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Proceedingo of the Civil S(!rvice BOllrd meeting, Monday, February 12, 1962.'
The Clearwater Civil Service Board met in regular session at 7:30, Monday evening,
February 12, 1962, in the Civil Service office.
Membars prosont: Goorge 11. Dalby, Chairman; Mary Fay Bisso1l, Donald O. McFarland,
R. N. Thompoon. Sr. and Harold Wallace.
ObBerVQrB~ Mr. James R. Stewart, City Manager; Attorney A. D. Finch, Sgt. Blaine
LeCouria. l~olica Department; Asst. Chief Walter Manning, Fire Department; E. C. Hed1er,
A. A. Zahler, Harbert McLendon; Don Pride and Joe Devlin, reporters.
Meeting callod to ordor by Cl~irman Dalby.
First item on 4gonda was appointment of Chairman for 1962.
Mr. Thompoon nominated Mr. Dalby. Mr. Dalby asked Mr. McFarland to take the chair
in order to present the question. Mr. McFarland moved the question. Motion made by
Mr. McFarland. seconded by Mr. t~al1ace, that Mr. Dalby be e loctad as Chairman for
1962. Motion carried unanimously.
Reading of minutes, meeting January 16, 1962.
Mr. McFarland moved that all reference to verbatim discussion in the minutes other
than the direct reporting of the fact that Mr. Manning and his attorney were heard,
and the result of the reconsideration of the examination by the Board, be stricken
from the minutes of the meeting at ~nlich that action took place. Seconded by
Mr. Wallace. During discussion, Mr. Thompson stated that he felt the Board members
should'be furnished a copy of the minutes of the Board meetings and suggested that
a copy of the minutes be provided the members of the Board prior to the next meeting.
Mr. Thompson added that he would like to have that portion of the minutes stricken
but would like to have it in the record book as presentation to the Board. Members
Mrs. Bissell felt all discussion should be in the minutes.
Vote in favor of the motion to approve the minutes as corrected: Mr. McFarland~
Mr. Thompson and Mr. Wallace. Mrs. Bissell, opposed. Motion carried.
StateQent of Attorney Harold S. Wilson for legal services rendered to tbe Civil
Service Board considered by Board members, who felt presentation of this bill
terminated Mr. Wilson's services to the Board. Motion was made by l1r. McFarland
that the bill be submitted to the City Commission with the recommendation of the
Board that it be paid. Seconded by Mr. Wallace. Carried. Mr. Thompson abstained
from voting since'he felt that he was not familiar with the matter.
Read letter received from City of Tarpon Springs requesting information concerning
benefits derived from the City of Clearwater Civil Service system. Director was
. instructed to acknowledge the letter and refer City of Tarpon Springs to the Annual
Conference of the Florida Association of Civil Service and Personnel Agencies to be
held in April at the Jack Tar Harrison Hotel in Clearwater, as it was felt their
attendance at the Convention would be of considerable benefit to them.
Director reported that Asst. Chief Beck, Fire Department, was still too ill to
appear before the Board at this time but would advise the Board when he was suf-
ficiently recovered to meet with them.
Mr. Wallace moved that the Board meet Monday evening. February 19, 1962, in the
City Hall at 7:00 p.m. to hear Mr. Beck and to review the test papers of Sgts.
Blaine LeCouris, William Premru and Kenneth Williamson for the examination given
January 25, 1962, for the position of Police Captain. also for the Public Hearing
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ClvU Sarvlco UOl.lrll Hlnutan, mooting Vobruary 12, 1962 page 2
on tho t.Iimninnul 01' Noll Ornhnm, Itc!uao Uiviaion employee. Seconded by Mr. Thompson.
Motion cnrriud.
Reportod ruuultll of oxltlllludtlonu held {or Utilities Serviceman I, Uniform Captain,
Eloctrlcinu"LinulUI1n It ,and CUlm1uni,cntions Clerk II.
Reported on 1l1nmiulltllu ont.l sUDpcnnionfJ.
Roulgnotiollll: Motion WllR II14du by Mr. McFarland, scconded by Mr. Thompson, that the
, resignation of Eugona Shuuts, Police Department, bc accepted. Carried.
