02/19/1962 - Special 17. . ,}. .., 4.~.tl~j.'J.\ll...~~ . 5' . > ';~,1~.,\ ," u; {1}'/'.;!'., , ~ ;:. '. I ~~t<,:",: to... t 1(" '. ~:\", ' r'~.. r~:;'.' . !{., " '. : ~~:!;;' ':,':' '. rt: "'"', I, ~:::::::~,' " ..,': !l:>.:'; ":,' ~., ,. .. [(\>::,: : ,: ~.~ ,.f1(,::':/.: :. ~y-~ , ., ." , ~t',;"~;.; {\t-:... ,i>~ : .' I. F ,;'.'.'> f,...... li~":r~:.:: P~)~,-):.':;:':,.' ~""''''.r __ .fll( f;g~~:;:'J":';:~ ~j~::/)l ~"""".. '." ~j~ffiW( ~.t./ I' P/ ; I'd (j.' ~ ~I,,~;~:.:~.~'.::~'i' ,,: ~".".:;t". " ~~~;~;'5.. ':.~'::1;.~'; t,".. ^ " , .;~~; :~:~~\~~ ':I~:"~' ~,'t )', ,; '.'; I, 1'. f~;~>;...::.,/' t'::r '\,' ,', ~.if#~\> I.e'" .', " ' ~>.: ,> . ~I:\. . ~..:,!;;,~ ';.. \, '}~,q"",,,,,,, '. . '}~\>~:'< I~.J~' ;', ~'~l~J/ "~,' .: ~E'~~\:'>,~ h!'" '..,: ",' ~1"'O':' I"~~:.:;,..! :'.>'. m:t';~';\: .:,.::': ~J.:~"'''' ',' u. (~~~~;};I:~;',",~~ c . '~~li;})i .' ",.~~~~~~~..,L..:~:6ii.i.~a,,'~'.}'~io!...J.:"""'*~t..tnl.w\l('l..L';"~.i~'....J..w~::.i.'H"'"!.fI'~~~ 7'''~:.\:!)Ji ./,.',,-.' ~:i ,/...J. ,,~ .~.\~.~~:., ......;,.:." ~..;..... X..:.. ~ ",." ,...;...;,.......... ,t-.""l': Proceedings of the Civil Service Board meeting, held Monday, February 19, 1962. The Clearwater Civil Service Board met in a special session Monday evening, February 19, 1962 at 7 o'clock in the Municipal Court Room, Police Station, 644 Pierce Street. Members present: George H. Dalby, Chairman; Mary Fay nissell, Donald O. McFarland, R. M. Thompson, Sr., and Harold Wallace. Meeting called to order by Chairman Dalby. The purpose of the meeting was (1) to review the test papers of Assistant Chief Ge~rge D. Beck, Fire Department, for the Fire Chief's examination held December 19, 1961; (2) review test papers of Sgts. Blaine Lecouris, Kenneth Williamson and William Premru for the Police Captain's examination held January 25, 1962; (3) Public Hearing on dismissal of Ned Graham, Refuse Collector, Utilities Department. Assistant Chief Beck was first to be heard and thanked the Board members for the courtesy of postponing the review until such time as he waD sufficiently recovered from a. recent illness to appear. Mr. Beck' stated he was asking for the review of his test papers since he believed the examination was slightly improper insofar as judging the basic qualifications for a Fire Chief was concerned. He also questioned the time limit for the examination. After citing various examples and pointing out that authorities do not agree on certain answers given. in text books with reference to hydraulics, Mr. Beck suggested tl~t the December 19, 1961 examination for Fire Chief be thrown out because it did not cover the complete qualifications for Fire Chief. I Following discussion by Board members as to variance in answers given by authorities .on the subject of hydraulics, Mrs. Bissell moved that the examination be thrown out and a new examination be given after the Board decided what authority to use for the test questions. Seconded by Mr. McFarland. In discussion, Mr. McFarland said he hesitated to go along with the motion since both applicants had equal opportunity and one passed after the Board had corrected a mistake in.grading. He did not believe Mr. Beck had shown the Board that enough questions were wrong to make a substantial variation in his grade. Mr. McFarland further stated that he felt there was a possibility of setting a dangerous pre- cedent if the examination was thrown out. Mr. Thompson did not Service Board at the would have to accept were corrected. feel qualified to'comment inasmuch as he was not on the Civil time of the examination but stated that he thought the Board the responsibility of what they did when the examinations Chairman called fo~ vote. Mr. McFarland and Mr. Wallace voted against throwing out the examination. Mrs. Bissell voted in favor. Mr. Thompson abstained. R.eview of Police Captain's Examination Sgt. Lecouris was first to be heard. He referred to questions in Section I of the eXamination given January 25, 1962, and objected to answers shown as correct on .the key to the test. . " ~ < < . . , " Civil Service Board Minutes, meeting February 19, 1962 page 2 Mr. Dalby asked the Board members if they wanted to go by the key or by the answers that they believed best for the questions. Mr. McFarland moved that either fraud or grand larceny be allowed as correct for question 1, Section t. Mr. Wallace then suggested that the City Attorney and Mr. McFarland confer in order to decide if the key was incorrect. If they felt the key was wrong, the papers could be regraded. Attorney Brown said he would be glad to help in this way. Mr. McFarland asked the office secretary to prepare blank examinations showing the answers given by the three applicants who were appealing their grades so that the attorneys might see the possible answers used without knowing whose examination . was being considered. Mr. McFarland asked that his motion be withdrawn. S8t.Leco~ris said he was in favor of City Attorney Brown and Mr. McFarland reviewing I the'examinations in this manner and would accept their views on the entire examination. Mr. Walla~e suggested that the opinion of Police Chief Booth also be obtained to see if the attorneys' opinion agreed with the policies of the Police Department. Sergeant Williamson interrupted to say he would like to be heard before the next motion was made since he was protesting a different section of the examination and . the, fact that the weights of the various se~tions had not been shown. Mr. 'Dalby stated that the three Sergeants would be given a chance to come before the Board again when the committee had completed their review. Motion then made by Mr. Wallace that City Attorney Herbert Brown, Attorney Donald ',McFarland and Police Chief Willis Booth review the examination questions and that . the' three' Sergeants come before the Civil Service Board, February 26. Seconded by.' ~.. Thompson. Carried. Re~pectfully submitted, ') ~A~. Alice Stebbins, Office Secretary Approved: '\, ~.;~Rl<<- J(:~6 .' ,Georg~ .. Dalby t 'Cha:inna '.. . , j ;'! , .. 1 :j ...\ " ..1 .. ','