06/14/1984 - Special tt :t,~ : ;, ,:'~ l:t ,,\': ~:;. ';~. '. ' (\.' ;;, . ~i~. .~': .' r~ :1[;,' 1~!~.:,; ;. t1; '. ~'t'n c(:., <~ j .1 \; .:'~'. . . J rt.~ ' ~ .. , , ;j;'~\f', ,!I' ':',~ '::;1 . ~ :-t " <- ~}~: ';~" ~i', ;{:- }1 <' ~",:"\l' l o;<~ ~,~..' c. I' "l,' ,(. ,..~ . ~ . ;, ,,} . V~.\/~:;J:" ',: . /.,. ',' 1~> p. ~~' , . ". I ~i?-T:"'" . . . . ~ n'(::.: ' ~:n,::',',','" ,t(ik~ :;: ", ' (0.-..,.' ."', ~;f~J:;.: ~ .... ~t~':y,.; k..,.."" ' i;(~:j\.;.'::,>:-~ . f,>;"~':",~: ' , *~.~::: ~"~' Iff>;' fti~",~,,~~ P':. .{~.:;$:':,::' .;"~ f(,"#"" .r. .~r,x:~'.:.',~' \ "~."'~r" .' .:;., :t~':{~~~::~:.~',; " ~'"t~:)~: , ...... 'S' T '~i~~{'3'.:;:'~" of.. "I '. ,'" (n~:>,':>,.':; ~;lI' " .., , ,', 1,:.: ~,J~~':. .: . 'fr.:;~ 'j..,. \ fli.:~>: ,f.',I';, ',,' tJ:':l u. .\': ~~:;:~;';,':'~ ','i.:: J~ '0',;'." . )~rz;.:~':',~: :~~c .,: ;~.,f~ ." ., . , j,~" y.~~: . : hi' ,'" " T'.' ;;:; Ii. ",' :~~t~~+':\~: ~t~ fl:\~~:'" P , 'W) ~ '" ," t.tf~ ,,' j., i.. '~,};:~: ',' '::, , 'j'~l' ~,,:, ' ~X)~<~<::' '.~:~/i:~~~ ~ ' Proceedings of Specinl Civil Sarvice Board Meating hald June 14, 1984. Present: Tom Chenoweth, Member Louis Hosch. Member Mary Kane, Nember Nugent Walsh, Member t/ Mike Laursen, Personnel Director Jane Craig, Secretary to Personnel Director Visitors: Alice Bush, Engineering Jean Cesta, Engineering Clara Garman, Engineering Douglas Wlasiuk, Motor Pool Hope Wlasiuk, Inspections Gretchen Bush, Library Ruth Olsoni Traffic Engineering \ Mary McCann, CWA Representative Jennie Keegan, Parks & Recreation Fran Marshall, Finance Dot Donley, Finance Barbara Metzger, Central Services Carol O'Connell, Purchasing Gerald B. Weimer, Asst. City Manager Frank Kowalski, Chief Asst. City Attorney Meeting was opened by Mrs. Kane who moved tllat, due to the resignation of Mrs. Herman, Mr. Walsh be temporary Chairman for this meeting. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hosch 'and carried 'unanimously. Mr. Walsh announced this Special Meeting had been called pursuant to a petition of City emp~oyees in reference to an increase or roll-back of Wage increase. He then noted that he would' depart from the Agenda Item and read a prepared statement. The st~tement expressed concern over'the resignation of Mrs. Herman and th~ advisory status of the Board. It noted that the City ignored the position of the Board, relating specifically to'the City's appeal of the Board's reinstatement of a City employee and subsequently denied legal 'representation for the Board in that appeal. It questioned whether the Board is advisory to the City Manager and/or City or whether it has the traditional 'powers of :civil set;vice. It included the, following motion: That the Attorney General for the State of Florida, after thoroughly revieWing the Civil Service Law of Clearwater enacted in 1978, render his official legal opinion on whether the Civil Service Board is merely advisory in nature or has the traditional powers of a civil service system and to define the duties and responsibilities of the Board Members once they are appointed. Mr. Chenoweth inquired as to whether it was appropriate for the Board to discuss items other than those on the published Agenda. Mr. Kowalski, Chief Assistant City Attorney, related that generally speaking, the Sunshine Law does not permit official action to be 'taken, on items which are not on the Agenda, the purpose being to insure that any person who would like' to be 'heard on the issue would have had prior notice and an opportunity ,to appear. There are exceptions to that rule, for example, when an ,t: '~..'","il. ! ~.trt<~,; ,J~~~j:~ :\f; ,,' , '!,;d :;', ' ~~.'