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P~ceedings of Pension Advisory aommittee Meeting
Present: Charles Dunn, Chairman
John Nicholson, MernJ:er
David Krieger, Man1:er
Barbara weston, Finance Department
Nancy De:Jner, city Nurse
Cynthia Climan, Personnel Deparbnent
Deborah Lally, Personnel Deparbnent
February 19, 1986
~;,\, .. Sandra SnaIl, Motor Pool
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,; . Chairman Dunn called the rreeting to order at 9: 37 a.m.
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John Nicholson moved that the minutes of the io~ebruary 5, 1996, rreeting be
approved. M::ltion was seconded by David Krieger and carried unanirrously.
David Krieger called off the names of the following new employees to re
approved for nenl:ership in the Pension Fund:
Date of
Pension Elig.
Robert Batten, Maintenance Worker I
Holly Ausanio, Secretary II
Ralph Rc::Me:, Senior Electrician
Central Serv. /
City Clerk
Traffic En:;J.
The Carmittee approved the aOOve anployees unanirrously.
The Commi ttee reviewed a naoorandum fran Cindy eHman, Personnel Department,
regarding two employees who had been approved by the Trustees erroneously.
William Lawson, )farine Department, is over the 45 years of age limit~ and John
L1aunet, Parks and Recreation, is a part-ti.Ire employee. The CCmnittee directed
the City Ccmnission b3 ootified in order to oorrect this at their next [Meting.
They also requested a letter be sent by Personnel to ~e ~ ~lo~s
ootifying them that they are not eligible for the pension plan.
The Committee also received a memorandum concerning John Johnson, Water
Pollution Control, who had l:een approved by the Trustees as Jaroos A. Johnson.
The Committee directed the city Cannission b3 ootified of this in order to
approve him under the cx>rrect narre.
Chairman Dunn qtEstioned whether or rot Mr. We.iITer, Assistant city Manager, had
given the Personnel Director a date for the first neeting of the Pension
Rewrite Committee. If the ('.armi.ttee is oot ootified of the date by Friday,
February 21, 1986, Mr. Dunn will write a letter to Anthony Shoemaker, City
Manager .
Chairman Dunn questioned Barbara Weston, Finance Department, aOOut whether or
not Payroll would be willing to explain to tenninated anployees what their
,rights are regarding their ~nsion. One thing they want the anployees to knOW'
is that their monies nay l:e left in the fund if they are going to arbitration
in an attempt to get their job backs. Barbara Weston stated the Payroll
,Division will do this.
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Pension Advisory Carmittee Meeting
February 19, 1986
The Cannittee unanirrously approved the letter (ropy attached) fran the Doctor's
Walk-In Clinic to the Safety Department outlining the requirements for physical
Discussion ensued regarding a memorandum fran M. A. Galbraith, Jr., City
Attorney, concerning the length of a carmissioner's term as a Trustee of the
Pension Fund. The committee consensus was they agree with Mr. Galbraith's
memorandum of January 30, 1986, in that rranoors of the city Ccmnission shall
serve as Trustees of the pension Fund as long as they shall hold the office of
City Commissioner. A motion was nade by Chairman Dunn and seconded by Mr.
Nicholson that the pension Advisory carmittee agrees \tlith the City Attorney
tha t Itembers of the City O::mni.ssion shall serve as Trustees of the Pension Fund
as long as they hold the office of City Commissioner. It was carried
The Chairman recognized Sandra Snall, Motor Pccl. Ms. SnaIl was anployed by
the city of Clearwater as a full-time Mechanic Trainee on June 10, 1985.
Through an oversight on the part of Dr. Jdmson's office, Ms. Srrall's physical
examination form was not received by Personnel until recently. She has since
been approved for pension and her eligibility date has been nade retroactive to
June 10, 1985. HCMever, no oontributions on her part have l::een paid into the
fund to this date.
The Chairman stated to Ms. Small that it is his understanding that the
effective date of her pension will t:e June 10, 1985, and the city will put
their contributions into the fund retroactive to that date. However, he
directed Personnel to find out \'tlat happens to the rronies the anployee \\QuId
normally have contriooted to the fund. Each individual's pension is determined
by the amount contributed to the fund on behalf of that individual. He
ques tioned whether or not the city ~uld p3.y these trOnies on behalf of Ms.
The Chairman asked Cindy Cl.i.m3.n to investigate this rratter and to send a letter
to Ms. Small after she obtains the infonnation. Cindy Clirnan will draft the
letter. and present it to the Carmittee at the next n-eeting.
John Nicholson questioned \tA1ether or not the educational incentive m:::mey is
used for computing pensions for firefighters as it is for police officers.
Barbara Weston will cneck into this matter.
Barbara Weston will send out a nanorandum to all departments regarding the
pension plan for terminated employees stating this procedure (notifying
employees of their rights) has teen approved by the Pension 9~isory Ccmni.ttee.
John Nicholson questioned \J1at the procedure was regarding the Pension' Fund
election. Chairman Dunn appointed Mr. Nicholson to head the election
cx:mni.ttee. It was suggested he o::mtact Carole Greiner for infonna.tion.
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Pension Advisory Camlittee Meeting
February 19, 1986
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"John' Nicholson 'qmstioned \tt1ether there was any other placx:: to park' other than
'the metered lot in front 'of city Hall. Cindy Clirnan suggested he CDntact
Sharon Wal ton in the City Manager's Office abJut obtaining a sticker to enable
him to park tehind City Hall. in ~e anployee lot.
The neeting, adjourned at 10:01 a.m.
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Respectfully subni tted,
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January 13, 1986
Plulf rrply la.
o C<If'kl/oIlf au II.
".0, U", 11111\
hmp.l. II Jl~19
(I III ,1N'W I
Mr. R. Ellis
Risk Management
City of Clearwater
P.O. Box 4748
Clearwater, FL 33518
RE: Pension Requirements in Physicals
Dear Mr. Ellis:
o ~lno'w. 11,,11.111 An.
'amp', n. JM1
o 2IJCo E. 1I1..ndon Ill.d,
UI..nda<\. fl. J15I1
181 JI ~1'Sm
. 0 l'i~<'~,-.lU~~ 51
''''lip., rf'Jl(,\2
As you are aware, although fire and police physicals
have strict guidelines for the denial of pensions,
other 'employees have no written guidelines for pension
requirements. Recently, the Clinic has been asked
to make decisions regarding pension for city employees.
At the request of the city,\our physicans will disallow
pensions to applicants as follows:
l5a iWIU U 5 ....y. W No.
Cl....no.trl. FL JUtS
o 1Jll (. Hwy. 5N
S.llnrl. fl. Jj5lH
18131 LlI4"'(~(
a) Over 45 (Due to age requirements)
b) Blood pressure uncontrolled
c) History of work releated injuries pertaining
to back or joints.
d) Chronic illnesses not under control
e) Medical limitations that interfere with the
safety of-the aPPlicant or others depending
on the specific requirements of the job.
Apparently, many applicants will have to be evaluated
individually on the basis of their jOb requirements.
In borderline cases, we have been asked to write:
1.) "0K for hire-Not for pension"
2.) "See own MD for' follow:-:t:1p/.M~y re?pp:J;y.for pension
in one year at own expense~ '
This option may be helpful to applicants with medical
conditions needing control, or those with old injuries
who perhaps should undergo a "Sympton F'ree" probation-
ary period of one year before approving the pension.
Thank you for your assistance and any suggestions you
may offer for our physicans or our staff at the cl1n1c,
will gladly be accepted. ShOUld any questions arise
we will call the city nurse at 462-6756.
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David W. Kutob
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