08/06/1986 ..~,~ :,'." ;. . l",~:f~~~',", .:. .-t."':>'! ....' ,;.) e: '. " ~ , ~i~~~':~:~'h ' \ ';t'.!''.: :,,' , " iA~:1'f" . fl~'~: PI'lICIIdt nos of the Pension Advllorv Co mmtttee I1GeU II\J of AllQuat 6, 1986, ,AI ~. ~'.' {t;)';,'-" "",' P...nt~ l~.,I;,:, ' ~"(~)i ~ -.'".1 ~~~}'::::',',,' , CherI" Dunn, Cheirman iJ::~:::< : David lCr1ever, Member h])'...' ';..' John N1cholaon, Member ~;.\.\>: ,~ ~'.I , .. H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director ~F.', ,: . C~nthie Cltmen, Peraonnel Depertment ~~,~,\, ~ ' Deborah Lellv, Peraonnel Depertment ~1;' . , Miles Lance, Misstent Cit\J Atwrne\l ~;;~':..' .,' E.J. RobtnlSOn, Amrmattw Action OffIcer ~~;i,> ::~d=;;:::~~rt~nt rir;:',,, '~~E~~~~::r:~ld~m ~:r;" ~~~ ~~:s :::~n'r.Je~rk Brumeqe 'l({J: :-', , ' WnUamWldner, ftre11ghter tf,~::-:,.... " Mrs. Widner ntS", Stove Zimmerman, GG$ Dtvbton ~~:~;0;,,': Denio) F~~, Weter Division 11!1/.,"" ":' " n~~~:~,:.:';: :{/ Tho meet1 rag 'd08 celled to order at 9:56 A.M. '1!,...'.' ',' ; , ~1:?}::):::>: Devtd' Kr.r rest the neRm OHM fol1wing emplo\IMS to be approved for membership in tho PeMion Fund: ~t~:;1;!;' " Em=:n\ ~ ~:::,~.:~~:.../t".:. ,": ' ~\:2~~:';>' . Frederic A~ Meiser, Dete Processtl'lQ: Trainee Centrel Servt~1 ,,~:/:~,:,~,>' :' Data Procession (r.~~.:~\.c~ ..~ ~ .' . v k~~;t~~~: :",:',>: wm~n Lee, Jr., Police Officer Police 6/23/86 6123/86 ~;?V"';":"< : Corol5chmidt ponto Officer Police 6/30/66 6/30/86 t,..l.-d"" " ,I. > , ~r;l~::;"!i:':J.curt1s Wal88r, Meint. Worker II Publtc Wks.JPub. Ser. 7/14/66 7/14186 F~:,\~i}',;(~,~,\; Unde Ruml1, Polfce Officer Police 9/30/85 9/30/85 ~1?2:-;\:;;~:(i:,';Brett WanJ~ Police Offfcer Polfce 9/30/85 9/30/85 M~~~J;':if/:';;Anfto Dantelo, Library Clerk Ltbrerlh 9/9/85 7/21/86 ~\tJ.~/,~~;')~\Cbarte lePrevost, fireflohter fire 6/16/86 6/16/86 ~l~;~i~:h': ~~=: reod the __of the follwt IlI/ emplo\lOlls ",ho oro bol"'l donlad ~mbol"$ht p 1 n tho Pensl.n PIon for tho t!~.~l;),:'>', ~ ; , ' ~f~:i';~/ ',7.,: Oonald MacMullen, Police Department, due to abnormal blood \'IOrk. When the eondition i~ C1)r~ted be mall reeppl!J. ~i~:rV:~:~;;~;~, ...,hfltenburoer, Centre) Services/MoWr Pool, due to 0 hernfa. He may also re.appl y W'hen his hernia fs corrected. ~Q: ';John NIcholson ~ 1ll occopt for ~mborshlp tho obove olVht ompl.~ ond donv ~mbol'3hlp 10 the other two omplo~, e:l~.,:\'~d.. . .,' IJJS~~~?;-;';:~;; , ..~~? ~',;?;- ~~$.1.;~ :!~/ ~:~~h/;~ ~~.... ( . l.. l' {f:o.t\<M?<f.. . ..~i ;'-;~r'" t'~~f' 1ii1Jl~~,~~iJ; :~~~~ ti, ) ~I:~'; -: 1.;~ .;.;.~ ~ii;,;\ I~~~';: ~,:"1 , , ~~.I.\.I.;~f!~"~ / / " \ // '~/ 'I ! 6/23/86 6/23/86 '. .',':.~.'; .;: " '., ,.'