Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Commillcc Meeting of June 29. t987.
rJ Present:
Chorles Dunn. Chalrmon
David Krieger. Member
30hn Nicholson, Member
Michael Stuan, New Member
Deborah LaU)'. Personnel DcpnrlJnent
Dennis Brown, Firefighter
Richard GricsinJ;er. Attorney for Dennis Brown
Lurry Dcan. Firefighter
The meeting was catled to order at 9:4 I A.M.
Chairman Dunn welcomed newly~elecled Committee member Michael Stuart.
David Krieger moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 9. 1987. The motion was duly
seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously.
David Krieger read the names of the following three (3) employees to be approved for membership
in the Pension Fund:
Date of
Elig, Date<
Michael E. Hurley, Sr. Electrician
James T. Geidner. Equipment Oper. I
"Wmiam J. Wallace, lIT. Ser. Wkr. I
Traffic Enginecring
Parks & Rec./Parks
Parks & Rec./Nursery
6~ 15~87
'John Nicholson moved to accept for membership in the Pension Fund the three (3) employees
, listed above. The motion was duly seconded by David Krieger and carried unanimously.
, ',Chairman Dunn statcd no new information has been rcceived from Robert Noonan.
" ,Chairman Dunn was informed an appointment has been scheduled for \Villiam' Hebert for
\::, ' '.. August 5. 1987. and Mr. Laursen is waiting for confirmation from Cary Singletary as to the
;, acceptability of this date.
'Chairman Dunn stated Cary Singletary is to determine whether John \Vclch's doctors are
associated in the same practicc and, if so. schedulc him for an appointment with a new doctor.
Chairman Dunn stated Frederick Woodard. Fircfighter, is working on getting the proper letters
needed by the Committe'e.
The Committee considered the request' of Dennis Brown, Firefighter. for a job-connected
" disability pension due to a back injury. Richard Griesinger, attorney for Mr. Brown, presented
lctters to the Committee from two orthopedic surgeons. Dr. Hanff and Dr. Feldman. Other
documentation was also presented, including copies of the Notices of Injury filed with Worker's
r::'., "Compensation.
:~\'~b Discussion' ensued. Members of the Committee questioned Mr. Griesinger with regard to the leners.
,;\ Dr. Ranffs tetter did not Slate whether Mr. Brown was permanently disabled from wO,rking as a
~::;.. "", , firefighter. Mr. Gricsinger stated Dr. Hanff will send a follow-up lctter to the Committee.
Dr. Feldman's letter did state thcre was a permanent disability.
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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of June 29. 1987.
Mr. Brown gave the Committce background information concerning his injuries. His first injury
occurred in 1984, at which lime he was treated by a chiropraclor. Hc has had several injurics
since that time and has been under the clIfe of Dr. Banff.
Chairman Dunn requested the Commillce bc supplied with a new letter from Dr. Banff, copies of
the Notice of Injury for the fi rst injury in 1984, and copies 0 f all the repons from Dr. Courlnc)',
the chiropractor, who treatcd Mr. Brown aftcr his first injury. Mr. Griesingcr said hc would
supply the necessary infonnation. They will consider this again at the next meeting.
The meetings for the month of July will be Tuesday, July 7. and Tuesday, July 28, nt 9:30 A.M.
Larry Dean, Firefighter, questioncd whether an opinion had been receivcd from Miles Lance
regarding ,his vestcd pension. Since Mr. Lance was nOI present, the Committee requestcd
Mr. Laursen chcck on thc status of this matter. Discussion cnsued regarding what options might
be available to Mr. Dcan, but a legal detcrmination must be made regarding the status of Mr. Dean's
vestcd pension.
Chairman Dunn questioned the status of the pension rewrite. He was informed the Rewrite
Committee has made some progress. but the City may not be receptive to an proposals. One item
discussed was incrcasing the numbcr of members on the Advisory Committec from three to seven;
with three clectcd. three appointed, and one elected by the other six members. The actuary
submitted his report; but since it was not easily understood, he agreed to submit another.
John Nicholson questioned the response received from the City Auomey conccrning the
Committee's request for an opinion from the Attorney Oer-eral regarding several aspects of the,
, 'City's pension plan; This memo made reference to an opinion rendered by counsel for the City to '
the' City Commission.' Since he was not aware of what this opinion was, he would like clarification.
~',' - The meeting adjourned at 10:33 A.M.
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