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Palsion 1\dvisory Canmittee f.Beting of July 2, 1986.
-'. ,
Cmrles Dunn, Chainnan
John Nicholson, Meml:er
David Krieger, Member
H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director
Nancy Oe3ner, city Nurse
Cynthia eHman, Personnel Department
Bob Oavidson, Fire Chief
Nick LEwis, Fire M:lrshal
Richard Griesinger, Attorney for steve Varner
Steve varner, Firefighter
Chris Kingsley, Fire Inspector
stuart Rosenblum, Attomey for Chris Kingsley
John Welch, Police Oepartn'ent
Mrs. Welch
ctairman Dunn convened the neetirg.
Dav id Krieger roved that the minutes of the rreeting of June 4, 1986, be approved
a~ submitted. The motion was seconded by John Nicholson and carried
~animously .
" ,
John Nicholson read the names of the follcwing anployees to I:e approved for
membership in the Pension FUnd:
Date of Palsion
Employment Elig. Date
Daniel Ranano, Meter Repair Tech. I Uul.Mater 6/2/86 6/2/86
Dooglas Pulver, ~hanic II Cent. Serv./
M*.or Pool 5/27/86 5/27/86
Michael Jack,son, Maint. Wkr. I ParkS & Rec./
Nursery 7/25/84 6/30/86
Jooi th AJrend, Clerk TypistI Police 6/2/86 6/2/86
Gary , J~. Coffey, Electrician Traf f lc Eng. , 6/9/86 6/9/86
~ul A. Banderson, Electrician Tmffic Erg'. 6/16/86 6/16/86
"The Pension Advi sory Corom! ttee considered Chris Kingsley's request for a
job-connected di sablli ty pension. Stuart Rosenblum, attorney for Chris
Kingsley, related background of Mr. Kingsley injuries. He questioned the
Pension Advisory Canmittee as to whether Mr. Kingsley could be canr:elled to Cb
something other than the job he was hired to do and is qualified to ro. Ie
stated unless Mr. 'Kingsley retires re will lose ~ of his benefits and his
certification as a firefighter.
Chairman Dunn informed Mr. Rosenblum he would need a letter to verify this
information. Mr. Rcsenblum subnitted copies of the Florida statutes relating to
this. Firefighters must pass a test every two years to nBintain their
certifidltion. Mr. Kingsley would be unable to pass a test with his knee
, injury. I
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PE!1sion Advisory Canmittee
July 2, 1986
Secretary Laursen stated for the record Mr. Kingsley is a certifed Fire
Inspector not a Firefighter.
Discuosion ensued regarding letters fran the different doctors concerning Mr.
I<ingsley and what he would be required to 00. Mr. Kingsley was questioned as to
what he would lave to 00. lia stated the job would require him to bend and squat
which would be injurious to his Jmee.
John Nicholson expressed his corx::ern regarding Mr. Kingsley's certification.
Chief Davidson stated Mr. Kingsley would lose his Firefighter's certification
b~t not his Fire Inspector certification. John Nicholson stated that Mr.
Kingsley would lose sane J:enefits.
Chairman Dunn qu=stioned Fire Marshal Larlis as to whether bending and squatting
are involved in this job sin::::e Dr. Osher, the physician to whan the City sent
Mr. Kingsley, specifically stated in his letter that Mr. Kingsley should not
be nd or squa t . Mr. LEwis stated there is sane bending and squatting but it is
hard to say loti I1lU:l h.
David Krieger rroved to approve the DaqUest of Chris Kingsley for a job-connected
di sabi Ii ty pension. The motion was seconded by John Nicholson and carried
unanimously. Too effective date will 1:e July 2, 1986. , ~
The Committee considered the requests of Robert Van 9\101 and Jack Elder, ~ ,
Firef ighters, for regular retirement pensions. Ctairman Dunn m:wed to approve -Re:Ct
the reqoosts for regular p3Ilsion for Rd:>ert Van SWol and Jack Elder. 'roo notion ~
was seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimcusly.
The committee considered the reqoost of Rebert Dudley, Sanitation Division, for
anon-jab-connected disability pmlsion. The Camnittee reca1llIE!1ded Mr. D.1dley
'see a rone specialist l:efore they consider this requ::st.
Secretary Iaursen asked the effective date of Mr. Kingsley's pension be changed
to a date to be computed by Payroll and Personnel after the expiration of all
his benef its under Option 2 of the Pension Plan. John Nicholson 1t'C1I1ed to
approve this request. The motion was seconded by David Krieger and carried
Mr. Dudley should see two orth:>pedists not practicing together. After (bing so,
the carmittee will consider this reqrest.
Chairman Dunn stated Henry Wright also needs to have letters fran two
specialists. Wban they are received, the Carmittee will consider his request.
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,The Committee considered the request of steve varner, Firefighter, for a
job-connected disability };Ension. Mr. Varner 'laS examined en Jme 22, 1986', by
'Dr. Greenberg. Letters from all doctors stated Mr. Varner is petmanently
: disabled and cannot perform the duties of a Firefighter.
Pensioo Advisory ccmnittee
July 2, 1986,
John Nicholson moved to approve the request of steve Varner for a jcb-cxmnected
,disability pension. The motion was seconded by David Krieger and carried
unaninnlsly. The effective date will be July 2, 1986.
The Committee considered the request of Mark Bnmage for a job-oonnected
disability pension. Reference was made to a letter fran Dr. Lo3ue. The
Chairman asked secretary Iaursen to infonn Mr. Bnmage he needs to have letters
from two doctors.' If the letters are received, they will consider the request
at the next neeting.'
The committee considered the request of John Welch, ~lice Officer, for a
job-cmnected disability pension. cminnan Dunn informed Mr. Welch re will need
updated letters from his doctors. Two letters are required and the Cbctors
cannot t:e in the same practice.
Mr. Welch explained a little about his illness"and what transpired.
Too neeting was adjourned.
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