05/07/1986 .'1.' C':, '~. ",/ '? " . . y ~... .' III '.' ~ . ~ ~ .- l"'~ \ k.'.' ." t;,,. , , ;1; ":F".~. ;b';.?!: , ,'/,'1 ;:,: I !~\:,., > 1.. ' t,,\\;.~. ' :~~? ..t~: ' ;;~':;,,' " ':11;:;' ,', ',: ".I.~. '~ : )\/::,", , ,':,,,, .. ~,V.:; ': . "<JY :~~;:i: . ~1;.~.~~~~'{::. . ';, . ~::~'V:j.~' '....,: ,f~~t';,:',: ' ;~S'I;,/"-:": , ' ~\'".' : '\k(:" ,', . ~\)i;;i/ "F, , . ~~~~!:,' ~C',;',," fit;.:..; '~. ~. " :"'!~ : :. .' 'J:. , ':' .. .r:..:;, ",' ': ':~~'. . '. ' ;h:>' ~~~'~~~~. " : I~i,',;: ~I~~~>': ..' . 1.;}cr>I, , . ;IN~:;';,-", . 't"~,:\)',;I- .'.; }i~.f ~,~l'\\/" ~fl~~~~&~~~:i. C.~'/ ' .., ~.: Pension Advisory oommdttee Meeting of May 7, 1906. Present: Olarles Dunn, Chainnan Oavid Krieger, Manber John Nicholson, Met:nb!r H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director Cynthia eHman, Personnel Department Deborah Lally, persoonel Department Tina Wilson, Finance Department Nancy Degner, city Nurse D:>b Davidson, Fire Chief Richard Griesinger, Attorney for Thanas Pearson Thanas Pearson, Firefighter Charles Kolinski, Firefighter Chris Kingsley, Fire Inspector Chairman Dunn convened the meeting at 9:37 A.M. Oavid Krieger moved that the minutes of the meeting of April 16, 1986, be approved as submitted. The nntion was seconded by John Nicholson and carried unan!toously. / ./' // ./ John' Nicholson read the names of the following employees to be approved for nenl:ership 'in the Pension Fund: Date of Pension ~loyment , Elig. Date Del:orah Patterson, Meter Reader I Utilities/ 9/30/85 4/14/86 Accounts Edward Burke, Survey Aide I Public Works 4/28/86 4/28/86 Engineering James 'Seyloour, Chemical pesticide parks & Rae. / 4/21/86 4/21/86 Supervisor Nursery Kelly O'Brien, Drafting Tach. I Utilities/Gas 9/23/85 4/22/86 , James Harris, Survey Aide I Public Works/ 4/ /28/86 4/28/86 Engineering Olarles R. Kindred, Mechanic I Central Serv./ 4/28/86 4/28/86 Motor Pool William D. BrCMn, Maint. Wkr. I Parks & Rec. 4/28/86 4/28/86 Dennis Allen, Electrician Traffic Bog. 4/21/86 4/21/86 James Potts, III, Maint. Wkr. I Traffic. Eng. 5/5/86 5/5/86 Rayroond NisJd, Police Caml. Oper. Police 7/8/85 4/28/86 Trainee 'David Krieger moved to approve the ab:>ve anployees for rrenl:ership. 'Ibe notion WlS seconded by John Nicholson and carried unanimc:lUsly. ~' .." ;':~~ .~ '(I.' ~: . . " ~. .' ' I' , ;f';.., : " ' '0" ~"(' ..". , :')' I' ~ ,~~\ ~ C,'1 :: '. ,:;"",~ .'~....J ,', ,~; " :: ' ~~ ~':< ' '~r~~ ,.',:. : . .'~ . ",. ., ~ > :.': .', I < ',' ., i',.+.. , :(..'" : ' :\' ~ ',: I ~ ~'\:. ~ ti.f:.... ~ ~.. ~';."c ,:" .', '. ~ ,\ . .~! .;L ~:~';; '. ... , ~k:~ (: :~ .' '. ~ ,. , '. ~ .. '. ~,. " , , . ,.j" 'I'c: .', ..- I' ~.'c- , ,'. ': , ~;:\e~tl, ~>'. .~:: ,,',', ',.. - l;'c, . ~~ < " .", ," ('j~, ~lt~.: .' iro;'\~.. '~ · t.~: ' ' ~;;,,>,,:. , },:',," ',,', ~~t,:~,,,,,,,,:,:, ~~{;:: '. Pension Advisory Carmittee -2- May 7, 1986 The Comm! t tee con s i dered the reque s t of 'lllanas Pearson for a job-oonnected. disability pension. Richard Griesinger, attorney for Mr. Pearson, presented the COmlittee with two letters fran Mr. Pearson's Chctors. Chs i rman Dunn questioned Mr. Griesinger as to whether or not he had any CXJ1l1'ents to make regarding Mr. Pearson's pension. Mr. Griesinger made no c:x::mrents. Chairman DWln gave Chief Bob Davidson and 'Ihanas Pearson an opportunity to make any C'CII1TeJ1ts concerning this request. Neither party had anything to say. Chairman Dunn stated he spoke with Dr. Arxlriola and inspected the ladder at the Coast Guard Station where the second injury occurred. Secretary Laursen asked that the record reflect what letters were ~ing considered. One was fran Dr. Michael Andriola, dated April 21, 1986, and the other was from Dr. william R. Greenberg, dated April 9, 1986. Both letters stated that it was the opinion of l:oth d:>ctors that Mr. Pearson is pennanently disabled due to a back injury incurred while on the job and is unable to perform the duties of a firefighter. His q:>inion was the ~C,; "'P ' A vote was taken as to ~ether or not to approve Thanas Pearson I 5 request for a ,j job-oonnected disability pension. 