08/16/1988 :\ "',,' .., J,,~,...",. _ I'.' "~"."'. . ' . "\ ,'.. ..,', "', " . I~ ,'I'. .... I"",",.~.: ,I'.~ ,"', , :~. ." Proceedings of the Civil Service Board Meeting of August 16. 1988. P~e 1 . i)Present Dr. Joseph Carvise. Cheirman Devid Keyser, Member johnnie VitHems, Member Syd Snair. Member (Orland) BUt Carroza Member H. Michael Laursen, Personnel Director Miles A. Le.nce. Assi$tant City Attorney Ream. Vitson, ParkB & Recreation Director Ozell George, Perk, Superintendent Ezekiel Taylor, Tree Trimmer The meetini "ftU c811ed to order at ~ :00 P. M. ./"" I . 1 A~ of lIinU1es Syd Snair move<! to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 21, 1988. The motion vas duly seconded by DaTe reyser end eerried unenimously. lle'Yje.., 94 AStioD by Board on D~riOD o( Be~ing Ot(ic.;r 2e; Ezekiel tal'.!ar se<:retery Laursen rea<! into the I'eeoM the eharges aaainst E2ekiel Taytor, Tree Trimmer, Parks and Recreation Department. which resulted in a one-<Jay suspension vithout pay. Mr, Taytor appealed this . suspension and the case vas heard by Hearlni Officer Arnold H. Pollock. The Board members vere '. , --... previouslypresente<l vith 8, <.-'Opy of the Hearing Officer's findings of Iact end Conclusions of La". Secretary ':" "(Jiir'~" Laursen read these into the record. The Bearine Officer's final recommen(}atlon was that the suspension of ""', " ,Taylor be susteined. This m.atter is novbefore the Boar<! for its acHon, /, . Cheirm.en Cervise asked Mr. Ta)1or vhather or not he vished to c211test 'he findings of the Heering Officer. lIr. Taytor presented to the Board a copy of letter from Mr. Laursen 'Which he received concernini the appeal process ,nucll state<! in pert that each <:sse is decide<) on its OVll merits. Mr. Taylor admitted to viOlating City poliey by stoppini for coffee at a. eonvenience store "'hUe enroute to a jot>. Mr. Taytor contends the City "\VaS negligent in not enforcing the Guidelines for Disciplinary Action in the same manner for every employee. Yiles Len<:e, Assistant City Attorney. questioned Mr. Taylor about his four previous disciplinary actions (vritten. 'V8t'nini. reprimand). Ream Wilson. Parks and Recreation Director, a(}dressed the Board. He advised the Board he feels he end Mr. George took ell fa<:ts into consideration end vera justified in suspending Mr. Taylor for oneMday. In V'iev of the (act that the Hearing Officer referred to the Parlts and Recreation Department's file on Mr. Taylor end did not have his permanent file from Personnel. Mr. Snair asked whether there is a separate policy for each deperunent or if ell departments operate under one policy. He then asked if Mr. Taylor's previous disciplinary actions vere entered in his permanent file in the Personnel Department or only in Parks end Recreation's file. Mr. Vllson oovised him to the best of his knowledge they are a part of Mr. Ta.ylor's permanent fUe end Mr. LaursEtil coneurred. Mr. Lance assured Mr. Snair that the Personnel Director is made avare of every disciplinary a<::tion request th~t is received. Mr. Wilson explained to AIr, Snair'that eacll department is alloved to make its own policies as long as they ere properly conveyed'to all employees. The action of Mr. Taylor may be acceptable in another department; , .'" ho'Ve'Yer~ it is against the potie,?, of the Parks end Recreation Department. ;;'. t'",':.:;.... .~A"" tire'" Proeeedln&, or the Civil Service Board MeeUne of AUiUSt 16, 1988. Peae 2 ~ ~ .~ ~ I : .. ,. "'i. . ...: f~. Snair hets rules and reau1atlons should be the same for ewry department end the discipline shou1d be ell eontlNn.t. D&'ft EoV*' flIt'e&d 1rith Yr. Sneir.s eomm.enu. Mr. Laursen. explcined the l'e830D each d8p0rtment has its OTm rules i~ beeause or the ~n~ in operations. Those departmenu vho have no one in the field do not need rules ~tna Yith actions such e.s Mr. ray1or'~. , ~. I Dr. CeMrise quctdon~ Wie\her or not Ulere Y8S a generic rule that while employee: ere paid they should be , '. wrtina. Kt. Le.ursen responde4 that the iUlde1ines. es ve11 as the Civil Service Rules, ere rcenerlc end serve es alUlcJe fOr ditterent situation, end cltel.UD.St8n~. . Mr. Cetrom expressed his fee1inl that e11 supervisors should make certain e.11 rules ere define<! to ell ., em.ploye&$. .. ,. I'. . "':?,' Sy4 Snoir moved that Ezekiel Taylor 1l8S guilty but should receive a varning instead of a suspension. The motion died for lack or a second. ,~ .' >....\ . ." Dave Keyser m.oved that the Bo8rd epprove the action recommended by the HeMing Officer and the one-day Y:.".: . suspension be ac<:epted, The motion '98S duly seconded by Bill Carro2a. Members Keyser, Carro2a. VUllams t\..: en<l CeMrise .'voted "e:",;"' Snair wte<! "nay." The motion cerried. l,">~'; . .. '. . / ,> . ~~"/: .' Director..le~' . . . I {l).: .':. ~ary Laursen a<Ivise<1 the Boar<l that the Joseph DeSantis eese is still in tourt 81though there have been t.. ::"! :"some negotiations for a settlement. Both parties have filed a petition to reviev the or<1~. No response has ':: ~::. been: rece1't'ed from the Second District Court or Appeals. :} r : " ~ I::: ,'<' . ' "," ': ""', ' .' ;,;~\: ~ Sneu. mtmK11hemeeting be adjourned. The motion 'tieS <luly seconded 8Ild carried unenimously. .':,.:~"\.,. .' ' :. . '. ,... ,', 'I"lI ,..-~t...m.i-" .\:",-. 'j' ~,.K: + ~ ~uu "~ . " " ,. '..i . , . " " " "r.~.~' .' c ~: ':~ J, ~ '. I!{ , '1;J:~~\:~: ;' , :"hS;" :.'. ,. .;e~" '. 1m~:O:" :' .....~ J "1- c, ~l:~;:~' F . " ' !{;., 7"!~" ',' ~l"",' '. t~~;;.~~I;;... '.: . ~~\'<".: ,: ~/.~L:"",> " " . :'J,