.,1 .: . " i ' ,'., ~, n I Tho motion Yh seeonded blJ David Krieger end carrled unani mo~l y. .. The Committee co~'dered the request of Mark Brumoge for a job-connected disobtlitV peMion. Robert Hosktn$1 attorney for ~. , Hr. BrumG98J qU8ationed the pr~ure for ,oth en epplica\ion. He stetbd he 'Was a\lllre thoy needed letters from t'w'o doctors. He submitted 8 lotter from Or. Richmond, tn 8dd1tton to the letton from Dr. l1J3ter end Dr. Logue. Mr. Hoskins stated Nr. ;" BrulM98 \i8$ injured in JulYI 19851 and 1m: been on ltOht duty over since that time. He Ilea requested a lateral transfer and i hos tested for manu poaitfoM. tie atated it 'w'Ould appear from all reporb thet Mr. Brum. cannot ~nttnue aa a pip8f1tter. "j;' ',::': ;,' >.: ~ '\'Cc',' , . ~ :'} ~l<1 ! ~ > . ~: ;'. I~. . Cherl03 Dunn asked Mr. Ho$kiM to reed the lettera from Dr. LflgtJe 'YMch *m to tndiC8te an incon,istenc\!. Chairman Dunn informed Mr. Hoskins he 'w'Ould conteet the threo docton to verify informatton cont~ined tn the letters. If ever\lthing1s aatfsfactorUJ they -.111 YOte at the next rneetf no on "'UQ~t 20th. Mr. BrurMgO 'w'e$ 9iven the opportunity to speek. He explained hov his injury occurred and related Dr. Logue advised hIm to seek emploljrnont t n another ltM of '-'Ort. He stated he hod teken about 20 tests \;iitb the City of CleaNflter and hfl~ tned to tnulSfer to another department. He"tated he ia w1111 no to drop from hi$ current pa~ ranq8 of 43 to 39 If necessary. He reloted his arm ~ injured when another emplovee grabbed him fnlm behind end ,,*renched hi$ arml t~rlnQ his rotor cuff. An injury report vos made the same day. Mr. Brurmoe stated he doe$ not see ~ he cen -wait for e trensfer. He hed tried to , traMfer to tilt Parb Division but theU 'iOuld not tilke him efter he8rtTllJ fl bad report. Terry Neonanl Gas Supert ntendentl ~ated thou had heel disciplinary problems 'tt'fth Mr. Brull1fIge at one time end he had reponed tllb to the Perks Superl ntendent -who 'w'O$ 01 reedy ware of this. Chtli rf'Mn Dunn stt.ted once .in they 'WOuld chock 'With doctors and try to gct a more preche letter from Dr. logue. David " Krl.r \1m check tnto the ~ibi11ty of Mr. Bru~ ~rk1h\1 olswMre. They..",m try to get th1s done by the meeting of August 20th. The Commit1eo COMtdered once 89cin the reqtmb of Henry WriQht and Robert Dudley for non- job-connocted dlsabl1ttu pensions. Since no ne'w' le~rs 'fie"' ~ived from tile ~pec1albb lt3 req~ted by the Commttttee, the Committee took no action 1n these mattef'3. They...m be considered at the MXt meeting {fthe letter, 'ere received. j,"' f:':; ',,:.' The Committee consfdered the reqUtSt of Wolter Kostbal Police Officer, for 8 job~connected dfsebtHty p8fl$1on. Two letters ~:':' ".., , ," : from Men ,pecieli,t ~teted he should retire on disab11ity pension. John Nicholson stated the letter from Dr. Spoto doe! oot ~}:,,' i','. attto Mr. Ko:rtba fl3 permanently di$ebled. The lettef'$ do Mt ,tete 'Whether the hetJrt condition is 'WOrk related. :~ 1 ~ ' ..' .' ~_ I ~ ' :;,;::",,-, " . ':Chairmen Dunn informed Hr. Kosiba they