Proceedings of the Civil Service noard meeting hald Honday, January 14, 1963.
The Clearwater Civil Service Board met in rC8ular GOGSlon Nonday evening,
Jnnua~y 14, 1963 at 7:30 P.M. in the Civil Service Office.
Hembo:rs present: George H. Dalby, Chairman. Mary Fay Bissell, Harold Wallace,
Donald O. HcFarland and R. M. Thompson, Sr. ...
Observers: Herbert McLendon, Clearwater Employees' Association. Earl E~nons.
and Bill Cox, reporters.
Meeting called to order by Chairman Dalby.
~~. Thompson moved that the minutes of the meeting of December 10, 1962 be accepted
as written. Seconded by Mrs. Bissell. Motion carried.
. i
~~. Thompson moved that ~~. George Dalby be ~e-electcd unanimously as Clmirman of
the Civil Service Board for this year. Seconded by Hr. t-lallace. Mr. l1cFarland
presented the question. Motion carried unanimously.
Board members discussed the possibility of changing the date for election of
,Chairman of the Board. Chairman Dalby asked the Personnel Director to look. into
this matter before the next Board meeting and bring it up at that time.
. Reported on examinations conducted.
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Reported on certifications and appointments.
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R~port~d on emergency, temporary and promotional appointments.
Reported on resignations. Mrs. Bissell moved that the resignations of Janet
.Volertson Gray, Utilities Department. Robert Rickard, }mrine Division, Walter KeluID,
.Refuse . Division, David Hinings, Parks and Recreation Department, C. D.. Brooks,
Utilities Department, Jimmie Stoune, Finance Department, Abraham Wilson,Refuse
Divis"ion and Alma Galterio, Police Department be accepted. Seconded by Mr. t'lallace.
Motion 'carried.
Reported on dismissals. No Board action necessary.
the Personnal Director write to. the Department nead
reasons be given for the dismissal of James Jemetn,
Mrs~ Bissell suggested that
aud ask that more specific
Probationary Se\o1age Plant
> .
, Reported on lay-offs. Mrs. Bissell complimented temporary School Fatrolman
Edl-lin Smith for his courtesy and consideration to the children lo1hile replacing
Patrolman Leonard Berg.
Directo~ read letter from City }mnager requesting tlmt the position of Bridge
.Operator (40 hours per week) in Public Works Department be abolished and a
similar position (56 hours per week in Bridge Division, ~hrineDepartment)
be. established. Present employees would be given the opportunity to transfer
.to the new position op the basis of seniority.
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Civil Ser.vice Bonrd Minutes, meeting of January 1/.. 1963
Pane 2
Boa.rd members discussed the filCt that these men \'loulu be requiruu to \-lork 56
hours. for the same pay they previously received for 1.0 hourn Hark. Brs. nlasell
fluid that even tho.ugh they \Wl"C not Harking the entil:c 56 hours) ncvcrthelcsG,
they were on the job for 56 hours. Mr. NcFnrlnnd said thut his position '-1ould
ba not th.:lt the pay was too nr;w.ll, but that ther\;! \.Jera too many hours. tlrs. Bissell
made a motion that the request be sent back to the City z,tanager ,,,ith the raqucnt
that h~ leave. it 'at 40 hours. l'b;. \'Jallacc. Hrs. Bis:1cl1 a.nd Hr. Dalby votetl yes.
Hr. McFa'rland abstained from voting and Mr. ThompGon voted 110.
. Director read letter from City 11l.lnuger requesting that a nctV' position of
Engineed.ng Aide I be establiGlvJd in the Planning Division of the Public Horks
Department. He also read job description covering this position. Mr. McFarland
moved that the City Manager's request he granted. Hr. Thompson sccond~d the
motion. .Hotion carried.
Directol~ read letter from City Hanager requesting tha.t the. position of J\..ddrcGs-
ographOperator in Customer Accounts Section of Utilities,Accounts Division be
abolished. This position is no longer necessary nincc the installation of IBM
machines in the billing department. This position ,'laG filled by Hr. Hayne Smith
who was originally employed on August 1. 1938. }~. Smitll is eligible for
retirement should he so desire. The City ~~nager and Personnal Director have
carefully checked all possible positions co which Mr. Smith might be appointed
.. but have been unable to find a suitable one. Mr. HcFllrland moved that the
position o,f Addressograph Operator in Customer Accounts Section of Utilitiea
Accounts Division be abolished as per the City }mnagcr's request. Seconded by
}~. Wallace. Motion carried.
, .,'
. i
Director read letter from City r~na8er requesting that one additional position
of I~y Punch Operator be established (Range 7~ Step 1) in the Utilities Department.
}~s. Bissell moved that ,the City ~~nager's request begl:nnted. Seconded by
z,~. NcFarland. Motion carried.
. ,!'
Director asked for the Board's thinking on the date for oral exanlination for
Colored Recreation Supervisor II. Board as.reed on (;/edncsday) January 23 a.t
1:00 P.M. This will be confirmed by telephone or letter. It was agreed tl~t
Hr. Eddie Z,Ioore; Director of Parks and Recreation \lould be asked to be present
a.s anobsel."Ver. This exumination involves twelve questions and.'the candidate
Hill. 'be rated on six personal characteristics and overall fitness for the
.Director brought up the resignation of John Washnock, former Distribution Service-
man II which was tabled at the ffiaeting of December 10 to be on the agenda of the
, January meeting. Director sent Hr. Hashnock over to tulle to l1r. Ne 1son and
I .
Hr.. Nelson still fecls that it 1,lould not be fa.ir to other employees in the
depnrtment. to talte Hr. Hashnock back in his old position. Since Hi:-. Washnock' s
other. letter was conditioned on approval of the f.ormer supervisor) depa.rtment
heaciand appointing authori.ty for re-instatement in his former position. . the
Director asked for authority to have l1r. Hashnock sisn anothar letter hefoi"a
. tho ~six months is passed~. He can then be put on a rc-cmployment list. Nt'. Hallace
., '
..made' a. motion that Mr. Hashnock get 1-Ir. Stewart's and lh:. Nelson's approval to
,~\withdraw his resignation and the Board will approve it. Seconded by Mrs. Bissell.
Motion carried.
Civil Service Board NinutcD, meating of January 1l. ~ 1963
r ,\gl!. 3
Director read lotto'r from 11.r. Don Beachler, new Asoiatant Cl ty Engineer raeardius
his moving to Cleaxwater. Mr. Beachler stated that he '-1ill move to chis area
at. the end of the school year since he would prefer not to tl'l.1nafer the children
during the middle of the year. At that time his probacil)nary period 101111 be
. 'over. and he' can make arrangamentGto sell his home and buy or rent in Clearwa.ter.
. Hr~ Thompson moved that we accl1pl: Mr. Beachler's letter. Seconded by Mr. Hal1acc.
. Hotic)'n carr led.
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.' Personnel Direc,tor asked permhsion to make a foot-note on minutes of November 19.
At. chat tUmethe Board approved two additional laborer positions for the Farka
and Recreation Department. In Eoing.over the minutes recently, it was noted that
this motion was omitted in the typing of the minutes. Donrd voted to gra.nt
permission to add this foot-note.
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Director verified '-lork session for Ja.nuary 21 at 7: 30 P .N. in the Civil Service
Office. '
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.Mr. .HeFar-land moved the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by l1r. Thompson. 11ecti.ng.
. ~~jou~ne~untiinext regular meeting February 11, 1963.
Respectfully submitted,
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J hn C. Young
Personnel Director and Secretary
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