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Proceedings of Civil Service Board meeting held September 8, 1975.
The Clearwater Civil Service Board met in regular session on Monday evening,
September 8, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the Civil Service Office, City Hal] Annex.
Members present: Tom Chenoweth, Carroll NaIl, A. D. Finch, Paul Hatchett and
Joseph Verdi
Visitors: Mary C. Drew, Gardner Smith, Charles Saporito, Virgil Rush,
Frank Bush, Paul Bergmann, James Moore and Ron Howard
Chairman Chenoweth called meeting to order.
Mr. Verdi moved the Minutes of the meeting of August 11, 1975 be approved. Seconded
by Mr. Hatchett snd rnQtion carried unanimously.
Director reported on assembled examinations conducted.
Director reported on Certifications and Appointments.
Director reported on Lay-Offs, Suspensions and Dismissals.
Mr. ,Verdi moved that the resignations of Beryl Sydnor, Executive Secretary, City
Manager Department, Dorothy G. Roth, Secretary to Asst. City Manager, City Manager
Department, Barbara Miller, Accounting Clerk II, Finance Department, Braxton Mannar,
Construction Inspector I, Engineering Division, Public Works D~partment,
Brent D. A~trong; Beach Guard, Marine Department, Tommie Horne, Maintenance Worker I,
Parks & Recreation Department, Curtis Kullman, Recreation Assistant, Parks &
Recreation Department, Scott M. Biscoe, Recreation Leader, Parks & Recreation
Department, Michael G. Platt and Moses N. Moore, Police Officer, Police Department,
John Richter III, Equipment Operator I, Public Service Department, Michael Crotty,
Watchman, Gas Division, Utilities Department, Fredrick Baird, Maintenance Worker I,
Gas Division, Utilities Department, Jay A. Sampson, Maintenance Worker !, Traffic
Engineering Department, Mary J. Dixon, Clerk Typist I, Sanitation Division,
Utilities Department, Craig I. Rockefeller, W.P.C. Operator I, W.P.C. Division,
Utilities Department be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Hatchett. Motion carried.
Mr. Hatchett asked whether an Exit Interview had been conducted for Fredrick Baird
in the Gas Division. He was informed that Ml". Baird had. been interviewed and the
matter was being followed up by the Civil Service Office.
1. After discussion, Mr. Hatchett moved that the Board approve the City Manager's
request to establish a new classification of Community Development Planner,
Range 61, Salary $427.80 bi-weekly in the Planning Department with an initial
complement of one position therein and an open examination held to fill the
posit~on. Seconded by Mr. Nal1 and motion carried by a vote of 3-2, Mr. Finch
and Mr. Verdi voting against the motion.
2. After discussion and listening to Officer Moore's grievance, Mr. Verdi moved
that the Board accede to Police Officer Moore's request to be placed into
Step 7 on August 8, 1974 instead of August '8J 1975 and that he be given $358.80
due from'August 8, 1974. Seconded by Mr. Finch and motion carried with
Mr. Chenoweth voting "no".
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~~i:(~'<'i'; ,';, Director reported to the Board that the City Manager had hired under contract a Special
~;,~,,:;,(; :.,';: Assistant to the City Manager to act as a Housing Project Manager at Chesapeake Villas.
f\~';,,'~'.:'-:'" Mr. Finch asked why this was on the Agenda and asked to go on record as stating he did
~J'~~::','. ;',' not condone this in any fashion. Chairman suggested to the Director that items of
~rY',-:,", ,:--': interest (on which there was no action to be taken) be put in a separate section of the
h'", ..'...', Agenda.
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f({);<. ':',; Mrs. Grant, Asst. to Personnel Director reported on progress of the Wage Survey on
~J,;':.'/:~:,:.<; Executive Level Positions.
~{;;}2;d::>:; Director reported on the opinion of the City Attorney with respect to the legality of
l~<(.'::!'.'< employees assisting in voter registration drives. City Attorney f s opinion stated that
~t~,~'::',:::::,',:'; such activity did not violate the Civil Service Act or Rules.
~f:f,,~~\~;t Mr. Finch moved that the Board go on record as B tating, "we appreciate the opinion
!M?:~':':: rendered by, the City Attorney concerning voting activity of city employees," and that
w,.V:;:;':"'> the opinion be filed. Seconded by Mr. Hatchett and motion carried.
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~.~~r;i;;:(:'.:'( Mr. Verdi moved that the Civil Service office not be involved in voter registration.
f~t~jjfise~onded by Mr. Hatchett. Motion carried with Mr. Chenoweth voting against the motion.
~~~'~;{:,:~.r~. Verdi moved that the matter of Pros and Cons of Eligibility List and Certification
~1\,;:'~;{j/:~:,; Procedures be placed on the Agenda for the October meeting. Seconded by Mr. Finch
~~\i~r:(.l,:':\: and motion carried unanimously.
~~~i/;~1Mr. Verdi moved that Item #5 (regarding minimum experience requirements to qualify for
21'~'~J::':';~:,;j~~ Police Se~geant) under Director's reports be tabled until next month at which time the
r~L"Y,:<; FqP, IAFF, and management of the City if it deems acceptable and necessary to come oac1cbefore
'fIn1rf!;.tf~';\\ the Board to elaborate on the conditi~ns of the requirements for the Sergeant's exam.
lli':},~~,,(,,\,'; Seconded by Mr. Finch and motion carrJ.ed unanimously.
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~\:~if~:~:;':i~:::' Ch~rles Saporito, Firefighter, asked why the proposed pe-rformance rating system was not
f0i~<(/;:": o.n the Agenda. Director advised that they were working with the departments but it was
~~p;,\::<.,: .: not ",-eady. Fi-refighter Saporito stated the Firefighters were misled in the interview
~;<~:.::' ',: process undertaken by the Personnel Department at the beginning of the development of
~~i~\~~:',(', the r,ating system and that they didn I t want a rating system.
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;1~!~~~2k1Mr. Hatchett moved the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Mr. Finch.
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- 2 -
Civil Service Board Meeting
September 8, 1975
Mr. ,Verdi moved that the Board approve request for a 3 month Military Leave of
absence for John Doudna, Jr.) Equipment Operator I, Public Service Department.
Seconded by Mr. Hatchett and motion carried.
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Personnel Director & Secretary
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