could vote on tho inforrmtion before ttNlm or ello.". htm the opportunitv to return :;f, \);,.:',:" ': ~ '18 ~tor for another letter. Tho mambo" decided to vote on the t nforl'Mtfon thay !led. ~c;p/' I:',; ":,,: ' 'David Kr1eqer moved to 8'Werd Wolter KO$tba a non- jOb-t'Onnectcd disability pen,ion 1 n,tee<i of t~ jOb-connected d1~bi\1tlJ ?';' 'u, .. ,he 'fia8 requesting. The motion 'alaS secoOOed and earned unanimously. -:~'.:>~. I~~ .::. ' .', ' , Mr. Kosi be atated he -...ill coh3ult ..nth an attorney. ,,' !. '\.. )~;I ::..~. " ".!.. ....~' .' ffh ,;..', ~Z:: '.~~ >~ ,\'.;, :I,.::::~ ~, ~~, ~:~~ j;:J; . ~. ~. I '. ~ ~ ,\ ,";'<' :. '~.I I,;Y! ....., !::..' ~ :;; ThtJ Committee considered the request ofCMrles HUiJhes for e retirement pen~ion. Mr. HlJqhes \or'M hired on 4-17-63 end ", ': 'i111 MfQn as of 1- 30-87. ~ bl~1 CheirI'Mn Dunn moved to approve Hr. Hughes req~t 10r retirement Pftosion. The moUon ~ S!conded by Dovfd Krieger and , , ctirrfed unant moU$l y. r; ;'. . t',;') :', " The Committee conatdered the request of Willtam Widner 1 Ff refighter, for e job-connected diS8bilitu pen~lon du~ to a beck . ~-;--., ~',':." injur~. Chairman Dunn informed Hr. Widner that John N1cholaon 'rim check .".Uh the doctors to veritv informction it:- " conttltncd tn tho le<<e~. If ever~h1fl91a in prnper order, the Committee '-'Hl vote at the next meeUno of AUQU$t 20th. ;.~~:~,~.(<: .,'." ~":;' ',: The Commflte$ considered the req~t of OOMld $'.11m, Firefighter. for a job-connected di38btlfty pension. Richerd ~:;',:O',Grtea1nger, attorneUI ves pmont to repmont Mr. 5\ftm. Mr. Grle$inver atated Mr. S~fm hll$ a herniated disk ~hiC~ :;:~: . (,", " r\:,I~ t.: . ~f(';:;. , ,.., '.I>~,<~ : \ :~, \. ~j \ r, \ \rJ , ! ~ \-~ ' \ t (Y' '<\ ....):\ v I, " .1, , '~l 1\ t", \ . ~ ~.' f\-" ,. \ . .. (' !/.~ . f::;"'~' <" ~. "J' \ ':t.~.. . q~' ~~;':~ . )','" . I:~"' . .' ~.~~'. '. "> occurred In Februer\1 of this lJDtf. They only !led e letter from one doctor. Chairmen Dunn informed Hr. Gri~il\Qer i1 he could get M lettera to John Nfoholson, he 'Wnl check into them $0 thi, couJd be voted on ot the next meeting. The Commit. coMidered tho ~ue!t of Judi Acker, Police Of11cer, for (l job-connected dl$abnny pe~ton. Lorry J8CO~, attorney, \i4a pment to repment Mr8. Acker. (/.~:::' Chairman Dunn stlted they hove elettor from one doctor. Hr. Jccob$ submitted another letter, but this letter did not stete ", :: Mfa. Acker fa permanent) U disabled. He 'W111 00 back to the doctor end try to oot another letter at 'Whtch time he 'w'fll submft ~'::,tt to tho Comm1~. Mr. Jacobs el~ submitted M note$ from fellw officers atettno they 'WOuld not W'ent to depend on Mrs. 