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/~, Terms ':of ~oard Members
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;,~,~,:' The City Clerk recently requested an update on the Board members. including names and dates
r~ ',:. o~ their terms. Mr. Laursen provided to the Board a copy of the update that he had sent to the
I.'; '.' City Clerk.
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~~i; He advised the Board that the tenns of Dr. Carwise and Mr. Carroza had expired in early
~.\\, .' February and both had been reappointed by the City Manager. Dr. Carwise had accepted his
i~'~:j .' reappointment via a letter to the City Manager. Mr. Carroza verbally accepted his
"r:~j: " reappointment at the meeting.
'~:/;:' , Mr. . Rabun expressed his thanks to Dr. Carwise and Mr. Carroza for agreeing to serve another
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'l~~'!i '.' The term of Syd Snair expires on March 20. 1990; and the City Clerk is in the process of
"(:.'-: organizing the electipn.
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~~:/;,'. Mr. Keyser's and Dr. Deegan's tenus will expire on March 20. 1991.
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* Corrected year.
Proceedings of the Civil Service Board Meeting of February 20. 1990*.
Page I
loseph Carwise. Chairman
David Keyser. Member
Syd Snair, Member
(Orland) Bill Carrozo. Member
Arthur Deegan. Member
H. Michael Laursen. Personnel Director
Deborah LaUy. Personnel Department
Ron H. Rabun. City Manager
Roger Brennan. Credit Manager
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P. M.
Selection of a (:hnlrman for 1990
Chapter 2S of the City Code requires that a new chainnan for the Board be selected each year.
Bill Carroza moved that 10seph Carwise be retained as Chainnan for 1990. The motion was duly
seconded by Dave Keyser and carried unanimously.
Dave Keyser moved that the minutes of the meeting of December 19. 1989. be approved.
motion was duly seconded by Bill Carroza and carried unanimously.
Dlrectorfs 8eports
status of several grievan~es that have been filed. One grievance
pcnaining to his suspensIOn for five days. This matter had been
by' a Hearing Officer and the findings of fact provided to the Board. This matter was on
meeting to set a date for the Board to hear it.
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, · Corrected year.
Proceedings of the Civil ServIce Board Meeting of February 20. 1990..
Page 2
Malcolm McCoy filed a grievance for his termination which was effectivc on December 19.
1989. A Hearing Officer has been appointed and a hearing schedulcd for March 21. 1990. This
will come to the Board afterwards.
Susan Gryncewicz filed 0. grievance for her termination which was effeclive on July 27. 1989.
A Hearing Officer was appointed and a hearing scheduled for Deccmber. 1989. This hearing
was postponed at the request of thc Ms. Gryncewicz. It has been reschedulcd for March 9. 1990.
and will come before thc Board afterwards.
There werc several other grievances filed; but these were dropped after the employees
rcceived the City Manager's response.
City of Clenrwater v. Roger Brennan Schedulin\! of Hearinu Date
The Hearing Officer's repon had been forwarded to the Board previously. This mattcr was on
the agenda for the purpose of schcduling a hearing date. After a short discussion. it was
agreed that this matter would be heard on March 20. 1990. at 5:00 P.M. The date and time will be
confirmed with counsel and Mr. Snair. who was not present at the meeting.
Other Items for Board Disc1Ission
Mr. Keyser asked if the Civil Service Rules were being reviewcd for possiblc revision. Mr.
Laursen advised him that they were changed in 1987 but there 'are several things that need to
be revised. This is a project that needs to be done. Mr. Laursen asked that the Board members
provide him with any specific changes or suggestions they may have concerning the rules.
Mr. Carroza asked if there is continuing training in the City for supervisors. Mr. Laursen
'advised him the City has ongoing training programs in many areas and suggested that it might
be an idea' to have Bob Murray. Training Manager. come to a meeting and give the Board an
overview. Mr. Carroza was concerned because it seems that sometimes things happen that are
overlooked and employees are not disciplined for them. Mr. Laursen stated that all departments
try to be consistent and adhere to the Guidelines for Disciplinary Action. He also advised the
Board that all requests for disciplinary action are reviewed by the Affinnative Action Officer.
The meeting adjourned at 5:24 P.M.
Respectfully submitted.
Wtf.4;urnen ~
Personnel Director and
Secretary to the Board
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