10/14/1963 / . Procc~dings of the Civil Survice Board mee ting held Honday J October 14. 1963. The Clearwater Civil Service Board met in regular Basnion ~~ndny evening, October 14. 1963 at 7:30'P.M. in the 'Civil Service Office. Members present: George U. Dalby. Chairman. Harold Hnllncc. Donald o. McFa.'rland, R. M. ,Thompson. Sr.. llnd John F. Starr. Observers: Mrs. Raplmel F. Van Tassel1 and Mrs. Mary Cloninger. League of Woman Voters and Gerald Heimer, Acting City Manager Meeting called to order by Chairman Dalby. ,Mr. McFarland moved that the minutes of September 9. 1963 be accepted as presented. Seconded,by Mr~ Thompson. Motion carried. Reported on examinations conducted. Reported 'on certifications and appointments. Reported on resignations.' Mr. 11cFarland moved that the resignations of Janet Rogers. Clerk I. City Clerk's Office. Homer Shaffer, Electrician-Lineman I. David R. Sanford. IBM,Supervisor. Utilities Department. Leo Ecke~, Laborer. Police Depa~tment. 'Clarence J~ Hunter. Refuse Driver, Wi11iwm E. Hampton. Refuse Collector, James Saylors) , Patrolman, James Janocha. Recreation Leader. Daniel R. Walbolt. Recreation Leader, Jo~apb Baroffio, Communications Clerk,!, Utilities Department, Beatrice Maxwell. Clerk,l. Police Department and Dan A. Emmerling. Firefighter be accepted. Seconded by Mr..Starr. , ",I . ";"t. Directo~ read suspension notices on Patrolman Richard Reese, Captain John Pitts. Fire,Department, Firefighter Thomas L. Culbertson, Melvin L. Sandlin. Fire Lieutenant. andD~n~ld 'NeWman. Refuse Driver~ , Dir~ctor read dismissal notices. Chairman asked that the matter regarding the Refuse Drivers who walked off their jobs on August 17, 1963. be lifted from the table of the last meeting so,that it would be open:for d~scussion. All members voted unanimously to open it for discussion. ,Director read letter written by the City Manager to the Drivers and Collectors in 'answer to their undated petition requesting salary raises, shorter hours and various other, demands. Director also read letter from the 'City Attorney in answer to his inquiry'concerning whether or not further action is required by the City }mnager '1ith reference 'to the resignation of some thirty-four Refuse Collectors and Drivers of ,the City of Clearwater. The essence of this letter ,,,as that nO further action need be taken by theApp~intins Authority with respect to termination of employment. After a le.ngthy discussion by Board Members. Hr. McFarland moved that the resignations be <)acceptcd~ Seconded by Nr. Hallace., Mr. Thompson voted "no" because in his opinion it was not a resignation. Matton carried by three to one voCe. Civil Service Board Hcc ting, Honday, October 14. 1963 Paga 2 Mr. Thompson moved that tllcSC resignations be designated 3n improper resignationa under the provisions of Rule 7 J Section 8 J which reads :19 follows: .' ','Any employee who shall quit his job or descrt 'his employment without submitting a proper resignation to his department head and/or appoint- ing, authorit.y shall lose his seniority credits and all re-employment privileges .11 Mr. Wallace seconded the motion. \-Then the question ",as proposed, Nr. Thompson and , .Mr,., Wallace voted fo't the motion \~hile Nr. McFarland and Hr. Starr voted against the motion. After some discussion and realignment of understanding) Chairman Dalby voted for the motion to break the tia and the motion carried. Mr. HcFarland moved that the Board ratify the prior action of the Administrator in extending the emergency appointment of William F. Croft, P~rt-Time Drnftsnan. Seconded by R. M. Thompson. Motion carried. Director ,read letter from Miss Byers, Librarian asking for six months' extension of temporary employment on Fred Murray, Part-Time Janitor. Mr. McFarland moved that Miss Byers' request be granted. Seconded by Mr. Starr. ~IDtion carried. Mr. Thompson moved that the Director's action ,in approving the following requests from' the City Manager be ratified: 1. That the position of Clerk Ill, Range 13) be established in the 101arehouse Section of the Central Stores Divioion, Finance Department. 