'i,:r" Acker in anu situation since she 1m e herd time deolinQ 'With her job. ~ :' ' ;:'),",' Mr. Jacoba stated 8CCOrdtng to tha doctors MN. Acker is sufferlll9 from postMtraumattc streaa disorder. She olso suffers (,; ,','from hlVh blood p~ure. Chairman Dunn asked Mr. Jaco~ ffthls condltton...111 ~ntlnlJ61fshe h~ removed from her '" ' 'preaentemptofjment. Mr. Jecobs steted she must ~ntinue 'With therapy end ~ not knw. I~. . . ;, ' Chetrmen Dunn informed Mr. Jacobs ff he 'w'Ould submit more documentotion, he 'WOuld have John Nichol$on take C8re of this /':, " 'matter before the next meetJDg. Mr. J8c0bs sta~ he yould contett the docto'r end try to get something more specific from ";, Mm. If not, it 'w111 f'efMln ea it b. t:.::,::: ' ff,':;:,'; , " '.Chairmen Dunn ~ked Mrs. Acker ifahe had anything to Mtj. She stated her doctor informed her she 'w'Ould et'Wsy! have a }~,,;,' ;:' ' , "Jumpy.1eel1QG but some of hDr other problems should be relieved. f:~.~: ~~. , >:' :- b{,:' ""; ':', "Chairmen Dunn ateted the PeMlan Rwnte Commlttte heactl1'le up 'dith ten or tw'elvo items tbaV ",ould like to chango In the ~\,,:,:; .: ' pension plen 8$ G mult ofthofr mootfnoa. The ('1tQ has hfred e consultent to took into tbe~ chsflge$. The Committte ...,111 r;?;\:,..<, thon meet \lith the compen..,. Rec:ommend8t1ons \0111 00 to the Commbaion end then to the votet"$. After this. the Rewrite j~> ;<:," ~mmittce Yill meet veerl.., to keepabreest ofeRY ehe.., tMt mev be ~ry. " (. .~...t... . . - c ~;~{(:}ioanfel fauaz. Water Diyt~ton, spoke In ~rd to e memo he received from Mr. Leu~n. He $&td it 'WaS tho fi~t he knw ~~~;:;'Y"":,, anytlrlno about haytno been dented I'Jl(Imbership in the Pension Plan. ApparentllJ, he had been denied member'$hip beeo.use of ~;W<i/:, /,hfgh blood pressure Gnd uncontrolled diabetes. He ,teted he doe$ not heY8 high blood pfe$Sure becoU3e he is e certified diver r:~;~r.'.,l;..> ondcould not be 1f he had high blood prmuro. He elso stated his dlebem rm been under control since its o~t. He 'W'tInted to ft>/,}:}:::kM'o&' ~hat he youtd heYe to 00 to mpply for membenhlp. ~'l c, '...., ' , ~~;,:::'>,</Cha1rlMn Dunn fnformed hfm M 'w'Ould heve to 00 beck to the Doctor's WalkMfn Cl1nfc end be r8Mexamfned at his experm. He W<'::":,,,:,,;:, tuogemd to Mr. fallR that he teke alo00 'With hfm a letter from hl~ doctor stating he does not have high blood p,-es,ure and ~~~,;::'s:""< hi$ dtGbetea is t&ntrolled. After his examiMtfon, he can reappl V for mambershl p 'w'htch \rim be effective the date llppl1cetfon , i~, : :", 11 mecN ~rt:: : ,.::':;~' -: . r~:,;,;,~,.",': ~!ha meetf no adjourned et t 0:32 A.M. {.:\;,~, ~'Respectfuny $ubmitted, f\1i":,,;" ~.L ::,",-<: ~'~.::.tt ~IC~l~~n L':,~>:, ,', ';' Peraonnel Of rector and ,,\, ,,' (:.,:", " $ecretarv, Pemfon Advisory Committee ~t:,'",:,:,:"" !.:~~:~ ~ .:-:\.. t~~~i>.~:' ~ :-', . ~?'r'(", : ~L"O (~~ ... : " ' Jj~,: ~ .' < f!1\" " t~:t;)~(::; r~" , .. " ;>;!.,~>:::,:,':,; :: ~.r'~)'~. ~~. . ~~J~('1;)~~:~, . .... '. ~?':'~:~,:,:,.:' :":': ~":,,'.,, ; :':",",:,X't