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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meellng of February 6, 1987.
Charles Dunnt Chairman
DavId Krieger, Member
, .
John NIcholson, Member
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Jeffrey Harper, Assistant Personnel Director
Deborah Lally, Personnel Department
Nancy Degner, City Nurse
Miles Lance. Assistant City Attorney
Tina Wilson. Payroll Services Manager
Jack Marsh. Retired Police Offlcer
Robert Noonan, Gas Division
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i:\,','. .: The meeting was called to order at 9:59 A.M.
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W:,::',' ':',: David Krieger moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 7t 1986. The motion was duly seconded
'.,:t':!, ,:'" '::,.' by Charlie Dunn and carried ul'Ianlmously.
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:~;/::'" ::,' '.. Chairman stated Officers Walter Ko'slba and Doug Carey have had appointments scheduled with doctors. When
,j}.'!:',;:',,',:..':, 'the reports are received, the Committee will vote on their requests for. job-connected disablllty pensIons.
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~~'~0'~coricerning the request of Robert Noonan for a job~connected dIsability pension, he was advIsed his letters
:~~!;'.~~,~ were not sufficient. One letter was not precise enough and the other letter was not from an othopedic surgeon.
0{~{:[):}, :, Mr. N~onan will check Into this and supply the Committee with the proper documentation.
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k~F,>',::::~:The Committee considered the request of John Weicht Police Officer, for a job.connected disability pensIon.
~~r;:'.':,\,;<;,Two letters, both dated February 3, 1987, have been submitted, one from Dr. Machler and the other from Dr.
\~\:,:;e:<;<: ::, Butler. Charlie Dunn will contact the doctors to verify the Information contained In the letters. David Krieger
r.t,!// .; Jell Mr. Wetch had supplied the Committee with the proper Information and some action should be taken,
jt~('I.': . ,;', although he concurred with Charlie Dunn's opinion that all three members should be present to vote on this
f~;"j{'..~ ',particular case.
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~;'C;.;':,~,' :',Discusslon ensued regarding the possibility of rehabilitating employees Into olher positions. This matter wfll
~j:,;~: ',~' :":,:be addressed by the Pension Rewrite Committee.
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J{~i<,":'.", Charlie Dunn moved that 1) the two letters on John Welch be put In his file; 2) Secretary Laursen check to see
f;;;::,~":':'\' if Mr. Welch must file a new MRequest for Pension; and 3) a vote will be taken when he has contacted the two
:~~;(",..' '. ,:'doctors. The motion was duly seconded by Dave Krieger and carried unanimously.
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;~',/:~. :':. David Krieger read the names of the following employees to be approved for membership In the PensIon Fund:
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';i;\/,:.,,', 'Alison Johnson, Storeskeeper Public Works/WPC 2/2/87 2/2/87
~~\\"".':~::'Barbara Elgenmann, Clerk,Typlst II Clt~ Clerk 1/26/87 1/26/87
t~?>. ':<Tlmothy Treble, Police ,Officer Polrce 1/1 7/87 1/1 7/87
~~rO'''CharJie Dunn moved to accept for membership In the Pension Fund the three (3) employees Hsted above. The
iW:t~.~.,: ..::.'motlon was duly seconded by David Krieger and carried unanimously.
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Date of
eflg. Date
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~~,~.,'b: Pension AdvIsory CommUtee . February 6, 1987
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(:;",',:' . " Charlie Dunn stated the Pension Rewrite CommUtee had met earlier In the week. The consultant Is In the
H:':;~,: .,;. process of writing to about 20 different municipalities to check Into what types of pension programs they have.
~J';';",' y' This InformatIon should be received In the near future. The pension rewrite wllJ probably not be ready for Ihe
f.(/",' "voters by September. The consultant wilt soon have some wrItten language and cost factors to present to the
'~:'.' , "Committee.,
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~~:::.:., .',' Dave Krieger read the name of the following employee who must also be accepted Into the PensIon Plan:
~,;t::<:= ~1.'. ' , .
})::' , .><,' Date of . Pension
'~:~>.:, " EmploymQot l;IIQ. Date
~ --, l' .
'.,:.\: .'
~~~V:>,'.: Ronald Pullzotto. Storeskeeper Utilities/Gas 12/22/86 12/22/86
'e:<.,:' ':, :, Dave Krieger moved to accept for membershIp In the Pension Fund the one (1) employee listed above. The
r', :,:;':'. moUon was duly seconded by Charlie Dunn and carried unanimously.
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I~/'~;;;'" The meeting adjourned at 10:13 A.M.
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~:':,:"";': .~ Respectfully submitted,
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::,::.@ H. Michael Laursen
~; ~ :. . "', ': Personnel Director and
'6';', ,::,.',.Secretary, Pension Advisory Committee
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