06/08/1964 ~;\:~" y" . I: ,:. )L j'~.. .. . f/~ ~A>:.' ,:,1",;.;' '. if.. .. ., '\"11;,' .' ~ftr"'::::'. f~:>:'\",:, 1\" ", .,t,::,', .'. .' ....., \~r"i~: ill~,'; ; ~dC).. ~ ~~t';),:, r~1(,:;"::. '.: .' ~l"""" " . lif~;:<~ m.~Ji:~':", ,'.,:". "~~r'~ "f" . ~lxt\y;: :,': ~'.".~'~ .. .." q\t,< '" '. ft:~:::'. '~ll." ~~:y;,'.~. ::.\:: :tl' ;" .(.' , ~:~f{.:' :(.~ ".~.:-- ~);'l.'~ '.:':' " ~'~~"/~;",J I~~:" .. '1(';".><: .. ~! ~ . .. ~ .. ~ ,.;.". ::'~ : : \\ proceedirigs of the Civil Service Board meeting held Monday, June 8, 1964. ...-- . . ------.~,..- The clearwater Civil Service B~ard met in regular session Monday evening, June 8, 1964 at 7:30 P.M. in the Civil Service Office. Membe1:B present: George H. Dalby, Chairman, R. M. Thompson, Sr., Harold Wallace and Donald McFarland. Observers: Mr. James R. Stewart, City Manager, Miss Martha Kelley and Mrs. Raphael Van Tassell, League of Women Voters. Meeting called to order by Chairman Dalby. . Mr. Wallace moved that the minutes of the meeting of May 12, 1964 be adopted as written. Seconded by Mr. McFarland. Motion carried. Mr. ThOmpson moved that the minutes of the special meeting held May 20, 1964 be accepted as vritten. Seconded by Mr. Wallace and motion carried. Director reported on certifications and appointments. Director reported on examinations conducted. Mr.' Mcfarland moved that the resignations of Edward Schildt Patrolman, Leroy McDaniels, Refuse Collector, Martin Fornoft Rodman, Tamer1yn Chamberlain, Distribution Serviceman lIt George FarleYt Sewage Plant Attendant and James .J. Boyle, Patrolman, be accepted.. Seconded by Mr. Wallace. Motion carried. " Director brought to the Board's attention the fact that a deceased City employee's widow had been paid 196 hours or almost five weeks salary consisting of accumulated sick leave, which was possible because of the new Sick Leave Policy. 'Mr., Thompson moved that the request for military leave of absence from Patrolman Lloy<tAnderson be granted. Seconded by Mr. McFarland. Motion carried. Mr. McFarland moved that the action of the Board taken at the special meeting of May 20th with respect to the revision of the Vacation Rule be ratified. Seconded by Hr. Thompson and motion carried. Since Mr. Starr, who was not present, had already given his vote to the Director, it was a unanimous vote. Mr. Wallace moved that the Director's request for ratification of his action in approving the establishment of one additional position of Laborer, 2L, Range 7, within the Incinerator Divisiont Utilities Department be approved. Seconded by Mr. Thompson. Motion carried'. 1\ Mr. Thompson moved that the City Manager's request for the establishment of an additional position of Janitor, Range 4, $91.00 bi-weekly in the Parks and Recreation . Department be granted. Seconded by Mr. McFarland and motion carried. ~ . .. ....;.... .: ~ : :, . c . . '.' . . '" L:',': /''': , \ . ~ I. \' .' I ~.... / 'I. ' . " ;. :\. , ..,. .,', ,t. ..,...I ,.',\' .",t,I:1 ,.', ..... \'ff':"" '.: I,., ..' I ,,", ,1, -.1":' .:, '.,., ,J ..~, ..'j' !. ./ ~; :':;:,:~::~f <' .}::,~',<n.r ~;:;::~,t;::>i:k,,;J:::;j;:,.r:;,:,;x li};.'..::::.~'~ ,::\.:~:, :.;~{:\''':; /.:.~~, ~:";:::'~ ;. \\:::::::,:\:,';:'::.:<~;i:; \~'i:,::.~ >')<.':;.: ....: :".:,~,>. .;, '" " . "::" " ,- 1 . ..' , ,. ., \ ~ T I' ':. ~or . '1' {: '..:, ~\' "';'1 " , ,. . ", .' " . ' ';('~. 'f': . -" .f , ' 'I' :1:--,' '.' ~~; '.: : . I',::,.. ' ., . .~:,: 't. 1.,:: '. {:;':' , I J~ : ';~'I":~ . ~F;l<". ' >.... ,~~ l', ;.;.... .~J~ /,~", " . \ :" . :/': " .~. <~: .... . ~ . '::' , , " . !', " ' ~::~~: , . '. - ::"':!\"" "'. f~~' :~ ~ ::.' .: ~\\'I::', 'I .; {:"(:: - ' 41"., . I ~~6,; }.., .,' II~;'>\ 8~i:A;if~.~ '< ~1;,~~~.> . ~~'~';I ,'. '. If!'i:['i;:i ..~.