02/09/1976 .;~::' ,c, ,:". J;"~, : " ' f,'/0'" , J ~~,c . .,. . } ," , ~~,~" . t,;,1: . t(~. ~r,J"",./ t~.. . t{.~~..; : t~/: ;/., r-~\,,,.,,,' {.,.,. , ,.:~ . ~." , t;');,,';:'.'. . ~!,\, '" ~.. " ~j;!, ~~;'(:'u",; i1~rl: ,i:::.' .: ":. ~t~ ",',' l ~ )~}; ,~~'.~": I' ."~ ~.~" l' . ': ~~8>,::'.::',:: t.;"" '("! ' .." . tJ~i;/,;! b\ld'" ,: ~t.i.." .:'~ !~. t ' ~~':;~::.:;.:i:;~ . ~ ~~~i~~::/~,:~':; ~~'l,;j"i)' "., . ~ \~ ~~!)H:~.r~'~'~ ')").'''''''''' Iji~lYI ~'. '" .. ' ar}',;";.,,,;., .'" ril;~E~(:!~~i: ;,::~ ~~~{f~~::\ ::,'~!{ IT" T/;' :,':~" ~"~~f~::>:.,::-~: ,1 (:;')i.j 'll" i~1r:~\~",::; ~j~\f:;\ " &],..,:,:, ' ";' &.h.t;",t.. ,'," . f~r~'/';,"" : ~~15'~':",,::~' ..~t ~ .;' ;. ~ ~ . :~. . ~:j.~.I~-l~ .d " ". ~~~:;, . ~~lr\.:" :,';, ,', f~'?:\~:;~.l':':' ~:\~~ ~M~:':," ('.(.,,~;: :~~"ij ./ Proceedings of Civil Service Board meeting held February 9. 1976. The Clearwater Civil Service Board met in regular session on Mondny evening, February 9, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. in the Civil Service Office, City lIa11 Annex. Members present: Tom Chenoweth, Paul Hatchett, Buddy Verdi, Alex D. Finch and Robert Krause Visitors: Gerald Weimer. Asst. City Manager, James Moore Chairman Verdi called the meeting to order. 1. Mr. Chenoweth moved the Minutes of meeting of January 12, 1976 be approved. Seconded by Mr. Krause and motion carried. Mr. Chenoweth moved the Minutes of special meeting of January 19, 1976 be approved. Seconded by Mr. Hatchett and motion carried. 2. Mr. Chenoweth moved that the resignations of Robert N. Henry, Computer Operator. Data Processing Division. Central Services Department. Norma J. Lind. Secretary III, Finance Department, Stephen C. Barrett. Asst. Finance Director Finance Department. Joseph C. Beck, Field Supervisor, Engineering Division and Hendrik Ooms, Civil Engineer II, Engineering Division, Public Works Department be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Krause and motion carried. 3. Mr~ Krause moved the Board re-affirm its motion of September 8th stating that the Board accede to Police Officer Moore's request to be placed into Step 7 on August 8, 1974 instead of August 8, 1975 and that he be given the extra' pay due from August 8, 1974. Seconded by Mr. Hatchett. Motion carried with Mr. Chenoweth voting no. 4. Mr. Chenoweth moved the Board approve request of F.O.P. for Waiver on Time Requirement for Police Sergeant Exam with respect to Officer Van Dri~. Seconded by Mr. Finch and motion carried unanimously. 5. Mr. Chenoweth moved that the Board grant request of James Aubrey, Computer Operations Supervisor, for payment of one-half of his accumulated sick leave. Seconded by Mr. Hatchett and motion carried. 6. Mr. Chenoweth moved the Board approve Director's request to, proceed with recruitment for Assistant to Personnel Director (Training Officer). Seconded by Mr. Krause and motion carried. 