04/01/1982 t .r, .".... ~: .' ~. . . , ~ ;. ~ t' ". " ;~'n '\. .' ... . ~~JtJ. f, . I .._--~ Proceedings of the Pension Advisory Committeu Meeting held April 1, 1982. ": ... f:",:'-'~, t. r, ' c;.,:i ~'i }. ~ Present: Ray Kaminskaa, Chairman Betty Ward, Member Claude Zukowski, Member . 'J' .C"',' ..~... T~' \ . Department Repref,~ntative: Carole Greiner L:.:~>; City Nurse: ,)'/',.. " Visitors: 'H;..' ~ .~'. } ~ Joyce Bllyer1e Donald Graham, W.P.C. Division John Lindsey, Retired - Bldg. & Maintenance Division '.' ': ~." . ..... :", ,'. . i\>-',::,::, : '-./; ", : '~:.:~: .~.., :, " . . >' ; .- ,: Mr. Graham had several questions regarding pension that the committee answered. '. Committee discussed workers' compensation and pension with Mr. Lindsey and suggested that be get an attorney on t.his matter. .i' d , Chairman Kaminskas asked Secretary Laursen to get a legal opinion from the City ':,~,"':::"::':;" :','.'.','...',~:: '~,:,,: Attorney regarding Mr. Lindsey's pension. Since workers' compensation will increasE' . 5% each year, it will ,eventually be greater than Mr. Lindsey's pension. At that time, would it be possible for Mr. Lindsey to switch over to workers' compensation and ':lfso, would Mrs. Lindsey be entitled to half of his pension in case of his death1 Claude Zukowski moved that the following new employees be accepted into the Pension Plan. These employees are under 45 years of age and have passed a comprehensive physical examination: '!~~':',:~; ",: ,'0" , Name i1\::~::'~'~:':~~{i Richard J. Albee' ',;,:' ": ',' ~. ':., ea therille W. Bass :fri,:';;;;j~~~~~ ~~~~::d' Jr. ~\:~-.' .: :'.~, David A. Hinson ft/':-: ;'<' 'Robert Wile tr:I~~~::,::- <;: Michael Dixon ' 1 ~'C ~ " . , {:.:~,':,"'.:~ Brian C. Deimline Ir:::;::~: ~)I,C/ .~:j .' "~"'" J :...,'. . Seconded by Betty Ward and motion passed. :t.F,:';\:I::':,);:; " . {r:8~'?( Gl,.au.de Zukowski'moved that the following employee be denied pension based upon recommen- {~~.~U/! ,'dati~n of City physician. Seconded by Betty Ward and motion carried. ,Knight Sanitation Worker Utilities - Sanitation ',' . :..I', . .. ~., ~.,. .....,.~~~...~~......k.I~_~~~.........'~....,............c.I' a' ' Chairman Kaminskas called meeting to order. Betty Ward moved the Minutes of meeting of March 4, 1982 be approved. Ray Kaminskas and motion carried. Seconded by .,-: . t.. <, I' ~~ .' \.'~ \,., Classification Drafting Technician I Library Assistant I Assistant RarborMaster Sanitation Worker Sanitation Worker Sanitation Worker Sanitation Worker Sanitation Worker Meter Reader Department/Division Public Works - Engineering Libraries Bariue Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities - Sanitation Sanitation - Sanitation - Sanitation - Sanitation - Sanitation .,..... ,', ,CJ.:J ::~~: ., I.,. " ~i:; ;'.}) '1.: Ic'\, 3:1'. . r'i~:'~ 5~ :.~, L, .~ '" , . ~' . '1 '" ;, . ~l'< . , : , Ii ".", '"." "'>':';><';:'\4_ . .~':"~, ....~. .'.:"::;'~"!:::;;~~.' :i:i,. '~~:~;\)?:1,;:,:,: ~,,::~.!':(' .':" .,~":. " .';. ",' .,';,' "',:, ' ..:, ,,-: ";";'~~:i.~l..,..<"<"", ......::"..:,:,.',c::,'....:.,<."!,'~.:;,',,.""'" ,; 'J" , " l, . ".. , ,', .' ',"" 'i:, , .\: '., " \, ,'.,;':",:.' '.