\' . ,. Civil Service Board ~~eting, Monday, June 8, 1964 Page 2 Director gave Boord Members copy of Temporary Amendment to Paragraph (c) of Revised Vacation Plan. With the C1ltll!ndmcnt of "nnd not be interpreted os December 15" added to the second paragraph, Mr. McFarland moved the adoption of the Temporary Amend- ment to Paragraph (c) of Revised Vacation Plan. Seconded by Mr. Wallace and motion carried. Director brought up the question of additional temporary employees in the library which was discussed at the May 12 Board meeting. Director said that he ,felt it was not the Board's position to determine that there is a need for establishing a new position as such, but to see to it that the classification is appropriateJ that the individual is placed in the right position, that the job is priced right, in the proper range, and is properly reflected on the manning table. He said that he llad written to Mr. McFarland for legal help on this question and copies of the letter were sent to the Board. Mr. HcFarland said that he concurred with the Director's findings, and this can be handled by the Director subject to tl~ ratification of the Board at the next regular meeting or if the time is appropriate. bring it before the Board for the initial action. Mr. McFarland said he didn't feel it was technically correct to say that the Board is establishing the position. The Board's function is to properly classify the city employees, not to determine how many we need. For that reason. the policy should be revised slightly so that the Direetorcould have' more freedom since he is the one who classifies the people. It is the Board's responsibility, but that is why a Director was hi't'ed. Mr. McFarland suggested that the question of a change in policy be thought over for a month and the Di~ector prepare a motion that will conform with the suggested change and send it . to the Board Members for their consideration before the next meeting. Chairman asked the Director about the new vacation policy. It went into effect on June 1 and seems to be working out very satisfactorily. Director read report on the Library consisting of number of employees, number of books, and information on the Library Board. He also read the function of the Library from the City Code. Mr. Wallace sugges ted that a copy of the report be sent toMXs. ~mrquardt, League of Women Voters. Chairman also Buggested that a copy be forwarded to the City Manager. Director requested pe~ission to attend Annual Convention of Florida State Civil Service and Personnel Agencie.s Association in Tampa on June 10J 11 and 12th. Mr. Thompson moved that the request of the Director to attend the Convention in Tampa on June 10, 11 and 12th be granted. Seconded by Mr. McFarland and motion carried. , . Director said that he would like to attend a FPA Work Session - a week's seminar - in Philadelphia on November 9 - 13th, which has to do solely with pay and its various phasesJ rather than attend the Public Personnel Conference which is to be held in Los Angeles this year. Mr. McFarland moved that the Director send $100 registration .fee'to attend PPA Work Session in Philadelphia. Seconded by Mr. Thompson. Motion carried. " ':. '. ' ".' . ,'. ," , '(, :.~. , .'" .',f t " . ~, Civil Service Board Mooting. Monday. June 8. 1964 Page 3 , , Director said he was running into a little problem on seniority status since pen8ion~nd payroll have not alwayo been handled in a similar ma.nner. ,.In discussing it with the city Manager, he felt that when the seniority dates are ,work8d up they should be adjusted (pension and payroll records) to conform with the determination of the Director on behalf of the Board. If a person owes' . the; ,pension plan some money, he should pay it. If the pension plan owes money, it should'be paid. so that when ,the seniority date is set up tl~re wl11 only be one date. City Manager said he felt the Conm1ssion would agree with this and ~lu1t the Advisory Conmittee would be rea9onable. . There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. . , ~;' . c ~: . . .~' ."., . . 'ApproVed: bect:l1Y SUbmitte~.. John C~ Young ,Personnel Director and ., .' ,. \ Sacre tary , ~. . :-; I: ',;c , V:" .' ..," ..', r!l?(I ;f1v~ fi-,)-t ~. George, ~1Dalby,' Chai1::man .) . J " .~> .. 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