2. That Mr. H. E. Hoore l-lho is presently employed as Clerk III in the Warehouse Division of the Utilities Departloont be transferred to this , new 'position. 3~ That the position of Laborer 2-L, Range 7. be established in the War.ehouse Section) Central Stores Division, Finance Dupartment. Mr.:McFarland seconded the motion and it carried. Mr. Starr moved that the Director's action in approving the abolishment of the position1ofClerk Ill. Water Division, Utilities Department and establishing in its place'the position of Clerk I) Range 7, be ratified. Seconded by Mr. Wallace. Motion carried. .r\ ' ,.Mr. Thompson moved that the Director's action in approving the establishment of " the ,', position of Janitor, Range l~) in the Marine Department be ratified. Seconded in approving the Seconded by i ,j ",~",~'i,\(-:: rr~;,;~;......,,~ ..: ~I~~ ~l ~:::r{:'~:\~'>'~ . , \..r- ." ~ I erJl' ~~;:}( :','~I'-\ '~r;,;>.:,:,:: ..... ,. '&.(',,' ',; Jt':.~IJI.'~. Jj~':~/. ~...,~/. ~ .co ~~,~,:,:" : : '.. " ~~,~~;,:~,~ ',:'.-,:,;: ~ ~_l." '; Mr. McFarland moved that the Board formalize and adopt its poll vote action l.1pprov- t}tU{,:;! ~~~.~~: :;~;~:.,~~, t~:n;~ti5 ~.~:8:~ t~~~~s ~~~ ~~~~~~~~e o~c ~~:/~~c~~~~n:n~U~~~i:~~, ft \. . I ,employc'e's presently assigned to the Data Processing Division, Utilitios Dapnrtmcnt ifg,i;;~\ be transferred to a new Division in the Finance Department, entitled Data Processing 'i' "\\ . Division. Seconded by Mr. Starr. Hotion carried. ~1~~?:~.. ~~;:~~~o:~a~~: :;i~:ns:~~~~:~~~n2~~ ~~6~e~~ri~h~~x::~~~~~0~tO~:g~t~.~~0::~s~~~ oral examination by the Board Hombers at 2: 00 P.M.' the afternoon of the same day. ~!t;;~~i. rtwa. decided that only three Board Mambers would hsve to be pre.snt for the oral interview and Director asked that Mr. McCreary, Finance Director be allowed to sit in on the exam. Mr. McFarland moved that tho nlilitary leave of absence be granted Mr. Roscoe, Parks and R~creation Department. Seconded by Mr. Starr. Motion carried. ~k.~McFarland moved that the withdrawal of Robert Auger's resignation be approved. Seconded'by Mr~ Wallace. Motion carried. g0~:~{~~ Director told Board Members that he had okayed the cmereency appointment of an ~~t:=J~~,:,'I.B~M. OperatorJ Charles Teckman for 30 days with the understanding that he take o?:~;~:-,; 1":" ,the Data Frocessing Supervisor exam. (~~10!. Dir~etorread letter from Leeal 1158 of the Firefighters of Florida asking for a ~i~~;:iN]1' committee of two to attend a Board meeting in the near future to discuss a driver- ~jt~~~~;"!~ ,operator' 'classification in the Clearwater Fire Department. It was agreed by the ~'l':;"~\";"'-' Board ,that the Director 'should write them a letter suggesting that they submit their If!~0i\~~' '. r~quest for an audience to the Chief of' the Fire Department and the City Manager. \~i~S;:'~I.: '., 'Director stated that he would be in Philadelphia on October 20 to 24th attending the. ~r~('f,1 ";'~, l{ i!i)h:,~~_:\:':" ',Intei-national Conference of P.PA. li~~~!';j ~~f~?::';!~ <) ~ ~:lf..~~i"';"': '.it -.' . 1'", '..~.' ., .l-'I~Y;: \i): :', ;~. II'" "'.' .. " -~J!( ':t..:~~I.~: h;tl"'J"'-'~(" \1.~l'.:"I\~:'.T..: t.".~~1"';'1~"'~ '.0 .i~}~;;t::':6~i) , .-:.r,","(l'-',,:I.:t'''il. ,t~:~uj Appr~7d: .f~'\",d "~,'.f-, [!:1.'''''f i ~jl~f;. ~ t r\l','l"""", 1t~,j';;,~;.~ [i.,,~'~:1 i ~}~I;~'IJ'" ~ .:'!- ~~T ~~iJ~~.~)'Nj' ~t~\~v.' jl....~}:rl'~ r . . !fil'l.,"~'"",: ''\'to '1 .~~~:;.,;/; . .. "\(~d: ",." . ;..... \ ""':..", ~ Sif}1:J. . . ' ~tc~~.J.;~ ~ . .....l . j;\(:'~'.\:{i,~;',:-:::,:',: ';';';~:';.>,.\.,;'.,:::',..:,. ~.. " Civil Service Board Meeting. Honday, October 14, 1963 PaBo J Mr.' Thompson moved the meeting be adjourned., adjourned. Seconded by Mr. Starr. Meeting ~spect~ullY submitted, John c. Young Personnel Director and Secretary ~ \ , , . " '(?,./ " , '..... . ~ /- , ',., .:~' .: ',)j :J;'a..e.L:'" '. G~org~~.~]a~y J Chairma~7, , )' ..' ,.or'. , . , ,: ....