01/07/1987 ,', ,\ .' .....1 . , \;;<',:': ': . !,' I'd: ,t!\\:: ' 8~.>. ~\>;'.' . ):; n Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting of January 7, 1987. \, I -,~. Present: " K:',. , t,>" , I," . 'il><P '\' ~'., ;j~ +'." ,A" . ':U'., ' ;, I': ' , /".:, " \~". . . , ;;1(.:: I . i~:,> H ,,:,' . \';', ;. l~~L, . Ifj::., . Charles Dunn, Chairman John Nicholson, Member H. MIchael Laursen, Personnel Director Deborah Lally, Personnel Department Cynthia eltman, Personnel Department Nancy Degner, City Nurse Miles Lance, Assistant City Attorney Tina Wilson, Payroll Services Manager Dan Deignan, Finance Director I ...... , ;.1 < C('t'.. . f'" ~; "',.,. ,The meeting was called to order at 9:51 A.M. .,J., . /J ~: : .... " '::~;:> ;',: ,John Nicholson moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 1 at 1986. ~~,": '::.,: seconded by Charfes Dunn and carried unanlIJ1ously. r', ~.. ~. ..'~ " .' . ','" . " , The motion was duly The Committee deferred approval of Charles Bushman, Police Recruit II, until they receive clar/rlcaUon from , ,.or. Narayan concerning the results qf Mr. Bushman's stress test. : ':'. ~ . ~~~{:,,::' :~ 1,',!,:,:'~",'.<:: ,Anthony Heyward, Irrigation SeNlee Worker I, was denied membershIp In the PensIon Plan due to possible ':'l,' ,,' swelling of the lymph nodes under both arms. ~.., ~ . fFO John Nicholson read the names of the following employees to be ap~roved for membership In the Pension Fund: ':'ii';:~', Date of Pension i~ I~' '. I ~~,;', . Employment Ell". Dat~ :~~~~>l ".. :' j\r~';;,;. ' ," Elizabeth Callahan, Secretary I :~~:~X':.' :>Frank Young, III, Storesl<eeper ~::'~.;~':/:"'"Lawrence Arnrelch, Sr., Water Dist. ~ii;::::.~"::" : Service Worker I Utilities/Water 12~29.86 12-29-86 H<:';'::"; Gary Lane, Meter Repair TechnicIan I Utilities/Water 1 2.22- 8 6 12- 22- 8 6 ~~:';i:::; :' 'Gary, Wissman, Communications Tech. Central Ser./Motor Pool 1 2~ 1 9 - 8 6 1 2 -1 9 - B 6 'J,\("',::":' 'Don March, Water Dist. Servo Wkr. I Utilities/Water 11 ~24-86 11-24~86 ~~?~ {:;:;, . Diane ,FitzGerald, Clerk Typist /I Libraries 1 2 ~ 2 9 - 8 6 1 2 - 29- a 6 ~;::;<,;::,:"Leland Bryant, Water Dist. Servo Wkr. I Utilities/Water 11-24-86 11-24-86 2~\:;>\"" Mark Petrie, Malerlals Tester Public Wks./Englneerlng 1 1 - 2 4 - B 6 11 - 2 4 ~ a 6 ~}:(,::.'" :. \ Coral Dawn lakin, Composer/Operator Central Services 1 2 -1 5 - 8 6 1 2 -1 5 - 8 6 .:~.':~>r:+':: ~..', . . ;{:;': ,':'." Charlie Dunn moved to deny membership to the one (1) employee listed above and accept for membership in ;ff;'~."',:',,)he ~enslon Fund the ten (10) employees listed above. The motIon was duly seconded by John Nicholson and ~;'f:;)i'.:'>.,~lcarrJed unanimously. ;i%V i-'" .~:., . ' Y.N:{\'(~:.' ;' Chairman Dunn asked about the status of Walter Kosiba and Douglas' Carey's requests for job-connected ~{;?"~::'>,,'.dlsablllty pensions. Miles Lance, Assistant City Attorney, stated the doctors have been contacted and have :'W::':: :" ,.'agreed to perform the examinations. He contacted Clearwater Cardiovascular Consultants (four doctors) who ~?~,~:';/ :,'>. agreed to do this with the understanding they would testify by deposltlon In their offices. It was suggested they '~~I;j;~::':::, also use Dr. Narayan who Is a cardiac specialist. This gives Mr. Carey and Mr. Kosiba five doctors from which ~/i~' '0 choose. Secretary Laursen will. contact the officers and give them the names of the doctors. When they pIck ~'D:~ their doctor, a leuer will then be sent to the doctors explaining what we would like them to do. '. ~~ld~;:\;\i. : \t.:jJ{~~,' .' .