1be reqt.Est was approved' unanim:msly. There was also a letter frcm Dr. Beard, a chiropractor. same . Chairman Dunn questioned whether anything had been received on Willie Billups. Secretary Laursen presented the ccmnittee with a copy of the legal opinion in this matter, together with certified copies of birth oortificates. Accx>rding to the Legal Department, Mr. Billups is eligible for a pension 1:ecause he i.bes have ten years of service with the City. David Krieger questioned why there were three birth certificates when only cne child belongs to Mr. Billups. Secretary Laursen explained that Mr. Billups sul:mitted all three b.lt realizes only one child \ooUuld re c::onsidered. ,Chairman Dunn stated they ~uld make no decision until a follow-q;> letter is received fran Mr. Billups I Cbctor when the period of healing is over. Secretary Laursen asked who the (betars ~re so he c::ould contact than in an effort to expedite this matter since Mr. Billq>s is without any incane. Chairman Dunn stated according to the Cbctor there was a slim chance the ann would heal. Chairman Dunn stated there \lUuld be no problem with approval as long as the oondition is detennined to ba r-ermanent. The Committee considered the request of James Cutts for a non-jab-connected disability pension. t, ,\ )" ~ " , , , " , ' . ,.' : ~ '. ': :-i'I'Q' ", i:( \', ' I-~.', ~' . "(1 " 1!~L:-<:, :~;:><:: :~ s ., . ; . of' ~ . :",:.: ;- , ~. .' ....... .. ~"I '. , :~. ~.' ' ;'/'1 E,~,:~':." ~, : ,.' .,,- J ,,~~ ~:.: . " , ,~ " ,::! ~,,' ~,: . -~J ~',:l.- " :):~~:.., . ~ . I'. ' ,'\. " '."':. ~ i . ~'. " " ., , ,,', .. ~ . : r~ .. t~;;: ' ~~:;O' ~~>. . ~it:.. . ~ .. Pension Advisory COmmittee -3- May 7,1986 Chair:nsn Dunn reported that Secretary Laursen wrote to Dr. Victor Gamb:me and Or. Rayxrond Hansen. Chairman Dunn received a response fran toth cbctors. It is the opinion of 1:oth Cbctors that Jarres Cutts is permanently disabled due to high blood pressure, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulIronary disease. He is Wlable to return to \>tOrk. "J::> 10.G A vote was taken as to whether or not to approve Jarres cutts' request for a . non-job-oonnected disability pension. '!he reqoost was approved unanimously. The Corom! ttee considered the reqmst of Charles Kolinski for a job-connected disabili ty pension due to an injury to his ear incurred ~ile diving for the Fire Department. Mr. Kolinski gave his letters to Secretary Laursen. Chairman Dunn stated he spoke to Mr. Kolinski's doctors. 'Ihey feel Mr. Kalinski's disability is permanent. He suffers fran dizziness, cannot drive a car, etc. Mr. Kolinski voiced his thanks to the City for the expense incurred for cperations to correct his problan. Two letters were received from Mr. Kolinski's chctors. One letter was fran Charles Dykstra and the other was fran lL>ren J. Bartels. Both letters state it is the opinion of the doctors that Mr. Kolinski's inner ~ problem is pennanent. He is considered permanenUy and totally ctisabled. Secretary Laursen stated for the record the injury occurred in October, 1984, while scuba diving on the job. y:;p A vote was taken as to lIihether or not to approve Charles Kolinski's reqoost for a job-exmnected disability pension. '!he req\Est was approved unanimously. John Nicholson infonned the Caunittee that birth oortificates for Mr. Kolinski's three children were also submitted showing the birthdates of Karen Marie as 12-6-75, ,Kevin Janes as 3-19-74, and Ki.m1:erly Ann as 1-26-78. The commi ttee considered the request of Chris Kingsley for a job-ronnected disability pension due to an injury to his left knee incurred while on duty as a Fire Inspector. Mr. Kingsley presented the Cam1i.tt.ee with letters fran his doctors. Chairman Dunn asked him ,what his job was. He stated he was a Fire' Inspector and his duties inc11.Xle making fire inspections and helping in arson investigations. Mr. Kingsley explained ha.rl his injuries occurred. 