07/09/1962 '- t:',", I.". ;\."1 : ,1 ~,. ' f 1', .. 'f . . t'{.. '~'r, t:, .' ;{ ~l.' ", i'I,. ... ~';:- " 1\ ',: ~ .' : ~:/:::.;.., .' ,. ,. ~,;,.:': iI;: . t: . ILi, . i:', . ~. l . '.p.'.., . r;.. ~-:::::~.',' . f:':";' ;" '. ,~:;,":;':,. " d ~.,.,. J' . I~':;::.'\. . .:,:, :,' .' I ~ j 1, , . . , ". , ,~ , -::..1"" '" ~;fltJ.',.;:,: ..:.', . [,\1.'<';:,'<:,'< -&.. ~ .. 'c . ." r.~{f.:'!' ~ ;'1'. , . . ~" "n' 1.-", I ~ '; . ~ ~.\;,"~": ~{":.:' ':, ,','; i<l~\.< ."~, .;., ~c~~!';,. ~:: ~., \ !J;[. ' .... . .. ., ~>:' '..~<:," ',:..; ~~~{F~(.>:: ~ }.?/:;',:,':" ~,< "v:h. ,'~f" ~':~..' '~"': :jH . ,v"; ~::;~; ~':~/J :.~:,~:"; ~',..,'. , ' ,~/J ~ .:. . "..' I,: ~:~;~fY?:,.~ : ~!;q'~.,: " ~Fi',,'. lb ,';'.. . 1;'" ..,-. ~L,':', '., ,,: f.I" I' ,,' ~i't'.': ."', . . ~tNX:.'\.',:;.: ~"~;:: t,t....: ,l. ~;;}:::,.: <: I.~~.:.~,.'.:' '....~.: :.\f:' '.: t;~d. .(..,l....~ 1~~~'l:.:I,:/::; ~1tu~:;\.,;r:.~ #'t'"S."\"i:':'.":. . t6~iJI~:;~.' . . ' t 0.. r;",,<~ .,. " . ~\,;.: ":.:":~:r~:~: ,.~,.~ .<.~.~"~, ~I .: ~,'.: .t'; ::'; ,I: .~. ~'. \~, .. ~ ,c> ~.'" ~,: ".,. .' ':. " ". :;;> ",' ....~ ,... . "II-!'.rl:'l:~,. . l}htl-l' "'r<.......,.._.._ ~,.:r" . \ J .-" " '~', . ., <. Ifo.'1,.,'iiIJ4 -' ". Proceedings of the Civil Service Board meeting. July 9, 1962. The Cloarwater Civil Service Board met 1n regular aession at 7:30 p.m. in the!. Civil Service office. Members prescnt: George H. Dalby, Chairman; Mary Fay Bisge11, R. M. Thompson, Sr. and Uarold Wallace. Absent: : Donald O. McFarland. Observers: James A. Stewart, City ~bnager; Russell Riendeau, Police Department; Don Pride and Earl Emmons, reporters. Meeting called to order by Chairman Dalby. Mrs. Bissell) seconded by Mr. Wallace) moved that the minutes of the June 11, 1962 meeting be accepted as written. Motion carried. Reported on suspensions. Reported on resignations. Mrs. Bissell moved that the resignation of George C. Scheeper, Jailer, be accepted with regret. Seconded by Mr. Thompson. Carried. Motion made by Mrs. Bissell, seconded by Mr. Thompson, that resignation of Wyman M. Beam, Police captain, be accepted. Motion carried. Mrs. ,Bissell also moved that resignation of James Burch and JolU1 Winn, Refuse Collectors, be accepted with. regret. Seconded by Mr. Thompson. Motion carried. Mr. Thompson) seconded by Mr. Wallace, moved that resignation of Richard Bartlett, Laborer, Public Works Department, be accepted. Carried. Mr. Thompson moved that resignation of J. E. Anderson, Civil Engineer, be accepted .with regret. Seconded by Mrs. Bissell. Motion 'carried. Director reported on results of the examination held June 29, 1962, for the position of Tabulating Equipment Supervisor I. Only one of the six applicants who reported for, the test passed with the required grade. The Director stated that he did not think this applicant would accept the position since he had been offered two other jobs which paid more money. Mr. Stewart confirmed this and said that a request would be made to hold another examination. Mr. Young asked the Board for their opinion on waiving the residence requirements inasmuch as this is a' specialized job and members indicated they thought this should be done in order to obtain wel1- qualified applicants. Mrs. Bissell moved that outsiders and advertise the applicant presently Thompson. Carried. the Director be.instructed to open the examination to the position out of state as well as statewide in the event on the eligible list refuses the job. Seconded by Mr. Reported on certifications and appointments. Announced examination for Key Punch Operator sche.duled for July 12, 1962 and examination for Fire Apparatus Equipment Mechanic to be held July 19, 1962. Director reported request from the City Manager to furnish list of eligibles, for .police Captain, Uniform Division, also Uniform Sergeant and Traffic Captain. " , m;..