07/11/1966 ~~;.[.~.~I":. . .h . iJ: . 'f ,'. !(:' 1;','. ' ' 1" ' " .'1.<,' . ~i" , ~)<,~, S', ' Jf:<:';'.'" ~l\~;'. :'~ ;i':,,? ' ~l~:..~" , . 'i~}r:~": ' :.,..;r. ~.. ~: '. . . . .~ ~~:, .' . ~/;~:.: '~'.' .. ~'i"."., : ,.~~ l / vi / Proceedings of the Civil Service! Doard meeting held Monday, July 11, 1966. -,/'/ The Clearwater Civil Sorvice Board mat in regular session Monday evening, July 11, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. in the Civil Service Office at New City Hall. Members present: George U. DB lby, Chainnan, R. M. Thompson, Sr., John Starr and Donald O. McFarland. Observers: Mr. James R. Stewart, City Manager. .'i-~~.: . _ . . \..:,..", .. ' Meeting called to order by Chairman Dalby. Mr. McFarland moved that the minutes of June 6, 1966 be approved as printed. Seconded by Mr. Thompson and motion carried. Director reported on assembled examinations conducted. Director reported on certifications and appointments. Director reported on lay-offs and dismissals. No Board action necessary. Director brought up the matter of Rodent Control Inspector. The examination has been advertised twice and there have been no applicants. Director, has discussed it with Mr. Taylor, Utilities Manager, and they have been giving some thought to hiring a man as an emergency appointment and teaching him, with the help of Mr. Critz of Pine lias County Health Department. At the end of the emergency appointment he could then be tested. Chairman polled the Board as to their thoughts in this matter and all agreed this would be a good idea. Mr. McFarland moved that the resignations of Alfred Corbett, Fred D. Marl, Manual Perez, Laborers, Stephen Gasling and Frank Oktavec, Recreation Leaders, and Valeria Griffiths, Recreation Supervisor, all of the Parks and Recreation Department, Bert DeGroot, Janitor, Central Services Department, Joe Louis Jones, Weyman Spencer, Judge Hudson and Arthur Wilson, Refuse Collectors, Refuse Division Utilities Department, Robert W. Goldfarb, Electrician-Lineman I, Electrical Department, Michael B. Ware, Rodman, Engineering Department, Earl Bomke, Sewage Plant Attendant, Sewage Treatment Plants, Utilities Department and Lewis Homer, Ill, Beachguard, Marine Department be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Starr and motion carried. Mr. S~~rr moved that the Board ratify the Director's action in approving a 60 day 'leave of absence for Margaret Hinds, Clerk I, Police Department from June 6, 1966 to August 6, 1966. Seconded by Mr. McFarland and motion carried. Mr. Thompson moved that the Board approve tne City Manager's request to transfer the position of Gas Inspector, Range 41, in the Inspection Section, Gas Division, Utilities Department to the Inspections Division, Public Works Department and the incumbent Gas Inspector, Leonard L. Bowen, Jr. be transferred to the Inspections Division, Public Works Department. Seconded by Mr. Starr. Motion carried. \ .. ;, ,';;:!'.~,::::; :/: ' ' ~(A:.;;:':':,' ...'.", }1({:~,>:~:'.::.: . ~~,tl11:,' . ~t~{~\i~,'.' .: 'I'; .-., . i~:?< ' :'::, ;~.,\ , ~)\i; "" ':' 1.1''', h",l)' . " ~~~/,~/::' ' t,J"~:;"( ,I.', c" \ ~~,,~:'t~'~' .",,~ ,'c>C i\W:-'-t:f.~.;~:~ 'I .f', :: i'Ti" ",' ~~?;~;::\(\.:;{ :; 1J'~""'~? ,..<.:,., ", , l~i;(tn;, ,',. l~~/~:t.J/ I ",.. 1,', . ,'- ' :~\~;:,:.} ", fi~'Y',/:,';~ " ~.~~~} >:"~~J:'.' . ". . : . c I~l;'!{{ { .t '_j; ~. r . ' " . i~1{i\.'}~ "'...., .: ~i~l"":'" ,. ", ~~~:~~~{~;> J>: ,.~..;:: :T1..:.t~l[t t:'~', .: : If'("',,:],',:,, 1':1"" " ~1t/' :' ~/,' ~,1i)~" " ",I't.: i. '~'''Ifi'''''''' . "~"'. ~%';'~~~~'~'"~';~:'. '.' 't ..l..~, ""fr', }'" ~:,::~.:;",!~.. . ....<. . t . "\,,, ~ ..... .' '. ,I ).1~~I'rl:.....~ \ ~::.' ,I ;\$':1"+/'" .". , ~~~!.;ii;:'''Y,':' '" ~1}~~r'::' :: e . ~Z!:W,:'~,';;~ ~,:,." ~~t\~I~J.\ il<~ l ".,' -.:.~ t~,.: I" PL ~h;;~\ .;"..:.~ :c .'" ,:-~J~ .~~; j.~ ~l'" ~ ' : I'";~.t,' ;;,.. I. 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Mr. Thompson movcd the Board ratify the Director's action in approving the , City Managor's request to cstablish 4 position of Police Sergeant, Range 39, within the Central Records and Identification Section~ Investigations Division of the Police Dopartment. Soconded by Mr. Starr. Motion carried. Mr. McFarland moved and Mr. Thompson seconded the motion that the Board ratify for record tonight our previous action approving with our signature the proposed budget for '66 - '67 of $26~07S. Motion carried. Direc~or tol~ the Board he had made an interpretation today on the Board's behalf, and he would like their feeling on it. The Board's letter stated that Mr. Garretson's suspension cOromQnccd on April 19. but Mr. Garretson worked and was paid through the 19th and the papers were not served on him until 5:45 P.M. of the 19th. Therefore, the Director told, Mr. Moore that Mr. Garretson's ' suspension would not be up until 5:45 P.M. of the 18th and he would ~eturn to work the morning of the 19th. Board members agreed that the 19th was the correct date for him to return. After some discussion, Mr. Mcfarland moved that the Board authorize the Director to hire an attorney to represent the Board in the pending Appeal of the case ,of Gary ,Garretson and make such arrangements with this attorney as he sees fit. Seconded by Mr. Starr and motion carried. Mr. Starr moved that the meeting he adjourned. Seconded by Mr. Thompson. Respectf~lly ~-1- submitted, ---...... \ John C. Young Personnel Director and Secretary App1:'oved: <,~/' C': ~ .,,/ . V' A!'-cn. Le. ::N' ~ George ~ Dalby, Chairma II .., '!