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Proceedings of Pension Advisory Committee Meeting held August 7. 1985.
Members Present: John Nicholson
Charles Dunn
H. M. Laursen. Personnel
Jane Craig, "
Nancy Degner, City Nurse
Carole Greiner, Finance
David Krieger, Member
Acting Chairman John Nicholson called meeting to order.
Acting Chairman Nicholson moved that the following employees be accepted for
Name & Classification
Patricia Meri. Cust. Servo Rep.
Joseph Bodner. Maint. Worker II
Christopher Collie, Maint. Wkr. I
Michael Kimbrough, Firefighter
Barbara Metzger, Graphics Comm.
8- 5-85
Service 7-22-85
Date Pension
8- 5-85
Public Works/Public
" " II
Central Services
2- 2-80
Motion seconded by Charles Dunn and carried.
Charles Dunn Eoved that the Minutes of the meetings of July 3, 1985 and July 17, 1985
be approved. Seconded by Acting Chairman Nicholson and motion carried.
Committee discussed request from Mike Goodell, Firefighter, for Non-Job Connected
disability pension. After discussion, Charles Dunn asked the City Nurse to
contact the doctor. they had received a' letter from and explain to him tha't ,the
Committee,must have mDre specific information as to the disability before' they
can approve the pension. This mat'ter will be tabled until the next meeting.
Carole Greiner, Payroll Division, stated that the matter should be expedited as he
will be without pay by the 16th of August. Also, no letter received from Dr. Davis.
Member Charles Dunn commented on the excellent manne~ in which Jack Katchuk's
disability pension request was handled. The letters from the doctors were
detailed and everything was handled in a satisfactory manner by his Attorney,
Carey Singletary. 1\
Committee discussed two physicals that were held from last meeting. City Nurse
is to contact Rick Michler's orthopedic surgeon regarding his back and is to
contact Dr. Johnson and get more information regarding Dale Carmichael, Sanitation
Division. Committee would' like letters from the doctors to put in the file.
Secretary Laursen stated that as a matter of information, we have an employee who
was terminated in Utilities and who went through arbitration and has been re-instated
with full back pay and benefits. When he left he withdrew his pension. There
may be some concern expressed as to whether or not the employee feels he should
go back into pension based on his original date of employment, obviously having
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Pension Ad~isory Committee Meeting
August 7, 1985
to pay that money back or whether, as the committee has done over the last five-ten
yeara~require him to start as a new employee.
Charles Dunn.;asked' how the Committee eQuId help employees wishing to retire. Carole
Greiner said' the retirement booklet ,"How to Retire" should be given to anyone, '
wishing to retire. Also Claud'e Zuwkowski used to write an article for the "City
Reflec.tions.", An article could' be written for the ItCity Reflections" using the
topic'lIWhat To Do To Receive A Pension".' Deadline for October 5th issue is
September 5th. An article could also be put in the police and fire publications.
Charles Dunn asked 'what had been decided on regarding the Committee to rewrite the
Pension,tsw. Carole Greiner and Mike Laursen advised that to date there had been
no meetings and nothing had been decided.
There being no further business, Charles Dunn moved the meeting be closed.
Seconde~ by J,ohn Nicho ~~
~lY sub ted. ~ i
, H~ M. LaursEm ,
Personnel Director &. Secretary
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