(" ';1" ,i ': ,.. ;' '., " ':" " :, , , ' <.','., '+ ,', ;,,.,fL..,,: ::. :, .', "c', <'.," "'''' I'" ,; ,; "", ,:;,':.,", ::;.::',i~}:::[{'.;0~1:> ' . . "'" ,,,' .,' , . . , ',',,:::;,:': ;: 3' ,'. f. :'". , '.' (; ....., ..... ,r, .; " 1"::1 '. '.1. ",''lot :\'/,,<~); , .~h \J,....~fl~\~ ":1':. ii.'~#:":;: ;,'~~'!' .:~: .t}'II..~. ,H~"':;' 1. e , ~~?':(;:"/:\ ~J~~1-l.., "~:.l\ '.' ~ ': :;:-.>~: "..: \ 'f;',{',r,:,).: ' I ~",!<l;.: }'" .....~ ..~.::. ~}:i'."":> '; :E",/f.~' '", 1. '~:':'" ,'~ '~F~h~~} ::' :~~i~>.y;yt i.i~' ~,~..} :~~~~A~'/:':,~ IItt\.; I <, :"~.t '1' . ,~tr:<~:::;;;: " Committee discussed the case' of Leroy McGowan. ~~~~~~; . for child support be paid retroactive to April :r;t:~>~~).. '/:.. ~;~~~ ~~:-:tt/..l~l.}' ni: . ;~rl~~~~'{.:.:~ 'Coillmittec selected Nominating Committee as follows: '~S(;J/::t,;\\j'~ David, Kreiger. Police Department :)~:;::: ',:, (. ',"'. 'I' :?i~,~>t:':";,}>"" Carole' Greiner. Finance Department , !f,>;\! '<'".' 'Susan Doel. Libraries' Departtnent ~~~;;0~, John Szuba. Traffic Engineering.Department .'jif';/<l;~X!i'~,; 'Chris Kingsley.' Fire Department )!~}f:,~l;:~arOle Greiner adviaed Committee tbat Allen Barber and hi. 'attorney' are to meet with. q~-;';{0H~\!'JMr."BuB'tin 'regarding his retirement pension. ., ': ~t!i~'~"rN;',. .',' :".', .' ., ',' ' .,.' , ' (,~J?~~~::;U;~I ,: 'N~t meeting is B,chedu1ed for May 6, 1982 at 2 :00 P. M. ~~~.<,,~t.J)..'..~\\~. I' '. . 1 1~~I\{::#tf: Meeting' adj ourned. 1l;6'~~:Sft\~.~r:;-:' ".' .' . '. . . . .uLtl- ~tJ.1"tt ~l . ,I '. " . , . ~l Ii\. '....l r\., ' '. . , ' ill\~P':~';: ~}~'j : ': . '. ' ' i' "6:;;;; ".'t:,~,J, ,0, . . ; $: ')~(:i o;r .:; ~~Bpect,fu1,ly ',sub, ! (;,-t,;.~~"'''3,,-:-~~~...'<',,:' ';',_ ;\~~l' '.::;1':~~.r:' SCb' , ..' ' " '. ' :. 'f!-.i:./{:+..,.): ~ .' , . J f . ;~~~~TI:': . . ,. ~;.i~lf:t~,':."" :.,:' .. ' ~ .r,:il!: :H., M.. Laursen ! . '~7J,fiE\..Pe'r,sonnel' Di~ector and Secretary ,:~Il:':>::" . .. . ~ft~"ir~'t~~{ c.:', '. .' '. I fJi:ci-IJ<,t\!,r,,: , .,'; '. . , ,,", !~~~~..~ ).:nr';" . :" '. . . "c : i::j~rf:;'/~;if '~. . \. ,", :., ;.1j'fr"'tf<~'it,;j.,j' I., ' ~~~1't.t'j,:h' .,d,. , .~ '~\!i'f.,;~~t:it' . ",,',{: l};:;"~r' J'..lJ.'" .;:..... t .," , .i'tl.,\..........f'<I....~"-1" . .') ~~;~\f:!~~".i:~~; ~, I .~\,.t~~il'i,' "'\JA.'~ ~,,' . ;.~f.lT~,/f'!~.jT~; l' . \~\~~1;\',11.'!~1 ~t , , ' 1~tfh:,,~ '\:,HI'~ ' '; ~~~!;li;;!;;.;~.j...~ :, ' .' It.;~~l~)~::.:-l,.:t ',~ .' i. 'j.' t"";.~,~,~.~~~,:,..:.:';,:,-" . i~ Un....(~ ~-t,. . ~..'~~ :: " ~ tfV.:f~~~!~:.';:J ' . . . ;. .~ ~:::~,,'-:{:,;",:y:;;,. .-::':":>,., . . '\tl1'ii3'tr"~',,:,; ", '... " , , .~~1is..t~~')~:~'.,i(:,:,",/ ~ '.'. },;; .. ':" " Mir~,~{1$.' "Ii. '."; "". '0< ", _ : 1ft~~~r\i~,.:-ij,;~!:,'~r,~;\ _ ...' ..' . _ " ,q' II':'~' '/ . ., ..... f ,'.'~' ~ I " '. ~~1...+'":',,,...:,~, .;'i' " ~~... i ..11;;J '" ". ',.n . ." " "~ . . -~'~.ct,:.~.:,:;,,;:.- . " ,',,:. 1(. '\~'\l.""", ',' ',:^ . :", ' "~~~{~ii4E\;{;},:;'.',~}~...:": " " Pe~sion Advisory Committee Meeting April 1. 1982 Committee recommended that the 15%:due 7. 1980 if'certification is in order. '\ '-' . ~.~ . J ' , .} .. 'I . . v~ I " :\ '.:" , I ''; , . ,;~:;> . . ' ~ ~;~ " " " "<I i' . ,1" ..' ,. " " < "~; . ~.' , '" '" ~: , :' 1 . .' " ,. ,. '1 . ,I, .,. ., .) , 'I, ' '''. " " . ': ~ '~!, :1 '..:,' . ~ : I