o Proceedino~ of the Civil Service Board Meetino of Auoust 19, 1986.
Tom Cheno\tleth, Member
William Justice, Member
Dr. Joseph Cer\\lise, Member
Davfd Keyser, Member
H. Michael Leursen, Personnel Df rector
Jeffrey Herper, Assistant Personnel Dtrector
Gerald Wei mer, Assistant City Maneger
Oeboreh Lolllj, Personnel Depertmant
Hfles Lance, Assistent City Attorney
Robert Brumbo.clc, Assistant Utilities Oi rector
Jam~ Moore, Pollce Officer
John McKI nMY
Johnnie R. Willierm
Ralph Gerken
Gary Wolverton
Tamara Denman
. The ~ti n9 \lies celled to order at 7~30 P. M.
;;' , '. Joseph Cerwise 'move1i to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 17, 1986,' The motion 'vias seconded by Wt11iam
'j" (~. ,Justice and corned unanl moU3l y.
. The Boerd proceeded ",fth the selection of the fifth member. Secretary Laursen briefl y explaf ned the voti n9 procedure.
'There \iere four csndidstes for the p03ttion.
John McKi nney gave a brief account of his backoround. He reti red here from l11i nots t'W'o years eoo, and this is his fi rst
. opportunity to become involved tn community affairs. He had 0 plumbing and heattng whole'ale busine" in l111nois. He is
. ,not tnvolved with any particular groups or organization,. I
Gary WolVerton spolee about his bacleground. He is employed b~ Monon Plant Hospital!!s the Personnel Maneger, He has
. . been involved tn personnel meM<}ement in the he~lth ~re field for fourteen years. He feeh his ~erving on the Board would
:~rv~ two purposes: 1) it 'Will expand his prOfessional experience end 2) he cen edvlse the City 8S it manages its personnel
affain. He will repre!ent the interests of the Civil Service employees.
Johnnie Williams gaVe an account of his background. He ts an a$Sistont professor of Engltsh ot St. Petersburg Junior
College. He hes lived end 'WOrked in Clearwater for the past four veers. He'vl8s strongl y t nvolved with student government
. at the University of Georgie. He is femmer \!lith grieYen~ throuqh his \\Iork on 8n advisory/counsell ng board at St.
Petenburg Juntor Conege.
, Ralph Gerleen spolee about his background, He has lived tn Pinones Count\J since' 968. He o...,Md two Dusinesses. He
served 8$ 8 union 11aisoR. This ts UlO fl rst tl me he has had the t1 me to devote to tM community. He wonb to Qive somethl n9
,beek to CleaNeter by donettnl) 1\1$ time. !
Member~ voted efter completion of the C8ndid8t~' presentations. Voti n9 'Was accomplished by each Sotlre member 1 tsti ng
.', , three cendidetes nem" on G bal1ot- -a candidate listed fi r$t received three poi nt,; 3econd t'vlO poi nts; and thi rd, one poi nt.
C'b . Initial balloting resulted in the follo\k'ing:
'j~. ::. ;
Wolverton - 3
GerkenM 2
WtlltemsM 1
" 0 Member:
WUliems - 3
Wolverton- 2
Gerken- 1
Gerken- 3
Wolverton- 2
WtlltOrM- 3
Wolverton- 2
Gerken- !
The effect of the initiel bellotino reduced tile candidate, to three. those bein9 Wolverton (9 po1nb) j Wt11iems (8 points);
and Gerken (6 potnts). The second ballot. in 'Which each member destoneted one candidate, resulted in the follo\t/ing:
Based on the balloting, Joseph CONbe moved to appoint Johnnie Wi11iema os the fifth member of the Boerd.
The motion 'Was seconded bV Wmtem Justice end carried unani mousl y.
Secretary Laursen advtsed the non-selected candidates that there names 'Would be forwarded to the City Meneger for
cOh$ideretion for other advisory botlr~ 'WitM n the eitv of Cleer....ater.
\ The Board considered the recommended order of the Hetlrl nq Officer t n the metter of the demotion of Roy Brock from
Equipment Operetor I to Maintenance Worker I. The Hearing Officer recommended the appeel be dtsmt!sed and the demotion
upheld. Wtlltem Justice moved to eecept the recommendation of the Hearl no Offtcer end adopt the order (IS that of the
Board. The motion 'Was ~nded bl) Devid Kevser and carried unen' mousl y. .
The Board considered the recommended order of the Heering Offtcer in the ma,tter of ttle suspension o(Wi11iam Widner for
. " .11.2 hours 'w'ithout pay. The Hearing Officer recommended the appeel be dfsmt~~ed and suspenston upheld: Wt11iam Justice
: 'i:;-j\ , moved to accept the reeommendatton of the Heeri og Officer and edopt the order as that of the Board. The motion 'Wes
": ;~'Y $eCOnded by JO$eph CtINtse end cerned unani mousl y.
. .' Tho' Board coMidered the recommended order of the HeerlRQ Office in the matter of the suspension of Temera Denman for
. o~ day 'flIithout pey. The Heori n9 Officer recommended the appeal be dismissed end the 'us pension upheld. 'David Key,er
moved to eccept the recommendation of the Heari no Officer and adopt the order 83 that of the Board. The motion wes
3eCOndedby W1111em Justice end carried uMntmously.
: Secretary Laursen reported on the statU3 of the Ctvil Servtce Board Rules and Re<)uletions. He hes completed his revisions
ofthe rule3 to brl ng them i n con'i~tent application 'Wfth the ordi nence. They have been for'w'erded to the City ManaQer for
his revi""". Within the next fe\lf deys copt" Win be forwarded to the memben of the Board. It will be some ti me before
they are 1 n final form due to the fact that 811 interested parties must receive copies of the rules and be gtven the
opportunity to requ~t & public h~rl ng oO,the metter.
The meeting adjourned at 8:07 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
.. "',