10/16/1990 Proceedings of the Civil Service Doard Meeting of October 16, 1990. Page t ~ , J;Present: Joseph Carwise, Chairman David Keyser, Member Arthur Deegan, Member H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director Debornh Lally, Personnel Depnrtmcn t Miles Lance, Assistant City Atlorney Jeff Harper, Assistant Personnel Director /- ................_,.... The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P. M. Approvul of Mlnute~ Dave Keyser moved that the minutes of the meeting of August 21. 1990. be approved. The motion was duly seconded by Arthur Deegan and carried unanimously. r Director's Reports , , Secretary Michael Laursen reported to the Board on the status of colJective bargaining. Impasse has becn declarcd by FOP # 10, which represents the Police Officers, and IAPF. which . reprcsents the Firefighters. Allhough impasse has been declared, the parties are continuing to meet to settle issues in an effort to limit those that will be taken to the Special Master. Hearings before the Special Mastcr havc been scheduled for October 31, 1990, for thc Police Officers and . . November 26, 1990, for the Firefighters. The Special Master will hear both sides and make a ::. recommendation. If either pany rejects the recommendation. this will go before the Chy ; . OCommission who has the final authority to impose a contract; however, the contract would be r,:." in effect only for the current year and collective bargaining would start all over. The CW A, whiCh represents the general employees, and FOP #4, which represents the Police Sergeants and Lieutenants. have not declared impasse and the parties continue to bargain. Mr. Keyser \asked if the main issue was salary. Mr. Laursen advised him that the City has a 1 1/2% increase on the table and the unions are ,asking for 5% to 6%. The other issues vary among the unions I but the .crucial issue is the wage increase. Mr. Keyser asked how many members are in the CW A Union. . Mr. Laursen advised him there are about 200 to 220 dues-paying members although the Union represents about 900 to 1000 employees. Mr. Laursen reported to the Board that at this point in time there are no pending grievances. There is the potential for a grievance but the City Manager's Office is waiting to see whether tbe employee wants to process the grievance through the contract or Civil Service. According to law only one process can be used. Mr. Laursen reported to the Board on two employees who recently were hired above the entry level salary for thdr respective positions. One employee was hired into a position in the Regular Pay Plan; and, according to Pay Plan rules, the Board must be notified. However, the other is a SAMP Pay Plan employee; and the information is provided to the Board for its information only. t'v'~ W Page 2 Teresa Eturaspe was hired as tho new Assistanl Superintendent of Solid Waste/Special Services. The Sanitalion Division has been reorganiz.ed into the Solid Wllste Division with two assistant superintendentst one for Operations and OIle for Special Services. Ms. Eturaspe's position was a reclassification of the previously existing Recycling Coordinator position. She was hired at starting salary which falls in the middle of the salary range for her position. Her qualifications include knowledge of grants and State legislation dealing with recycling which is important for the City's needs. She was the Recycling Coordinator for Pasco County making more than 111e City's starting salary. The City Manager fell it was in the City's best interest to offer her a higher salary. pliler lte111~ for nonrd Dis('ussion Dr. Deegan raised a question concerning the new Gas Division position which will report . directly to the City Manager. Mr. Laursen explained this is a new position to take over the Gas Division and cstablish it as a separate department in order to enhance its marketability. Dr. Deegan askcd how the budget is affected when new positions arc creatcd. Mr. Laursen advised him the City Manager has the option of going before the City Commission to have a new position approved or trading off some other position for a new one. The City Managcr must stay within the budgetary limits and cannot increase the. manning table unless he gets approval from the Commission. The City Manager would have to take one of thcse courses of action in order to crcate the ncw Gas Division position. I I i " \ I I , . i 1 t l i ! ,I."'..'" ~~," . ,ll...:l . ,101.;'.. . ~~{ . , t,," "II ~ !. , \;,'.. ;I'}, ' Proceedi ngs of the Civil Service Board Meeting of October 16, 1990. ,~.' ,. . f):.i:.- :;t~.lr..'~ ~~.:( . Estclio Breto was hired as a Planner I in the Planning & Development Department. He was 'ft> hired at Range 61, Step 2. with a starling salnry of approximatcty $lt600 above the entry levcl. r~> The justification for this action is that the employce possesses qualificntions far exceeding the ~,:'" minimum qualifications for the job and his particular areas of expertise met the current nccds (~, f h d v:.::', 0 t e cpartment. ,. 'o;~t:' .' r~~,' , l:' Dr. Deegan asked if the Board had any responsibility in the creation of new positions. Mr. Laursen explained to him that since thc ordinance change in 1978. the Board no longer has ;C"O authority over the establishment Of. new ~Iassificalions. . N: .. Dr. Deegan made refcrcnce to the IIlformntlon that has been written about the SAMP employce ;:f';:,:". salaries. He indicatcd the Board has some interest and concern over this type of thing and ~~;::..., asked if the Board could assist the City in any way. Mr. Laursen advised him thc Board always pjt!. ::' can offer irs expertise on any issue. ft:t'~, ' tt::.~f'. ~~,;? ,,"of' , ~~\:: ,.: i"..\,. .i~.~'.' :. ~;,;,;:,., I> > , ~{r:::: :r:....: s\ . r.:. , K:('>' H. Michael Laursen rr . Personnel Director and , }, .(~~": . Secretary to the Board J;~~. :" fl' , ;~k:~ r:~~'..; , , . r.t c~. i~h:'." . ,fi~'.<;". : 11-~,.;'c: ~. ~~::.:,., ' ,~;{/.~':.;' , .. , .... ... ~ . Dave Keyser. moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seconded by Arthur Deegan and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:23 P.M.