Mr. Thompoon, 8econded by Mrs. Bissell, moved that resignation of Joe Richardson,
Refuse Collector, be accepted. Motion carried. Mrs. Bissell moved that resigna-
tion of Denioo O'Leary, Finance Department, be accepted with regret. Seconded by
Mr. Thompson and cnrriad.
Reported on Certifications, Appointments and Vacancies.
Read letter from MrR. G. W. Sculley requesting sixty additional days sick leave
for her husband, laborer, Parks and Recreation Department, also letter from Mr. Eddie
Moore, Parka and Recreation Department Director, approving this additional leave.
Mrs. Bissell moved that the Board recommend to the City Commission that sixty
additional days sick leave be granted. Seconded by Mr. Wallace. Motion carried.
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Board members con8id~red fingerprint record of recent employee, Gas
Serviceman t. Mr. McFarland moved that this record be given to the
for his usa in determining the mants ability to perform his duties.
to show that the fingerprint report be sent to the City ~mnager for
Seconded by Mr. Thompson. Carried.
department head
Motion amended
his action.
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Director reported that fingerprint reports for most of the City employees were now
on file in the Civil Service office. Members agreed to make consideration of these
records an agenda item and review some of the records at each meeting.
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No action by the Board necessary on copy of letter addressed to Mr. Stewart, received
from Sewage Treatment Plant employees concerning schedule of work week hours.
Members agreed that this matter should be handled by Mr. Stewart, City Manager.
Read copy of letter addressed to Mayor Weatherly by Employees' Association requesting
copy of proposed Civil service rules and regulations. Mr. McFarland said it was his
understanding that the rules had been referred by the City Commission to the City
Manager and the City Attorney for study and recommendations. Mr. Stewart replied
thAt they had not finished thej.i~ study of the rules but were working on them.
No action by the Board necessary.
The regular business having been completed, l1r. McFarland requested that visitors
and reporters be excluded from the room at this time and that the Board meet
privately with the Director.
Mr. McFarland then mentioned his observation of dissension and misunderstanding
concerning the operation of Civil Service in Clearwater and as a result of past
experience'and more recent experience since being on the Civil Service Board) he
believed it would be to the best interest of Civil Service if Mrs. Brown, Director,
would submit her resignation. Mr. McFarland said further that he felt the majority
of the Board members would uphold the request and that he was making the statement
in a discussion matter, if the Director saw fit to so do. If not, then he would
put the request in the form of a motion.
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Civil Service Board Minutes, meeting February 12, 1962
page 3
In ano~er to Mrs. Brown's requcst for a reauon, Mr. McFarland replied that hc had
given all the reason he thought necessary. Motion was then made by Mr. McFarland
that Mrs. Brown be requested to resign her position as Director of Personnel of the
Civil Service Board. Seconded by Mr. Wallace.
The Director said she could rcsign but indicated she would like to stay until after
the Annual Convention of Florida State Civil Service and Personnel Agencies to be
held in clearwater during April. However, Board members felt resignation should
be effective ~ediatcly.
Vote: Mr. McFarland, Mr. Thompson and Mr. Wallace in favor. M~s. Bissell, pppoedd.
Motion carried.
Chairman Dalby suggested that the Director be given 30 days severance pay in addition
to any sick leave and vacation time due her. Members discussed subject of allowance
for sick leave. Mr. McFarland and Mr. Wallace thought that payment of earned sick
leave would be in the natu~e of additional severance pay.
Motion was then made by Mr. McFarland that payment be made to Mrs. Brown for compen-
satory time due, her accrued vacation and one month's severance pay. Mr. Wallace
seconded the motion. Carried.
A motion subsequently made by Mrs. Bissell that sick leave be granted Mrs.Brown,
died for lack of a second.
, The Director said "I've done the, best I could under very difficult circumstances
but if that's what you want, then that's the way its going to be."
Mr~ Thompson stated that he felt any information given newspapers, other than that
obtained by the reporters themselves at the meetings, on Board matters, should come
,only from the Chairman of the Board. Members concurred.
,'Moeion to adjourn made by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. McFarland and carried.
Hearing date set, for Monday, February 19, 1962 and next regular meeting night,
February 26, 1962.
Respectfully submitted,
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Alic~ Stebbins, Office Secretary