':, n Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meetlng of January 22. 1987.
Charles Dunn. Chairman
John Nicholson, Member
David Krieger. Member
H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director
Deborah Lally, Personnel Department
CynthIa ClIman, Personnel Department
Nancy Degner, City Nurse
Miles Lance, Assistant City Attorney
Tina Wilson, Payroll Services Manager
The meeting was caf/ed to order at 9:32 A.M.
David Krieger moved to approve the minutes oUhe meeting of January 7, 1986. The motion was duly seconded
by John Nicholson and carried unanimously.
David Krieger read the mimes of the following employees to be approved for membershIp In the PensIon Fund:
Date of
Elig. Date
:,' MIchael Slake, WWTP Oper. Trainee Public Works/WPC 1 -19-87 1 -19-87
:~t, ~9, Dale Johnson. Maintenance Worker I Parks & Rec.lNursery 1 -1 9 - 87 1 -1 9 - 8 7
> .'" ' Charles Bushman, Pollee Recruit II. was denied membership In the Pension Plan due to a lack of cardiac
, , conditioning on his stress EKG. Dr. Karen Pennington, Doctor's Walk-In Clinic, recommended Mr. Bushman
enroll in an aerobic fitness program at his expense and have his stress EKG repeated In six (6) months In
, order to be re-evaluated for pension.
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John Nicholson moved to accept for membership in the PensIon Fund the two (2) employees listed above. The
motion was duly seconded by DavId Krieger and carried unanimously.
Charles Dunn moved to deny membership in the Pension Fund to Charles Bushman. The motion was duly
:::, ,~,sec nded b~ John Nicholson and carried unanimously.
," airman Dunn asked about the status of Walter Kosiba and Douglas Carey's requests for job-connected
dIsability pensIons. Secretary Laursen advised the Committee he had contacted both officers and supplied Ihem
with the names of several doctors from which to choose. Mr. Carey has not contacted him as yet, but he did
" hear from Mr. Kosiba. Mr. ~osiba agreed to see Dr. Hampton. The day before his scheduled appointment. Mr.
. Kosiba contacted Mr. Laursen and advised him that Mr. Singletary's secretary told hIm not to keep this
. appointment since it was up to Mr. Singletary to choose the doctor. Mr. Laursen stated this was not his
understanding. The minutes of the meeting reflect that the officers were to choose their doctor. However, the
. appointment was canceled, and he Is now waiting to hear from Mr. Singletary.
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\!,:,:,.:,:'\',:' David Krieger stated he also understood that the officers were to choose their doctors. It was his feeling the
',:". pensions should be granted due to the fact this is takIng too long and there is the "heart" bill to be considered.
,;':~:;. .. He moved to grant a job-connected-dlsability pension to both officers. The motion was not seconded.
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\;"A Chairman Dunn stated he feels the d.elays ~\hat occur ara not necessarily caus~d by the Committee or, the, City.
\\.;J The problems are due to the Inability to contact doctors and the fact that In effort to protect their clients.
~t,:i,,:,. . attorneys sometimes cause the process to be slowed down. ,
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DIscussion ensued regarding the possibility of granting the otflcers a non-jab-connected dlsablllty pension
with the stipulation that the Committee will continue to evaluate the cases to determine whether or not the
condltlons are lob-connected. The consensus of opinIon was to Investigate this possibility and determine
whelher or not Ihere Is any law that prohibits such an action. If It Is determIned this Is a viable solullon, the
Committee wlll exercise this op\lon In future cases.
Charles Dunn moved to (1) have MUes Lance contact Mr. Singletary to advise him of the CommUtee's decIsIon
and have the City Attorney make a determination as to its legality; and (2) approve a temporary non-job-
connected disability pension for OUlcers Kosiba and Carey with the understanding they will further evaluate
the slluaUon once the reports are received from the new doctors. The motion was duly seconded by John
Nicholson and carried unanimously.
Aahn Nicholson moved to do the same thing for John Welch. He was advised by Chairman Dunn that Mr. Welch's
letters were not updated. He withdrew his motIon.
The Committee considered the request of Robert Noonan for a lob-connected disabtllty pension. Mr. Noonan has
nat submitted letters from two orthopedic doctors. The letters the Committee received were the same letters
that Mr. Noonan submitted for a previous request. Nancy Degner, City Nurse. advised the Committee the latest
documentation she had was a CAT scan which showed no abnormallly and an unsIgned letter which was writlen
by a Or. Smith. This letter states Mr. Noonan can work.
Chairman Dunn asked that Mr. Noonan be advised that if he wants to pursue this matter, he must be examIned
by two orthopedic surgeons. When the letters are received, the Committee will again consider this request.
John Nicholson advised the CommiUee he had attended the recent meetlng of the Pension Rewrite Committee.
, . There will be a meeting on February 4th and February 20th. Chairman Dunn advised he would not be able to
. ,'; <0 attend the meeting on the 4th.
':'.' ' At this meeting, they reviewed the pension book. Secretary Laursen stated the actuary will check with other
, . governmental agencies regarding their plans, particularly pertaIning to disability pensions. They hope to have
':, some proposed language by February 20th for the Rewrite Committee to revIew.
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Chairman Dunn felt the Pension Advisory Committee's proposal regardIng approval of the non~job.connected
dlsabltlty pensions pending evaluation as to whether or not the disability is job-connected should be discussed
at the next meeting of the Rewrite Committee.
David Krieger was asked by another employee to present to the Rewrite CommIttee the Idea of havIng a
pensioner on the Pension Advisory Committee. John Nicholson stated he would bring Jt up at the PensIon
. Rewrite Committee meeting.
The Rewrite Comlttee also discussed whether or not the CIty's pension' plan is qualifiable. If so, they would like
to have It qualified. John Nicholson stated he Is not clear as to how Hils will benefit the employees.
The meetings of the Pension Advisory Committee for the month of February will be held on Friday, February
6th and Wednesday. February 25th.
The meeting adjourned at 10:12 A.M.
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;,;<D'H. Michael Laue! "
::': ;.:.. Personnel Director and
':,.', . Sec~etary, Pension AdvIsory CommIttee
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