11/29/1961 - Special Proceudings of the Civil Service Board meeting held Wednesday, Novomber 29, 1961. Chalrnmn Dalby culled meoting of Board members Wednesday, November 29, 1961, 4:30 p.m., for purpose of discussing appointment of new member to Civil Service Board. I 1 ..~;-" ", "':8, "..; '::~~ , ~ ~ '\ \ Mrs. Bissell objected to the meeting being called ltofficial meeting", since ahe had understood it was to be a work session in order to discuss names of qunlified candidates. Mr. \~allaco made a motion, seconded by Mr. Butcher, that it be an official meeting. Mrs. Bissell opposed on grounds it WllS not properly called and public not informed. Chairman then polled members for names of a successor to Mr. Mauney. Mr. Wallace made a motion a vacancy be declared. Mrs. Bissell objected on grounds the Civil Service law states a ltBollrd member shall serve until a successor is , appointed." Mr. Wallace suggested Mr. Donald McFarland. Mrs. Bissell said that in case he couldn't or wouldn't agree to serve, the Board should have an additional name and suggested Mr. Lester Furney. , , Mr. Wallace recommended Mr. McFarland be appointed, then asked to serve. Mr. .,Dalby stated Mr. McFarland had not been asked but felt sure that he would be willing. Motion made to appoint Mr. Mc~arland, seconded and carried unanimously. " ., Discussion followed on plans for the State Convention of Civil Service and Personnel ,:Agenciesto be held in Clearwater in April. Members agreed to serve 'on Host ,',Committee. , :1 Motion made to adjourn. , c,-<; RUt/tB~.~:cr~y~ j i >1 ,~I ,1 'OJ' :l J ',I -" 'J . . .: ',' ].' .