'lhe first time was July 26, 1985, at which time he filed an accident report and was sent to a doctor. He saw Dr. wilson at Dr. Barrett's knee clinic. After treatment, it progressively worsened. In December, 1985, they operated on his Jmee. During an arson investigation he injured his knee a second time while climbing a ladder. 'It1e doctor suggested he have an operation \oJhich probably would not work or retire fran his job. " . . ~ .. .. .'~' (" ,. ~I ~: ..< ~I;.. ;~. .' '~I", r'" . ' , ,. " ~. ( : ' .' '-'j:;':,',: ;< I';' ,'.. : ~ .. >.' . / ' I>~ ' ~ :" , . ' r~', ). .;\. :.... ." ~l::,::: ,', ;~~r'::"'-::, ' i:" r.': :r; :" . ~='~ :: .' . ',';. ' 'd' "."0'" Ie.., " .'1" ,to "I- ~0!;':> ,:'::: ....~,.".:".. , . ",".d":,' , .1): =:l.' '.s" ,. " ~: ~:l':~ ~,~ . ~,:~..... ~:., .' .. :;?~~:: I :'/, , ' 1'~,: ,: '. c ' l.r. , ~?~:c:.< , ~j,:,;; ;, ~. ,. .. , . ;":.,.",,1 . ;~':~..:< .', ;:':~'I :'/ - . "". '...' . ~, A , " -;" .. ~~ " . ~. ~ :~~;, ., 'l ~ > ..,~, '~, t, :... > I,.', ...'< - " <, ... E~<;" ,~,~"'. ~~!.Q , j\......-.',;,. c t;:'::: .,,'.: \, J!';:i'~/' , ~(JJ'?)" ; ~;n"": ~"b...,;! . ;~~~i\:" ~.:q , I w -... pension Advisory Cannittee -4- May 7, 1996 Discussion ensued regarding what duties Mr. Kingsley oould and could not perform. Secretary Laursen questioned Mr. Kingsley as to whether or not he could perform inspections of single-story bJildings where no climbing was required. Mr. Kingsley stated it was difficult for him to perform his present duties due to the inrrobility of his knee. Secretary Laursen stated Dr. Nach's letter reflects the patient appears to be disabled and there may be neasures to take that will improve the situation. Mr. Kingsley stated he went back to Dr. Barrett after seeing Dr. Nach. Secretary Laursen reminded the Ccrnnittee of another employee fran the Service Division who requested a disability pension bIt returned to w;)rk when the department agreed to give him a job where he did not have to m:we appliances or do heavy labor. He feels the camdttee should ronsider this type of action in the case of Mr. Kingsley. Chairman Dunn asked Mr. Kingsley if he \<<>uld cxmtinue to w:>rk if he did not have to perform arson investigations and similar tasks that would put pressure on his leg. Mr. Kingsley said he lrPuld if it did not cause harm to himself or others. Mr. Kingsley stated the roctors feel he should have a desk job where he has the freedom to m::>ve at regular intervals. John Nicholson stated any other job WJuld have to 00 within the Fire Departm:mt. Mr. Kingsley informed the Committee that the doctors do not feel he could perfoDll the duties of a firefighter, his original position. Chairman Dunn infooned Mr. Kingsley the rext xreeting WJuld l:e held on Wednesday, May 21, 1986, at 9:30 A.M. Discussion ensued regarding the ERISA, a law which requires the return of five percent on all future contributions to the pension. Chairman Dunn asked Secretary Laursen to get a copy of the law. Chairman; Dunn infonned the Camlittee that in regard to an escalator clause, the standard that is used is normally the Consurrer Price Irrlex with a ceiling. Secretary Laursen informed the Ccmnittee the escalator clause was discussed at the last Pens,ion Re-wri te Canmittee meeting. An escalator clause would nore than double the' o:lOtributions per ,year. I}be maeting adjourned at 10: 27 A.M.