7. Mr. Chenoweth moved that the Board approve City Manager's request to establish a new classification of Police Communications Operator, Range 48, Salary $311.65 bi-weekly with an initial complement of 21 positions therein. Seconded by Mr; Hatchett ,and motion carried unanimously. After a lengthy discussion regarding Largo Communications Clerks and whether they should be required to take an examination or lie:'"grandfathered" ,into Clearwater's Civil. Service program, Mr. Krause moved that the Board accept Paragraph 24 of the '. ','" " .';,:!;i:~.;!,r:': ~ . .~I~:'i.~,:t( .:) if'-j,' ' ",' ,;; ~j.:!.:..:~. . ~t:.,; " ~fa~~r:'> ~:~~ :r~,,: \":'.: ': r~~'.i,,':' :Z,,;. ", L1~\\~:Y> .<'''' t.li'~W:":': :'" Contract between Clearwater and Largo as it is written with tho addition"t ~;:." '. ", stipulation that the wages and benefits be adjusted by our l'orBonnol Ulroctor ~.:,j,':,;:~:,:',:,".i to meet the stsndsrds of Cleal'Water's pay 8eales "as going to tho n.orost oo1ary ~'~_1. \..' step down or step up whichever is the nearest and that theBo omplo)'ocH bo brought 'f?ii.:.\\' :',: b'l without examination. Seconded by Mr. Chenoweth. Motion carried wHh f{~('~ 8. ::: :::::e::t::e:o~hat the Bosrd approve City Manager'. roqu08t to ostobl1oh four tj,?t~-'f;:"::';"\ (4) additional positions of Police Se:r.geant, Range P3, Salary $534.75 bi-wooldy 1n ~~Jf~ii,j :~~r~:~~~:n~~~:i;~ of the Police Department. Seconded by Mr. Kr..... Motlon ~\1~S';;:;; 9. ~~~i;:~~e~~e:;~; ih~~ ~~~n~:~~:=: ~~:.;t?~:n t~~m;:~~~~ ~~~~~~U~:~t::~ t ~:n ~~"JJ.'.:;:; ':, I. ~~~Ji ""appr~ed." Seconded by Mr. Chenoweth and motion carried unanimo..ly. m1,;,"j,;\ ',::~;~ Director s Reports: Il).?;;,/f. ," 1...1 "" 'l'\"" " t!'f~~;!II .~) :" .; J ap~~~m~:\>; 1. Mr. Chenoweth nioved that the Director I s report on reasons for adminiB tcring Secre tary m~f*~~;~~ 111 test on December 12, 1975 be received and filed. Seconded by Mr. Finch and ~(I.;'.:r'";:,,: motion carried. fit~~~~ Mr. Chenoweth moved to accept report on payroll conceptual design and effect on i~k~iR 2. . Civil Service Rules and Benefits. Seconded by Mr. Krause and motion carried. ~":i. f"li..,"l! ~ ~""l- . , :\I" ~~ ;)~'l .;'.... ~r):-~;: Mr. Hatchett moved that the routine items on the Agenda be accepted. Seconded by ,J~f~~~;i~~~)~i Mr. . Chenoweth' and motion carried. ~""'''.r1.~....~(I.t~/t.. ~ ~~]~~1iJ Mr~ Hatchett said that he would like to thank the Personnel Director for giving the ~~{~~~J examinations for Housing Counselor I and Housing Counselor II. ~~&:~"~\'f" :~.::'I' , ~;~MJfi.i~ Mr. Chenoweth moved the meeting be adjourned. ~off"\~"j \." , ?~nm:1 .w h.~1;: i ~ i'~~:Yi!.'\::';, "' 1Il1lt!l\APproved: ~~~~, ':.:, '::';;' ~:~~~;:;~.~~t:~;:~~ . i:~1::/...,.~r;t" ~ : ~. ~'v;.{~;:~; ,:'n ~i;.:;h.t'I~~"".' , i~~~t( ~\\'; . :11."""";; . ~ . . '''L~: .. l~' ~l :.t~.! . ... ~~'~~i,;~..-:: ~~:h~~':Y: ~ . :.-1:'lt(.-0;'~1 ~~~l Ylr.,..~ S\';}rl>j,\ Civil Service Board Meet.ing Vohrunry lJ ~ ' 1916 Respectfully #O-{ H. M. Laursen Personnel Director & Secretary . II