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Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committee Meeting held October 3. 1984.
Presen t :
Claude Zukowski. Chairman
Jay Love, Member
Carole Greiner. Finance Depnrtment
Alan Zimmett Asst. City Attorney
Nancy Degnert City Nurse
Mike Laursen. Personnel Depnrtment
Cindy Henning, fI "
Jane Craig. " tt
Stephen Zimmerman. CWA Representative
Charles Dunn
Alan Zimmet. Asst. City Attorney. presented legal opinion regarding reinstatement of
Peter Verhoeven, Firefighter. into City pension. After discussion, Claude Zukowski
moved that the Committee recommend to the Trustees that Peter Verhoeven be placed under
pension based' on opinion of the legal system as~of the date of his entlistment to
military. Seconded by Jay Love and' motion carried.
Chairman Zukowski stated he had received a pension request from William, Schwarz, W.P.C.
. Division. Mr~ Schwarz has worked for the City for twenty years and is 60 years old.
Jay Love moved 'that Mr. :Schwi-r'z. be approved for pension based on calculations by the
Personnel Department and' Finance Department. Seconded by Claude Zukowski and motion
Jay Love moved that the
on,doctor's statement:
Name &
Job Class
Scott J. Wilson, Police
Kenneth Donagan "
Jeffrey,Patterson "
George Mobley, II
Simon. Reina, . "
Rosanne Frattaruolo"
Mary.Callo "
Wayne Millen, "
following Police Officers be accepted into the Pension Plan based
Department- Seniority Date Pension
Division Date Effective
Office'c folice 10-29-83 10-29-83
II Police 9-11-74 2- 6-84
II Police 10-24-83 10-24-83
II Police 10-24-83 10-24-83
II Police 10-24-83 10-24-83
It Police 10-24-83 10-24-83
tl Police 10-24-83 10-24-83
" Police 9-10-84 9-10-84
Claude Zukowski moved that the following employees be recommended to the Trustees for
pension based' on their having passed a comprehensive physical examination by the City's
physician,and,their age being less than 45:
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Pension Advisory Committee Meeting
October 3. 1984
Name &
Job Clnss
Pameln Bootent Clerk Typist 1
Willie Moody, Maint. Worker I
Tina Wilson, Accountant II
Kenneth Anque1l, Jr., Maint. Wkr.I
Kenneth Crews, Maint. Worker I
Edwooth Boles, Sanitation Worker
Ronald Whalen, Jr. II II
2- 9-83
Parks & Recreation
Public Works-Public Service
Traffic Engineering
Utilities - Snnitation
Utilities - Sanitation
Date Pension
Chairman Zukowski asked the City Nurse if Alex Battle had gone for a pension physical.
Mrs. Degner said that she had talked with Mr. Battle and told him he could go for a
pension physical at his own expense, but she did not know whether he had done this.
Chairman Zukowski advised Committee that Officer Bernard Donahue passed away. He has
been contacted by Officer Donahue's family in regard to pension.
Officer Donahue did not work a full ten years and the time since he left work has been
on disability leave. Due to these circumstances, Chairman Zukowski asked the following
1. Is he entitled to pension and if so, what form of pension is he entitled to?
2. What is the legal opinion on his job-connected disability ruled on in that court
Chairman indicated that the Committee had approved Officer Donahue for a disability
pension baaed on a letter from Officer Donahue and three doctors' letters. This approval
was subject to Officer Donahue signing a resignation form and the resignation form was
not signed before his death.
Mr. Laursen stated that he felt the reason Officer Donahue had not signed a resignation
was due partly to his mental condition and to the fact that maybe he would be better off
stay1Ug on Workers' Compensation payments.
Chairman stated that since there has been no new evidence in this case, he felt the
Committee would have to stand by their original recommendation based on the doctors'
statements. The date of his pension will be the date of his death. His widow has been
asked to bring in proof of marriage and a request for pension.
Alan Zimmet advised Committee that he had talked with Workers' Comp and they felt the
widow would apply for death benefits under Workers' Comp claiming that Officer Donahue's
death was due to work related causes. Mike Laursen asked that Alan Zimmet advise Chairman
Zukowski if any death benefits are being paid to the widow by Workers' Compensation.
Mr. Laursen summarized as follows:
Since the Committee. had previously approved or recommended job connected disability pension
and find no new medical or other evidence to indicate that this should be changed, then
that recommendation will stand. In that the Committee has not received a resignation
and Officer Donahue has since passed away, the Committee will then utilize the date of his
death as the effective date that the pension request will be submitted to the City
Pension Advisory Committee Meeting
October 3. 1984
... 3 -
Mr. Zimmet advised the Committee that they should get the widow's pension application
anclactually vote on that application. Based on the Asst. City Attorney's recommend a-
'tion, the Committee will consider their last recommendation null llnd void and start ,',
over. , '
,Carole Greiner was requested'by Charles Dunn at the last meeting to get a list of names
of people,who came to work for the City after the age of 45. There are 202 people
currently working, 110 of those came to work in the last five years.
The next meeting will be held November 7, 1984.
Love moved ,the meeting be adjourned.
Seconded by Claude Zukowski.
H. M. Laursen'
Secretary Personnel: Director
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