- -or :/1:. ~.~t}~:;~r ' !":'... "'~ , . , Civil Service Board Meeting ..-.\ (":t, I j H~ :<,: .".\ g:r,': I'. , ~, ~ ~ ~("' I ",t;,\,: ' l;!;::~ . :"(;::>', ~~ .~, ,'-..> , ~ '.I;~ l ,::.;' ~,T;:,:' /:,' , ~:;:L:"~:.. ',' .' , -:~ T~~ ~ < ~ . t1:\,i, ,~) hi j' '~\{~i:l'::I:': ~;\,~,,'''l: " !~~i': f .,-< ,". , !~~lj1' }i' ~1. 'of' ~t~;\<(':':< ~{(/; .,' '~;.." ~~;i:)' . b~'<;;~ ': :' , " ;ik}f;:;\;'~~:,;,,;: ' t:. ~ ~ +, c.',., < "'~;,~c;}< ': '., '" <\ ','J j+"\ , " r', , ?~~ l ~ ~ 1', .'. j . ~ ." . . ", l"(..!'; .:~;\. ,,' };:~::: ,)~~::t ,: j j" ~'t~.I:u~ ., r.'~~, )1/) :~t, ".;,"'.,\. .') '. .::.;\'~~ ~: :J.~' \, I , . "f' ',' , ., ,: \.' "'" :' .~'t . \ ~ ,', ',' . :{j.....f "".,' :~~ .;: l / ~ ' ,I .. ., '110~ , ' , " , ~,. ~-li i;'~~ ~j~j:;! /:>~ '.~. ' .'~I"'} ; , '.'x ..' I' , '.' " - 2 - June 14. 1984 emergency situation arises after preparntion of the Agenda. Mr. Walsh acknowledged that the opin:i,on would be noted for the record. He umcmled his motion as an emergency Agenda item inasmuch as the Agenda was prepared prior to the. resignation of Mrs. Herman from the Board. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Kane. Mr. Chenoweth questioned whether the Chair can make a motion. Mr. Kownlski advised that procedurally, it is generally not permitted for a Chairman to make or second a motion; the Chairman is required to vote on a motion that is made and seconded. Mr. Walsh asked Mr. Hosch to assumc the Chair to allow him the opportunity to make a motion. Mr. Hosch accepted and Mr. Walsh offered the motion previously stated. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Kane. Motion failed on a two to two vote (In favor: Walsh, Kane -- Opposed: Chenoweth, Hosch). Chair returned to Mr. Walsh who advised the Board would return to the Agenda. Mr. Walsh read from the letter, signed by Mrs. Kane and himself, requesting this Special Meeting and containing the wording from Employee Petitions, as follows: "We, the undersigned. non-union employees of the bargaining unit, City of Clearwater. strongly disagree with the action~ whereby management granted certain employees they deemed "confidential" an 8% wage increase October 1, 1983. While we recognize the right for wage negotiation is strictly within the jurisdiction of our bargaining agent, namely CEA Local 3179, and the right of management to establish wages for those employees outside of the bargaining unit. we strongly protest management's action of granting such wage increase contrary to the Florida Public Employees'. Relations , Commission's Rules and Regulations and without first obtaining approval from PERC. As sucht we stronglyurge and support the Civil Service Board to take such steps necessary . to correct this situation, which we deem as arbitrary, discriminatory, and unfair. We respectfully request that the wages of all those employees not approved by PERC as "Confidentialll as of October 1, 1983, be rolled back to a 6% wage increase or that management renegotiate with CWA Local 3179 for all employees' wages to be increased 8%'as of October 1, 1983." Mrs. Kane indicated that there were approximately 90 signatures on the employee petitions. She expressed tbat the City had made an error in not, updat~ng the PERC (Public Employee Relations Commission) Certification List of who is in the Bargnining Unit. She moved a letter be written to the City Manager that, based on the approved list of the bargain- ing unit certifying who was confidential and who was not under the 1975 Certification, those employees who were promoted to 8% be either decreased back to six or that all employees be given 8%. