12/05/1986 Charles Dunn, Chairman David KrIeger, Member H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director Deborah Lally, Personnel Department Cynthia Cllman, Personnel Department Nancy Degner, City Nurse The meeting was called to order at 9:41 A.M. David Krieger moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 20, 1986. The motion was duly seconded by Charles Dunn and carried unanimously. o ProcGedlngs of the Pension Advisory Committee Moetlng of December 5. 1986. Present: J Charles Dunn read the names of the following employees to be approved for membership In the Pension Fund: Rnance City Clerk Library Pollee Pollee Utilities/Accounts Date of Employment 9-22-86 9-15..86 11~12-86 11-17-86 4-7-86 11-24-86 Pension ElIg. Date Karen Hath. Accountant II Jill Rowe. PUblfc Infor. Rep. I Elizabeth Gibbons, Ubrary Asst. I " Sandra Harriger, Clerk Typist 1 ::', ',a Shawna Service, Pol. Comm. Oper. Trainee \:",.b Amy Courtney. Clerk Typist II 9-22-86 9-15-86 11-12-86 11-'17~86 11-17-86 11-24-86 , Terrance laBelle, Water Distribution Service Worker I, UtUltleslWater, was denied membership due to high blood pressure. When his pressure Is, under control. he may reapply for membership. David Krieger moved to accept for membership In the Pension Fund the six employees listed above and deny membership to the one employee nsted above. The motion was duly seconded by Charles Dunn and carried .., un~n(mously. . j?haJrman Dunn stated a letter had been sent to Mr. Koslba's two doctors and Mr. Carey's two doctors regardIng lIthelr requests for Job-connected dlsabllty pensions. Two rssponses were received, one for each of the " employees. When the other two responses are received. a decIsion will be made on the next course of actton, depending on the Contents of the letters. Secretary Laursen stated an update on the pension rewrite Is expected shortly. possibly within the next week. David Krieger asked what the next step would be after the report Is received. The recommendations wJII be .. ',made avallable to the Pension Advisory CommIttee and the Pension Rewrite Commlt1ee for their opinIons. The , Legal Depatmant will rewrite what needs to be and it will then be advertised In order for the public to vote on \ , this.' It will probably not be ready for the next eJecllon In February. The meeting adjourned at 9:46 A.M. Respectfully, submitted, ::;::'bAt'Yn ,,,I1~ ,~,i.-:"" : H~ 'MJCh~eJ,fL=In( 1::"" :: ". ' Personnel Director and ~{':' '., Sec~e,ary, PensIon Advisory CommUtee ~~L',/:~ '~J":':" . ...\' ,