05/14/1962 '",~I.t" , ,~. I:, I. t., {~ :, . 1~ I "<" ~. j i, ~... o. r .., '~\~'. . f:-,\.~ f.,',:" f' . f" 0" f: ',. \ ' " ~i"':. . r. .~I T I. ' i ;t ~~ , ~';: . ' '. ' r' . I . t', C' , j.:.o };,," ~." V.,. . ' Proceedings of tho Civil Service noard meetlng. Monday, May 14, 1962. The Clearwater Civil Sorvice Board mat in regular session at 7:30, Monday evening, May 14. 19~2, in the Civil Service offlce. Members present: Georg(! ll. Dalby J Chainnan; Mary Fay Bissoll J Donald O. McFarland, R. M. Thompson, Sr. and Harold Wallace. Observers: D. J. RaYCi Herbert McLendon, Clearwater Employees' Associationi Don Pride and Lee Fennell, reporters. Meeting called to order by Chairman Dalby. Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mrs. Bissell. moved that the minutes of the April 23. 1962 meeting be approved as written. Motion carried. Reported on resignations. Mrs. Bissell moved that the resignation of Oscar Gray, Gas Distribution Serviceman I, and B. E. Davis, Refuse Collector. be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Mcfarland. Carried. Reported on suspensions, also Patrolman Leon Bradley's request. through his attorney, for a preliminary hearing before the Civil Service Board. Mr. McFarland, seconded by Mrs. Bissell. moved that the preliminary hearing be held May 28, 1962 at 7:30 p.m. in the Civil Service office. Motion carried. At this point', Mr. Thompson made a motion that from now on. the Civil Service Board hold. one meeting a month instead of the customary two. Meetings are to be held on the second Monday 'night of the month. Mr. McFarland seconded the motion. Carried. . Reported on certifications and appointments. Director read request from Ethel Cyr, Clerk I, Utilities Department, for additional sick leave. Mrs. Bissell moved. that upon receipt of a doctor's certificate, the Board recommend to the City Commission that the additional sick leave be granted. Mr. McFarland seconded the motion. During discussion, it was brought out that the department head had requested the . employ,ee'. to. use her vacation time as an extensio~ of accumulated sick leave. Board members felt that employees should not be required to use their vacations as sick leave unless they had used up their accumulated sick leave and extra,sick leave. The Director mentioned the lack of uniformity in relationship of vacation to sick leave and thought this should be clarified for all departments. Mr. McFarland suggested that the Director clear this with the ,City Manager and if Mr. Stewart concurs with the consensus of opinion of the Board, then a directive. as proposed by Mrs. Bissell, c~uld be issued to department heads instructing them that it is the Civil Service Board policy to use up sick leave and extraordinary sick leave and if the employee i8 still ill, then they can request that their vacation be used in lieu of sick leave. Mrs. Bissell re-worded her motion to read that upon receipt of a doctor's certificate . from Mrs. Cyr, the CLvil Service Board recommend to the City Commission that 30 days additional sick leave, effective April 27. 1962, be granted to Mrs. Cyr. At this ttme, Mr. Raye, Sewage Plant Superintendent. .asked to speak on the subject of sick leave. It was his opinion that the Board was setting a precedent in , . , . I I '~~;: ;:. '~ " ,. ~\~.:;', . 1;'/ ., ('~';:,:.', ' ~" " I' ~. ~w. . <<dO l~\ ;.. ... ,,:.,r-;} ..: ' If".... . 1~ /:> ' ~'~.>~~.,: . ~~~:" .~.. " ." J. I ~ . I,,', ~:~j.::/< i:'( , t( t-11',' ~>:; f.'\'" i~" : It.;':. ~\, '.... > . 'C~:; r < . ~{ ::. ~~:,; \ : ' " ;.ri". ". . t:':~.\: . ,:', .': ~.: :j+ ~ : I . I .'. ~}. ; c, c.. .~. ~~' t . \~:, ~'. ", R" 1 : . , :' f;,;, 0 r:'...Q.' ~;:":" .' . ~ ~. \. " >.' ': ~'/i.'.,. j :,', ii';'.',.' ~~,c, :i,< [;{'(,",.".-;'::,:' r;\;;::,:!:':;: :.:. tYH1 . ,. ~.'" ,', t~,t{:(,;",<..!.' : :';,. 