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hosch for the purposes of discussion. Members discussed whether the Chair could second a motion. .r", Mr. Walsh asked the Personnel Director how it had been determined which employees were confidential, what was the date of the wage increase, and whether the current list of confidential employees used by the City had been submitted to PERC? Director advised that Mr. Weimer. Mr. Kowalski, and himself had determined which employees were confi- dential by comparing their duties with provisions of Chapter 447 (of the Florida Statutes) and that this list was submitted to the City Manager. The date of the increase in wages wag October 1, 1983. The City's list was not submitted to PERC. He related that his reading of tbe PERC Certification indicated flexibility to determine who is confidential and who is not by virtue of applying their duties against what the law says is confidential. , , h.! \ ~:<', ,~r', \/:'~" .. :'\',,;,!,,,, ' ",It " t ;~ " . - '. ~: \ .,','L ." :',- , , 01... ~ .' . .,' , "I ,.~'~" I, 1",. ".I'!",I\... I'l. ..,:..,,1 'h L, l'" ~ ,', 1 "\~ r'~' i "', >, ' '~". ,,:,....:: : : ,,:,,~.',,:,),,;,,:':' ;\?':':.:::,,:- '; 'I ~. " "I :<:~>' ;:'.,~:::",>:i.":':':':::~L'':'~;,,;~::- ,\ ':.':- <>..", :"" ",':,; " ,::\':< '. ~ ~~i~ :~~ 1: :~~') I.~ ~. i~(;"~~ c t~ -:'1' " ' '~'; . '.' ," . ... ~ ' . ';L!"', .to: ~ " ' ... . ~ +, < .t "4;' ~. '.c. . .rl. ~~ .,..I~ " " ~.. ~ r., ' . :"~ .,,~~;~ t. '," ~( -.' I', ,"''; f ' ',. i :. .' I" ... '. . ~ "7 \ "', . ,J ~ . ~ . r:......... ~ ' " . "" ' , '. ' . . , . .' C"l " I.~' ? ;. ," ~ .- ..... ." t.:,~:~ . ):" ~", ,f:~~: '.~~ \'l~' :~?~'r':'~'. ','. 1',0''- 1'~ '. ~ "'I' "ilf. .' ...' T~ Jr~:.';':, :I;".t,,,, . ~,,', ,:.'( ~< ' r;:.~;f':~Y' .. ..o. /1' c' .ri~::::(;'i.:',: K;~'i~..:-:: ' f:~ ~ '(.. . ?<: ..~:~:;(;..;f: ,<; . 1t".rt.;:.. . ~\ ::;" , ,,' ~~~T. ~~~'. 'r.. ' f t. ,,c. '~..' d.. . . :~.~.. ~., ';: ' ;:llt:.,...... : 'c c. .,' ~. . rli~~',::- .i:'~_"" t~>~~,;:.::,.;..:; . ~j;~~.{," {(:i . ,t, . ~ 1 . ~., . 1*:' ~ ~ ..,. 3 - Civil Service Board Meeting June 14, 1984 Mr. Walsh inquired as to whether the Civil Service Board had ever made a special classification for confidential employees. No special classification had ever been established. Mr. Walsh and the Personnel Director discussed whether employees who are confidential may have the same duties and job classification as others who are not confidential. Director advised that he found there were such situations and that the cause was either misclassification or because the nature of the work of the employees in terms of the purpose for which the work is performed docs provide for differentiation under Chapter 447. Mr. Walsh summarized Civil Service Rule 4 and the definitions there- in for Position Classification including that the similarity of duties and responsibility is such that the same qualifications may be applied, they may be properly filled by the same tests of fitness, and equitably compensated at the same rate or rates within a schedule of compensation. Mrs. Kane expressed her concern that persons in the same job class received different wage increases and noted that several of these were in the Personnel Department. She stated the difference ~n treatment was what upset many employees and indicated she did not feel the City Commission was aware of what actually happened in this matter. Mr. Hosch asked Mrs. Drew if this matter Were laid before the City Commission if whatever resolution they made of it would be satisf~ctory to her. Mrs. Kane related she felt