~:~:~~~;... . c ~~I'i!:.' " . ~~~}t'~/: ~. .' J.kJt;~ ':'.' : :, i/\)>..."'", , ~{;\\' ;", , . "~~~"",l . .... Police Fire 1~5-87 1-5-87 1-5-87 1-5-87 ~ '.' l~:. t~~1. :<.~c ..:,~,:.:<.~~. ~~ ',~' , ~ ~- .\....... "l~~~~i,~~~~\"":",.",,,;,":""'" '",,''''' if' I .; (' , " .... '.: Chairman Dunn advised the Committee there will be a meoting on January 12th regarding the status of the n pension rewrUe. '....ct,... Chairman Dunn stated he had spoken to Miles Lance concerning tho posslbllllY of awarding an employee a non. Job.connected dlsabllfly pensIon pending determlnallon as to whether or not the Injury was job.connected In Instances where there (s no questlon that a dlsabUlty exIsts. The reason tor this would be to give the employee some source of Income during the determination process. They both felt this would be a possibility. Dan Deignan, City Flnance Director, advIsed the Committee of a problem with the Clty.S. actuary, Ron Hirsch. In determining the amount 01' the cay's contrlbutlon to the pension fund for FV 1986, he reported the Clly would have to contnbute $1.4 million. It has since been determined the actual amount of the contribution should have been $2.4 mlnJon. Since Mr. Hirsch did not have a computer avallable to him In his office, he sent this out to another company. This Is where the error occurred. Mr. DeIgnan slaled the actual amount the City paid Into the fund was $2.1 million because they try to match the employees' contrlbullons. An enlry has already been made to make up the difference of $300,000.00. The Clly used last year's report to determine the amount of the contribution for FY 1987. An entry wtll have to be made to allow for the $500,000.00 discrepancy for this year. Mr Deignan reported the City Manager Is very upset over this and Is In favor of taking legal action agaInst Mr. Hirsch. The City Attorney feels aU we could recover would be the $6,500.00 fee paid to Mr. Hirsch, plus the fee of approximately $5,000.00 which will be paid to the new actuary to correct the problem. The new actuary hired by the City Is Ogle and Waters, Inc. Mr. DeIgnan expects their report by next week. ~J'. " ;, ~ j. ,":j , . ~.\ ',.. -, ':- I,.. ,:.1 "I", .., : ,- ~-;-~.~ <,' J:;! ~ .;.-'" .t-' \:~ ',\'; ...~~> . ~ I l/~ .,1" . The Committee felt the City should lake legal action to recover at least the fees paid In thIs matter. Chairman , , . Dunn feels the actuary used by the City should have the software and computers available directly to them and ,(,(') not have to send It out. :?-.' Mr. Deignan stated this matter will be presented to the City Commission for their decision as to whether or not to take legal action. "- '. , , ;~ ',' . The Committee considered the request of Worley Howard Cagle. Driver II, SanitaUon DivisIon, for a regular retirement pension based on years of service. Mr. Cagle has one child under the age of 18. His reUrement date Is January 15. 1987. Charles Dunn moved to approve Mr. Cagle.s request for a regular retirement pensIon. The motion was duly seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimously. Secretary Laursen advised the Committee Mark Brumage submitted a resignation effective January 2, 1986. John Nicholson asked whether he would still come before the CommUtes. The Nurse stated Mr. Brumage went to see Dr. Nach who stated he has an injured right shouler. No on-the-job Injury report has been flied with . ~er as of this date. .:~ . . .', ". The meeting adjourned at 1 0:21 A.M. ",' . Re~eclfully submllled, //-. :f' '~~:2~ccf---.. .:~;:" H. Michael Laurs~ lR. Personnel Director and .. ' . , Secretary. Pension Advlso Committee " . .' , ~ f . i" '~""'1. ""u'''' \:, "J:'::' ':.">' "" .: ~. .l q-" . . ,~~J , : I :;: ~, ;.:~. '. ; .~~. .