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Mr. McFarland, seconded by Mr. Thompson~ moved that the Board recommend to the City Commission that this request for additional sick leave from April 17, 1962, be granted. Motion carried. Request of Carl Michalski, Dock Attendant, for 30 days additional sick leave considered by the Board. Mr. Thompson moved that the Civil Service Board recommend to the City Commission that the request be granted. Seconded by Mr. McFarland. Carried. Subject of holdover vacation for Vcrnie Padgett, Sewage Plant Operator, discussed. Mr. Raye, Sewage Plant Superintendent, explained to the Board that the employee had not taken his vacation during 1959 because it was felt that he could not be spared from his duties at that time. Mr. Raye proposed granting the 1959 vacation in conjunction with the 1962 vacation due~ this t~e to be used up prior to a request for additional sick leave, since the employee is presently absent from work with a terminal illness. Board members pointed out that the rule for accumulating vacations had not become effective until January, 1960 and thought that a precedent might be set if this 1959 vacation were granted. Mr. Wallace felt that the Board should do whatever it could to aid the employee and suggested granting additional sick leave first, and if the employee did not recover fram his illness, give his widow the vacation money. Mr. MCFarland said that unless it could be demonstrated to have monetary value to the widOW, he would be against granting the 1959 vacation at this point because of the possibility of setting a precedent on granting 1959 vacations. It was his suggestion that the Board defer action on the 1959 vacation and members concurred. Mr. Raye then 1:equested the Board to reco1IlIl.end to the City Commission that 60 days additional sick leave be granted to Vernie Padgett. Mr. Thompson moved that the Civil Service Board recommend to the City Commission that 60 days additional sick leave be granted to vernie Fadgett. Seconded by Hrs. Bissell and carried. Read request from Eddie Moore, Parks and Recreation Director~ to promote a laborer in the Parks Division to the position of Equipment Operator-Tree Trimmer. Board members agreed no examination was necessary and Mr. McFarland moved that the request for the transfer of the laborer to the poaition of Equipment Operator- Tree-Trimmer be granted. Seconded by Mr. Thompson. Motion carried. 'Mr. McFarland also made a. motion that the request of Mr. Moore. to use part- tUne playground employees as substitute umpires be granted. Seconded by Mr. t~omp8on. Carried. Civil Service Board Minutes, meeting May 14, 1962. Page 3 Director read employment request from the City Manager for a Finance Director. Board members agreed with Mr. Stewart.s recommendation that applications be accepted on a statewide basis. It was also the opinion of the Board that the examination for Finance Director be tailor-made for the position. The Director requested permission to confer with the City Manager to determine exact require- .ments for the position of Finance Director and members thought this should be done. Mrs. Bissell made a motion that the examination for, the position of Finance Director be put on a statewide basis and that the examination be commensurate with th~position. Seconded by Mr. Mcfarland. Carried. Mr. Dalby mentioned briefly the receipt of Orders of Dismissal regarding appeals filed in 1957 against decisions of the Civil Service Board by Albert Lee and Malvin Johnson, former Police Patrolmen with the City of Clearwater. No action necessary. . 'There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, Chairman Dalby reminded the members of the preliminary hearing scheduled for Leon Bradley, Monday, May 28, 1962 at ,7:30 p.m. and the next regular Board meeting on June 11, 1962. . Mr. .Thompson, seconded by.Mrs. Bissell, moved ,for adjournment at 9:10 p.m. Motion cart:ied. Respectfully submitted) ohn C. Young rsonnel Director and Secretary ". ' \ . '" '." ".' I I ,I .1 < ) , , ! , I I t j :1 I ."1 , '.' ;1