that would be a proper action. Mr. Chenoweth questioned ~hether the Civil Service Board has any jurisdiction relative to this entire matter. He pointed out that this subject had been discussed at several other meetings.. Mr. Walsh related that there appeared to be two problems: (1) the inclusion of certain employees on a list that had not been approved by PERC, and (2) the question of having people within the same'class treated unequally by some receiving 6% and some receiving 8%. Mr. Hosch asked Mrs. Kane if she would accept the inclusion of the second point advocated by Mr~ Walsh into her original motion. She accepted the addition of the second point. :Hotion of l1t;s. Kane was re-stated as follows:. That a letter be written to the City Manager to lay before the Commission the following problems that have come to the Board: (1) whether those people who were granted an 8% increase as confidential employees pursuant to a list of confidential employees not approved by PERC was"appropriate; and (2) that pursuant to the Civil Service Administration Act as approved by the voters at a referendum in 191.8 and, that pursuant to Section 25.03 (sub-section paren lid" end of paren, paren "I", end of paren) in providing among other things the proper classification plan including those with similar duties as further defined in Rule 4 of the Rules and Regulations approved and adopted by the Civil Service Board, City Manager, and City Commission, which under Rule 4 defines class, classification, and class of position, wnether the action taken is in conflict with the approved provisions of the Civ.i~ Se~v.ice Administration and Rules and Regulations with the possibility that' appropriate action should be taken by the City to rectify or change the City's previous position in,order to treat all employees within the same class, classification or class of positions, equally~ .' , l, '. >~'I '!~:' . hlh\~~ .: J~~'l)'~"l.i~;'J'. . 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Mr. Kowalski related that this is a matter of. .labor law,. under Chapte-r 447 of State Statutes and that in the case of" conflict between Civil-Service Rules and the provision~ of the Statute or of collective bargaining, the collective bargaining agreement would supersede; therefore his opinion 'or recommendation was that the Board does not have :Jurisdiction ovor this matter because of the State Statute. The Chair ruled this was a proper question before the Board as a Grievance and called for a vote on the motion. Motion passed 3 - 1 (In favor: Walsh~ Kane, Hosch. Opposed: Chenoweth). Chair asked if any visitors would like to speak. Hope Wlasiuk (employee) related that this matter was a Grievance of the employees; that management broke the rules and that is why it was brought to the Civil Service Board. As a Grievance, they have an option of ta~ing it to the.Union or to Civil Service. Mrs. Kane moved tllat the Personnel Director write a letter to Mrs. Herman thanking her ,for her 'efforts as Chairman of the Civil Service Board and her service since 1977. Mr~ Hosch seconded the motion. Mr. Walsh'added that this should be taken to the City Commission for appropriate thanks to Mrs. Herman for her years cf service. Mrs. Kane accep'tE;;d .tbe amendment. Motion passed unanimously. Alice Bush inquired as to who prepared the Agenda. Director related that he prepared the Agenda based on'the letter received from two Board Members asking for this Special Meeting relative to the 6% ~ 8% wage issue. . Mr.' Chenoweth moved for adjournent. Mr. Hosch seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 1\ " ,