09/25/1962 - Special ,...,~ ' 1'r,( , j;t,:. r, , l' ' ' i", , b" ' V' 'F I ' ("fII' ' . , ). " f. f.', f' r<; , L:' ~I"" t:':, ";: ~~ ,:10'. t'" ., t7:,,', ~~.' . i;~< ' )<, '" , L ;' ~,;. ~!(".",", ' t.-. ;.., \ ~ , k;: t',.' , r;"" + . ~ j. , i':~,',: nO: > ,~':{-~ ': '. " t'("~ , "./'c> ,. , fY'd: ~Mi:),': :' { ~/8.;,..< ~a;::.:..:.:"! ~(~>,:'I,~:'. ::,;:: ~:i." :~';'.';, tl;";" ',:', ':;,\'{ " ,t, I'" '0/.:;,.:; ':;," " ~l"":'!f . k;::,:::':"::',,. ~/:-.':':" " p"i~:;'(: ':.',' ~i?<;,:' !~.X<:" tih'?,>'::, ' ~.,:,:, , ~~1~~"::} : i:,:'., t.:>' ','::', ;', ~. ," , , J:,;::':: c . :;""> t:\"6.a." ",' 't;'~..." ", f(?~~.t:" " " ~i;:~.:~~~.;\::" .'i'~. t).,.' .'! .:~~ " ' i~\H':,\,..,,;,: f"""" ;'" {~I~':,;;~ ;;':: , Proceedings of the Civil Service Board Meeting, held Tuesuay_ Sept:ombcr 25, 1962. The Cleaniater Civil Service Doard mat in a special scsaion Tuesday afternoon, September 25, 1962 at 4 o'clock in the Civil Setvice Office. Members present: Geo-cge H. Dalby, Chai-r;man, Mary Fay Biaoell, Donald O. McFnrlnnd, R. M. Thompson, Sr., and Harold Wallace. Meeting called to order by Chairman Dalby. The pUl~ose of the meeting was (1) to review the test papers of Patrolman Russell Riendeau and make a decision with respect to the marking of his examination for Detective and (2) take up several matters which the Director wished to discuss. After considerable discussion by the Board Members, Mr. Donald McFarland made a motion that the request of Officer Russell Riendeau be denied and that the examination as given to him) and as answered by him) and his score obtained there, be upheld as it is for the reason that Mr. Riendeau has failed to call to the attention of the Board any error other than error in judgment in the examination as given to him and that in the words of the law that is what must be called in order for us to question the examination score. Motion was seconded by Mr. Thompson and passed unanimously by a roll call vote. Mr. Donald McFarland made a further motion that in the future) employees who would like to examine their papers be given a reasonable time, and the reasonable t~e would be that time which is determined by the Administrator of this office to be reasonable, to look over their exami~ation papers and the answers and to compare them'with the key of correct answers and that should such employee desire to inspect his examination with any outside party, that this Board be polled and permission obtained from the majority of the B03rd before such outside individual will be allowed to look at the examination and that the examination of the employee with an outside individual be limited to 15 minutes. Seconded by Mrs. Bissell. Motion unanimously passed by a poll vote of the Board Members. " " Mr., McFarland suggested that this be made public to the employees so that they understand what io taking place. Mrs. Bissell mentioned that the employees meeting is the first Thursday of the month and the !lCity Employee" comes out right after that. Board members felt the paper would be a good way to notify employees as to what they can question (taken from Section 9). Show them what they can object to and the route they can follow. Director passed out copies of oral examination to be given for Traffic Planner and reviewed it briefly with Board Members. It is scheduled for Thursday, October 4) 1962 at 2 p.m. in the Civil Service Office. Deadline for filing applications is Monday, October 1, 1962 at 5 p.m. Director asked whether it would be permissible for Arthur Chancey to take this examination. Since) after 'investigation, it was noted that neither Mr. Chancey or Sgt. LeCouris had finished high school) the Board felt that he'would be eligible to take the examination. Board Members cong-catulated Director on the way the examination was made up and stated that it seemed to be a very fair examination. Director . ~' , . , ! iJ~t'?'