability pension. Charlie Dunn stated he had spoken to Frederick Woodard's ex-wife. He encouraged her to ,advise Mr. Woodard to have the two tests requested by the Pension Advisory Committee. NO action will be taken until the tests are pcrfonned by Dr. Lyster. It was recommended the widow's pension for Lenard Dixon be tabled pending resolution of the question of which wife is rightfully entitled to said pension. John Nicholson moved 10 table this maUer. The motion was duly seconded by Charlie Dunn Dnd carried unanimously. . \;' ~ ~"'i'~,t~i\':'"'}:' . .~J:..t,.. '/j tV;~"<:':>', if,;.."" . jl.~,'.:.""" ' '~!i':",; :'" . 'ii.Y;:<; '.' ' ~i,:~~fY', ,; ~?a' ,'I ~t,,,....., 1'f{r\',: :,': ~V..;:;",,';,~ V,',:, \' " JNi::' , ' ,1/t"'t '. . ;t:,,~(:" '. ~..~'l., ~ :.+' : I" ).- '.~J 1 ~.' .' '. ': ,,''':~ .:, ~fj""",; ).,,)r,.:, fl;~;;' ~'~:;~:': :;' , -j:.l~'~:~'~:' ". ~~);~'D,~". :,:~:'. ~;';l~;;:x:',: . iY'-:1t:( . ., John Nicholson also informed the Committee that the U. S. District Coun in Barberton. Obio. !~~.~.} ;~:d P:::o:O::W:I::::::::: :~; ::: f::m:::: :~:t~~:8:t:~'to review the draft ~Si.~~%;; . ' ordinance. (<.!(I"';"",l,.,l' " ~~~J~f'!~~' :':rhe meeting adjourned at 10:24 A.M. l'fJ~",","':.':', .:.' : ~t,,,t''''l '~. '1j~~: : r.~f::,1:"'~', '~:' ,': " Respectfully submitted. iV.~j~~o~J;r!",.', '~' ' )~~ :~~~3P!<f" ; , // I k ' -f,1:"~:tll~,,:~.1 ' . /Zl~~:,'J I. I' ' r... 'f \. I. ~.1"~. .. , ,~~~<:'.r ,,~., H., Michael Laursen wd}'{,;'~<'; 'personn,?}: Director a~d 1&;I~t;7~;/,:' Secretary, Pension Advisory Committee ~Jt.'~ "d"", " ' ' ~~~::E://:;!,." . ~;tt1.;~"~.~;;. :',r F1~" ',:,", ' ;~~;V~t::':;:, ' ':t{>,,-,l,.,, ~S"ZI\ ;{:~}', ',' . ~i?~r:)>~ . "".... .", ' f1N~:~~!:;'< ,:', . J~tl.' ~~'!\~'l ' t.b~.!~,~~:t;~'.1 ~~i'~' :.~ N-'~'r..~ ~':~ I 11fi':' w.,.\,~, tAf;! ;~~? T cJ: ~'L.t:rl .::' '~~~L.' ::'i"?', /y~ ;'~~~f:;'jc lj. r . f1~~'~i;'!' '; , ;:,. ' l~~iin,\:::,',;,:,; J 7f~(~~,CL?::.~ " ~~:.~t!~\:.'.' ~~/,[.;.~\\~:,;:,~ .. ~\~A!~'''f\'. ~';':. " ,h.\'(.~";' " 1"~~~1',.(, I"'~:'~ '_. Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting or October 5, 1987 Poge 2 The, Committee considered the request of John Fenoto. Firefighter. Fire Deportment, for n job.connectcd disobility pension. Richnrd Griesinger. attorney ror Mr. Fcnmla. advised the Committee Mr. Fenota hos n herniated disc in his lower back as a result of an injury he . Incurred on April 14" 1987. while attempting to remove a passenger from an automobile. . ,Letters from Dr. Edward Feldman and Dr. A. Schneider were submitted. The Committee members requested copies of the reports from Dr. Loguc. the City physician. who first treated Mr. Fcrzolll for this injury. Discussion ensued regarding Mr. Penolnts current status. has sincc stopped working and is using his sick leave. He was assigned 'to light dUlY but 'Since he will be out of town, Chairman Dunn asked John Nicholson to contact Mr. Ferzola's doctors to verify the information contained in their letters. The Committee wiIl then take a ,vote at the meeting of October 20th if all members are present and the members arc satisfied with the information received. John Nicholson advised the Committee he will be attending thc 19th Annual Pension Administrators Conference in Jacksonville on October 21st and 22nd. He would like Secretary Laursen to check into having the City send a member of the Pension Advisory Committee to the conference. " -...~.. c II