-;~c'~ ','~' ;_'-...Jo...... ..~,..,,""~,... c'T ". \. , ~,. '. ."~- .. .:; ;\ ~. i', ~ h .. f'. r' r ,. . (~. 1(.'.,. I. i'''. . 'I. . \ :, r>' . f;; . ,:,' f:" f/: . !~" :'. . ... ',' ~:r.. . li' 9.' . . t::'.: " '. ' r ~..... '. . l I. (.;;'. .'. , Civil Service Board Ninutes, meeting of July 9. 1962 11ago 2 He said examinations would have to be huld for Uniform SarBeant and TraH1c Captain as there io presently no eligible list for thonu positions. The Uniform Captain vacancy will be filled from the eligible list established earlier in the year. Classification for Traffic Captain states three years experience 4S Traffic sergeant required and it was determined that only two Sergeants are eligible to take the examination, namely. Blaine LeCourls and Kenneth Williamson. Director read reply from the City Manager in answer to the Board's requost for a recommendation on the matter of granting two weeks vacation pay to the widow of Vernie Padgett. Sewage Plant Operator, for vacation Mr. Padgett did not take in 1959. Mr. Stewart declined to grant the vacation pay since he felt it would set a precedent that would be difficult to live with in the future. t~ I ~:'>,< ,.' L,..,.' ~::> ." ~>.:'.'; . V(.; ',. {/.' ...., ~ ". . r:'~Jj{. '. '.' f~.:~;':,~I: ~ ~.,I ,', : .: . i;.) j' 'F . ..' t:{, ;...:. .,' .. f:\'~"<'. ~~;!,~:' ~}/';'i:/ ;." ~;.:~..:". ... Ilt!1:;: ~',....\ ".... J~~::~.;"" ":>.. tt.<... . ., ~:~~~l:'>:I'" , ..: ~.""'":..'" ,..: f;t.,<:~:',' '. !.'.'.....'. . Yf ','. , ~'. . r/ '1" :.,' : t.,..... I t~~f:{..~:,;~: :. It:l. ~~' .. . -j'.:: ~..' <.' " t.,:.,: . ;i~?.::'. ::' 'l.ii~:. : . , . ;,., , . ~'::" '. tJ;!;:~> ,... ~~" ,. ," n~;.~t:~~:" :., ~ . ~~X/i:,".~'~,:.:; . ~~._" ''''. ':;;~;)'~~~~'~~~:<i...:. .:, .:....,...:' ':;:" , . Mrs. Bissell moved that the Board turn down this request with regret that they arc. unable to g1:ant it. Seconded by Mr. Thompson. During discussion and in answer to Mrs. Bissell's question as to whether the City Attorney had been consulted) Mr. Stewart said that a previous City Attorney \ had ruled that such money could not be paid. Mr. Stcwart also pointed out that the Board had agreed) at the time the vacation rules were revised in 1960. that all vacations due before that time which l~d not been taken, would not be paid. In view of the rules they must abide by. Board members felt they could not grant this 1959 vacation even though they would like to be of help to Mrs. Padgett. Motion carried. Read letter from the City Manager rega.rding the matter of G. W. Sculley) Parks Division. It was brought out that apparently Mrs. Sculley does not want to be appointed guardian of Mr. Sculley at this time. Her concern was that by not taking some action she might jeopardize the right of Mr. Sculley to claim money he paid into the Employees' Pension Fund. She was assured this was not the case and she indicated her preference to leave the money in the Fund at the present time. No action by the Board necessary. Subject of 1962 Public Fersonnel Association Conference at Miami Beach discussed. Members felt that Mr. Young should attend such meetings and Mr. Thompson moved that the Personnel Director attend this convention at Miami Beach, November 11-15, 1962. Seconded by Mr. Wallace. Motion carried. As requested by the Board at the previous