~ ", a; :,. ti:/,." i,;, t:: " JI " " , J~~;;;,i- . . .!;;~,.;"", :/.> l,., " l,'},l;" ~~ , : ' fr~~';: to'" '.. . r~:,;I,\ . , ;:. I" ,.~, , ~)~>:~':}"," tt,!f;;' ~;;:.,;: ~I'':~\' T . ~n;''1<'''''''' .' .,;. i.d..."'\~ " . :' 0';'. ',':' " " ~~~'" :::' , f':':";;"" {[i<;; [" ,"., .", " ~~~!;~~,.,<,'.,";.~;, I: l'W~"",... . 'c 1'~~:8";':' :/" '. '. j' ~ ; ~l"'~ . . Jf;~;~e.~ !', 'H " '.~ ~k;I',<< " ti~f"~:\~~.'::' ::,'. .~ ~~~';C"'~":'" ..' ff1~F;';-;):>,; JM" ...... ,:, !' rL~i~?' ~~~r':'('; >>"\'1'" . ;', ~~ii;r '~;,'::::'~} ii:,\""" ;'.' , ~:{~~~"\.':; ;::'~ ~ ~,I grr..r"'f' ',".': ~ri~?l::.V:'~"': I ~"'{l'j~\t '< '" "', i:,y{:r;~ l~",. ... '.' . ~'~~:' :.~:; i':;-(",. ~;":; '., "":!:' (~liFtH. ~-1'~,:}':'~':: <, .~'t, ~:;~.... ." , ~~::.;'~'f ' ~~1~.<.:; . ~\;..~~, \::..,.,..,{ i<l/'\;;;;'t:~' \~~:I"':;~I' ~I. ," ~~~.L.:'" ~I.'~':, t.:~~ ~ ~~ ~.~,;: : :>' '~t ~'~.""I'~' .',,~, . lS~t~?':~ "" ,.. , " .;;;.."';...""."";.,;..,,., """ , ), Page 2 Proceedings of tho Civil Service Board Meeting. held Tuesday, September 25, 1962. asked that if possible all Board Members be present for the oral examination. Report on new employee (Job Anay1ist) needed in the Civil Service Office. Mr. McFarland reported that he had talked to City Attorney, Herbert Brown and suggested that he study the law and come up with an answer as to what we could do to obtain this employee and still maintain his severanee from Civil Service. Mr. Brown has studied it and is in accord with Mr. McFarlnnd's opinion that by merely stating that this man is a contraet employee, we can keep him separate from Civil Service. By hiring htm as an expert, even though he does not have long years of experience, his par.ticular training would qualify him as an expert and it is within the City's authority to hire him ns a non-Civil Service employee. Mr. McFarland will ask Mr. Brown to confirm this by letter for the files. Director expressed concern over possible adverse employee reaction to the hiring of a personnel department employee outside the framework of Civil Ser- vice) but Board Members felt that as long as he was being hired to do the much- needed job, there would be no such reaction. Mr. Thompson moved that we employ a.man to act as Mr. Young's assistant to rewrite job descriptions on a temporary basis. Seconded by Mr. Wallace. Motion carried. . .' Director read letter from Mr. E. W. Lentz, former Fireman who had been dismissed for being A.W.O.L.) requesting reemployment. Since the Chief is reluctant to approve reemployment due to his absentee record, the Board was in agreement. Mrs. Bissell. moved that the position of Communications Clerk I, Permanent- Part Ttmebe created in the Utilities Department as requested. seconded by Mr. Thompson. Motion carried. , \ . ~ ~ Mr. Thompson moved the meeting be adjourned. :'t ,; Approved: ~ ,~e.pe_ctful~Y submitted, f '.~ohn C. Young Personnel Director and Secretary , , 1 , i .I .,\ ~', , " I '.\ I ! 7v'lJ. lby, Chairman .', .J 1 :1 " ., , , =1 ,I