04/14/1983 I• ?y' The Civil Service Board met on April 14, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. in the New Conference Room, s:`• Personnel Department. Present: Helen Herman, Temporary Chairman Tom Chenoweth, Member Alex D. Finch, Member Visitors: Sarah Wells, CWA Representative Mikell L. St. Germain Marguerite Slack George R. Neil ?:• Jim Spychalski Kemper Merriam Candi Gardner '• Louis E. Hosch :.p Don Douglass Melvin Douglass Richard Griesinger, Asst. City Attorney Mrs. Herman, Temporary Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Chenoweth moved to'approve the Minutes of the meeting of March 22, 1983 as submitted. Mr. Finch ^,?,` seconded the motion which was passed unanimously. Director advised the members that there #•;. were nine citizens of the City of Clearwater who submitted resumes expressing interest in serving on the Civil Service Board and three additional persons who expressed,interest fF•.... who-were not citizens of Clearwater. Of the nine city residents, one had subsequently withdrawn from consideration (Nancy Strickler). Mr. Finch noted that response to serve r.': '..,:•..;;. on •the'Board by an outstanding group of citizens was most commendable. Members discussed ?'`::,'•:'f:- ' _ the' manner of proceeding with the selection of the Board's appointee. It was determined '= 'r'~ `.that each candidate who was present, would be given the opportunity to speak to the Board ' =<:2'Y•':' about their background and desire to serve on the Board. Mrs. Herman called upon the following individuals who then spoke to the Board relative to their interest and background: G. Melvin Douglas Candi. H. Gardner Louis E. Bosch Kemper W. Merriam George R. Neil Marguerite Slack ,• dikell L. St. Ge -main ",.. In addition to those who addressed the Board, Margaret P. Mayer had submitted a resume =:.e :,'.,+.but due to a conflict was unable to attend the Board's meeting. Following the comments of each of the candidates, Board Members asked them various questions. Following an explanation by the Director as to how the Board had selected its appointee 1977, it was determined to effect the selection process b having each member designate #;: =three names on an initial ballot with the first name listed receiving three points, the ;<<'-?y:,.• second two points and the third one point. Summary of this listing would be compiled `.•' =and a final choice from the top three candidates would be chosen on a second ballot. Members prepared an initial ballot but upon the Director initiating a reading of the ,F ,,:':-)first ballot, Mr. Finch indicated that he did not understand the process being utilized 1,... - 2 - Civil Service Board Meeting April 14, 1983 with points being assigned and did not agree with the process. After some Board discussion on the selection process, Mr. Finch moved that the Board not make their selection until all four members could be present to participate in the process. µ,,• Motion failed fpr„lack of a second. lie indicated he would protest any selection being "., made when all members were not present, as, at this meeting, the process would be } weighted in favor of management. He noted that two of the three members present were appointees to the Board by the City Manager. Mrs. Herman noted for the record that while she was an appointee of the City Manager, she felt no allegiance to management as a result of that appointment. Discussion continued with Mr. Griesinger, Assistant City Attorney, advising the Board that they could proceed to'make a selection now or wait until a time when a full four-member Board was present. Mrs. Herman called a recess during which time a call was placed to Mary Drew Kane to see if she could come to the meeting at this time. Due to an illness in the family she was unable to '.- attend. Meeting was reconvened. Mr. Chenoweth indicated he understood Mr. Finch's position relative to the fairness of equal representation of equal management appointed and employee elected members in the choice of a fifth member. It was determined that the best course of action would be to delay a decision until all four members could be resent. Members decided to schedule a meeting for the purpose of selecting their p appointee. to the Board on May 12, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. Mrs'. Herman apologized to the candidates for the inconvenience and requested that the Director send a reminder letter r,•-= to each candidate before the May 12th meeting. Director distributed copies of the Personnel Department 1982 Annual Report and responded to various questions raised by members. He noted that Mr. Harper, Assistant Personnel Director, had'done an excellent job in development of the Annual Report. There being no other items for discussion by the Board, Chairman recognized employees ; A. ;',.,•; present and asked if they wished to bring any matters to the Board. Mr. Spychalski indicated he.was present as an observer and Mrs. Sarah Wells stated she was present ,representing the CWA Union. There being.no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully subm ted H. M. Lau Secretary Pe sonnet Director a?l.e Ihria 04 :Y Wro.4 t ??.LT .,. ,. c-.0,4