meeting, the Director presented an analysis of sick leave records for Maybelle Hackett, Secretary II) Parks and Recreation Department and Ethel eyr) Clerk 1) Utilities Department. It was explained that the requests of these employees for additional sick leave were similar in that each of them had been required by their department head to take their vacation as part of their sick leave. The Board had previously approved Mrs. eyrls request and payment for the additional sick leave had reinstated her vacation. The Director recommended that for the aakeof uniformity. Mrs. Hackett's request for 14 days additional sick leave be granted. This would reinstate her vacation and put her in the same pOJition as Mrs. eyre Analysis of the sick leave records disclosed that Mrs.Raclcett had received payment for 90 days sick leave during a period of 28 months, while Mrs. Cyr f.~' L. l'~ +' ",I {(~:.,;'.;.n'l J~t\;(J:':' '. ~.. , l::.\~' '. . ;:;;/\' '.: ';"';'1' '{", :. .', . t. ." ~;{..... t7\' r.~_.i' V' r~\:i,:. :' J.'i . ". . >;.-... , ~i!' ~';/.: .' {OJ., ". . ~\:,.:;:.' ....::; ;ilt'-';.:.::.:, '., ~ff.\;';,; ~~B./I' :..,~) ~~~i/Y , i~, ...... ..., . ,. . ~~11,;~;J \.1)',.1.,. ;'. W~~~J'j~ ~~t'tl" ..,. 'f(;fiSi.:::~;: ' ~f(:..:.r ::: , itt~l ,\j.d;;..., '" . ~~f~.~:,~()2 fS~l~t~' ; :1\).1 ~fi~:(~i~?j ?{,t.; I.; ~~ ';'~j:1 ,~~. ~~t~J~r 1.\<./:"",( . ~~.>i;' if'\:;; < (~.'.~ t.",,, . f'J" ;',;; l<<=~,,~'.",:,~. . ~~~':?~';' . 1 ~':J~.?l:.("'~::.! ,11~i; ~ t (,,<.,... -,>,. . . . J~~~;~~1"';'~:;;;:<;1". :;~ ~.:I:,I.:.. Civil service Board ~linutcs. meeting of July 9. 1962. Page 3 received payment for 58 days during a three-year period. Mr. Stewart said that this was ona reason why ho believed employees should be required to take their vacations be foro thoy wero granted additional sick leave. Board members felt the matter of granting additional sick leave was getting completely out of hand. Mr. Thompaon stated that in the future, as long as he was Oil the Board. thero would be no more situations like this and he recommended that the City ~mna8ar inform dcparbnant heads that such requests should not be approved. Mr. Wallace moved that the Board extend Mrs. Hackett 14 days additional sick leave but from this time on. the Board take other action. Seconded by Mr. Thompson with the stipulation that there be Il cl~nge in granting sick leave from now on. Members agreed that separate motions should be made and ~~.Wallace then moved that Mrs. Hackett's request for 14 additional days sick leave 'be granted. Seconded by Mr. Thompson. Motion carried. Mr. Thompson made a motion that from now on the sick leave extension be curtailed commensurate with the time the individual actually carns sick leave and that the granting of extra sick leave should be only under very extenuating circumstances. At Mr. Dalby's suggestion. Mr. Thompson included in his motion that the Director prepare a proper analysis of the employee's nick leave before additional sick leave is granted. Seconded by Mrs. Bissell. Carried. \ Detective examination papers for Patrolman Russell Riendeau was at his request until Board member Donald McFarland can be present. Review of pos tponed . ..) 'j There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mrs. Bissell, moved that the moeting be adjourned at 8:50 p~ m., u'ntil next meeting night. August 13, 1962. ., " '. ,.i . " I I , I :':1 I Respectfully submitted, . :t , .! and Secretary . Approved: , ..Ji:v-1/)v' ~ ' George. . Dalby, Chairman .j , " .," . ,J ., .. :J .'l . .1 ,.\ i i " ". . . ~ ,. ; .\ C.l , 1 . ,'.1 . I .\ >! 'J " ~ '\ . l '1