P,roccadinga of the Civil Service Board meating, Monday, ~1arch 26, 1962.
The Claa:rwatcl: Civil Service Doard met in regular sossion at 7: 30, Monday evening.
March 26, 1962, in the Civil Service office.
. .
Members present: George U. Dalby, Chairmanj Mary Fay niSBOll. Donald O. McFarland,
R.. M. 'rhompson, Sr., and Uarold ~4allacc.
Observers: Mr. ,james R. Stewart, City Manager; Mrs. Mary L. Howell and Mrs. He10n
Leonard, League of Women Voters; Herbert McLendon. Employees' Association; reporters
Joe Devlin, Al Hutchison and Don Pride.
Meeting called to order by Chairman Dalby.
Mr. Wallace moved timt the minutes of March 12, 1962 be adopted as written. Mrs.
Bissell requested that the minutes include her objection to any employees or
department heads participating in making up questions for examinations. Mr. Wallace
moved that the minutes of March 12, 1962 be adopted as amended. Seconded by Mrs.
. Bissell. Carried.
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Mrs. Bissell moved that the minutes of the joint meeting of the Civil Service Board
and the City Commission held ~~rch 19, 1962, be accepted as written. Seconded by
Mr. Mcfarland. Carried.
Mrs. Bissell moved that the minutes of the special meeting of March 20, 1962 be
accepted as written. Seconded by }~. Thompson. Motion carried.
Reported on dismissals and suspensions.
Personnel Director read copy of memorandum from City ~mnager to department heads
regarding employees' unauthorized use of City vehicles.
Rep~rted on certifications and appointments.
Motion made by Mr. Thompson that the Board waive the oral examination and approve
appointment of Walter DeWillis, Firefighter. Seconded by Mr. McFarland and carried.
After brief discussion, members decided to continue givi.ng oral examinatitms for
Patrolman and Firefighter applicants as in the past and agreed that at least two
Board members interview the applicantG.
Director read letter from Board of Trustees, Fireman's Relief and Pension Fund.
Mr. Thompson recommended that the letter be accepted and filed.
Reported resignation of Frank Janoski, Gas Plant Attendant. Mrs. Bissell moved'
that, the. resignation be accepted with regret. Seconded by Mr. McFarland. Carried..
Subject of 1962-63 Budget presented. Mr. McFarland stated that it was his under-
standing that the Personnel Director would prepare a proposed budget and present
it to the Board for approval at the next meeting. Members agreed.
Chairman announced that the Clearwater Employees' Association invited Mr. Young
to attend their April 5th meeting. Mrs. Bissell and Mr. Wallace agreed to attend
the meeting also.
Mr. Dalby proposed holding just one Civil Service Board meeting a month. Members
felt, however, that it would be desirable to continue with two meetings a month
until the. Personnel Director became more familiar with procedures.
Civil Service Bonrd Minutes, meeting March 26, 1962
Page 2
Mr. Young reported having visited most of the City departments, accompanied by
Mr. Stewart; City Manager, and expressed his pleasure with the cooperative
.attitude of'department heads and employees. Mr. Thompson inquired whether it
would be possible for the Director to make periodic visits to the departments.
Mr. Young replied that in his opinion the Personnel Department could not be run
satisfactorily from behind a desk and felt it was necessary to familiarize
himself with the various needs of the departments during such visits. Board
members agreed that it"was deuirablo for the Personnel Director to conduct these
field tours.
Visitors were excused at this time and the Board proceeded into executive session
to review employees' fingerprint reports. At completion of session, Mr. Thompson
suggested that department heads be notified of any serious offenses in order that
ehe employee might be watched for indication of further offense.
There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting adjourned until
next meeting night, April 9, 1962.
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Respectfully submitted,
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John C. Young
Personnel Director
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