10/17/1961 , I 'J. I " L' , t, i '. t:,,; , ;",~ ~.I,~ ':l, L- t.'.. 1\, ~' . ~:::, c f' ' t' t~ ,~,',~ , ,~ ~':::.~ f':'", ~ ,'.' ~':< ' . < C;;",::, f:''/,''-' , ~:":''- ':' F!' I.~'\' ~ " . ~" . .. ~I ~ ~ I . ~II ,"';' ,'. ~~{.. '::"'. :: r:" ',' ~J.? ' ~.: ; . .: It:; :., .", ",:,', : f ,J .., . ~;:;;;.; ;>:,:,,: t':;S::,:, f~(:;;-:,(,; :: ~ ~.J; ~:::. ,c/ ",~, Kp""'l':" , ~~:,3~::~:'!J/i..',:, . I:':}c:;" (I," ',' ,-,',J ~:(::'~':~"~ ':<;, ,> ~~ tl.:"..;: '" ..' ~~}X<' ',Yi b.~rlr'~' ";:.:.: ,'~'!:", T ::. >, '., :. ..... f~, C c. , , rHI"" . ~ . l~r'./) " i}):~::';c I:'; :,," Ft>'-"., ~{",i ~(;~:::'~.~~~':. :','; ~l;:O", ~"" ::,';' I~\'~<>\ ~if""Vf..>" ' ~j::;\< . ,~~ ~ procccdingo of the Civil Service Board meeting s Tuosday s October 17) 1961. The Cl~nrwater Civil Service noard mot in regulLlr ncslJions 'ruesday evening, 7:30 in the Civil Service office. Members present: George Dalby, Chairmallj Hary Fay Dinoell, George Butcher. Absent: R. B. Hauney, Hal"old Wallace. Guests: Mr. Stewart, City ~lanngcr; Harold Wilson, Attorney; J. N. Phillips, Herbert HcLendon, Aubrey Ort, Jeanne Gates, representing Employees' Association; Mrs. Howell nnd Mrs. Leonard, League of Women Voters, and Mr. Edwin lledler. Chairman Dalby called the meeting to order and asked for a reading of minutes of meeting held October 3, 1961. Mrs. Bissell, seconded by Mr. Butcher, moved that minutes be accepted as read. Attorney Wilson present to report on the progress of preparing the questions for presentation by the Civil Service Board to the Attorney General. He stated that he had met several times with the City Attorney and the draft of questions were in the hands of City Attorney Brown for review. Mr. Wilson said that he would like a conference with the Civil Service Board members prior to sending the questions to Tallahassee. Members thanked him for the report and urged prompt action in ~rder to conclude the matter. Letter of resignation read from Mr. Frank Abernathy, Finance Director, effective December 1, 1961, copy of letter to City Manage~ regarding the resignation, and receipt of an employment request for filling the position ~eported. i , , i I Director requested Board's approval for state-wide advertising of this opening. Mrs. >>is8e11 moved that Director be granted permission to advertise the position ,of Finance Director state-wide. Seconded by Mr. Butcher. Carried. Utilities Department Brought out that the issue in the case of Albert Bailey, former Gas Plant Attendant, was the refusal to Mr. Bailey of the form requested from Mr. Nalson, his department head. Board members agreed that Mr. Nelson was in error in this instance and felt there was nothing could be done for Mr. Bailey since not having been certified to permanent status, he had no right of appeal before the Board. However, members want it made clear that department heads must understand that this type of txeatment to employees or s~ch actions is not to be condoned. Mr. Dalby said that he wanted to add that this matter is closed and directed the Director write Mr. Bailey to this effect. Read request from James Elliott, laborer, City GarageJ for six additional days sick leaveJ recommended by his department head, Mr. Shaner. ~~. Butcher, seconded by Mrs. Bissell, moved that the Board recommend to the City Commission that the additional time be granted. Carried. ,} ", 5 j ., . ~j " '-; 'J R~quest read from David Linkous, Electrician, for 2~ additional days sick leave, recommended by ~~. Ort, ~epartment head. Mr. Ort agreed to furnish the effective dates of leave. Mrs. Bissell moved that recommendation be made to the City Commission that this time be granted. Seconded by Mr. Butcher and carried. Reported resignation of Thomas Sivek. Engineering Aide. Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mrs. Bissell, moved that letter of regret be written to employee. t'.,i.:L-":':~.::? \ 4;';;; " ~:':' ' ...~. , .hi', ~ ~':',,:. ;,/'1, ' i',;,\" {::;" , r- ' .' (':'~" ~.~: ~~ , It~ ~<.. ' '~"'. r,:'l':,-' '. (' ' .I'i; , (,:"',,.. ; f.(\'< ~~.~ .i:"'. ~:< ' :' f}i.;,,':-.~,::'" );>>,' .,,' r..: :d '. ~,: 1: ',' i'I:', .. ' .'~ '. ':" J f~\:>::::" , r,: ",: : , \. t~>:':> ': ' : ' ;'.....,1,.....: 't" :' ~:; ,:, ':. ''': :", ~;f<.:,\:: < C...;,..," ~K;~:;.'.,<,.';:'( l\:g:~)) ;,::::'~ ;:.; ! ~.. , c; '.. .', . . ':~':.~ ~: '.. t' lli~:f} ::( ":; t;~,~" ~'-"l l~::C"_>'" U."c,1 .." i}~(:';'.':. \.~" p,:" i c. , ,: ~i.f~:,,;;:"~:~:.:2,~: \ It"." .,' ,.' ~{).~{"~'::' :<,.;:';:~~ ~'j""'" ",' iJt;tt(:f,::, ' ~~/{.,;.: ::,'~;,~ r'~''':' ..",' lA:;:~:~.j; :::',':':.; ~f~~i/\~;:~;: t,..I:..,, ." ~r\~.:'~.,~>:~w; ;'," .~ tt f" ~ '.' I . ';,i{~[\: :,.',\; ~]r~:':' ~'J'" .., f{~< >. ,,: f\~{;,~;,:" : ',':: ~~I;':~'(:"'i"'~ ' . ;1.:' . > ' .~ "'0" ~"'; i\]t:~!;;:,:':~;:~':: ,,!;"~ .:j:;' , ' ~\(:t~~ i.:. .- li~'i. Civil Service Board Minutes, meeting of October 17, 1961 page 2 Read request from Elmer Bridgest Parks Department, (or military leave. Mrs. Bissell, seconded by Mr. Butchert moved that this leave be granted and letter to this effect be Bent to employee, Carried. Reported 'certifications and appointments. Recreation Department Disc~ssed matter of permanent part-time music specialist. This position not established and Mr. Stewart suggested that Mr. Moore be advised to contact him for proper classification. Reported on matter of D.C.T. studentt employee,colored library. Director instructed to inquire if employee is still working and advise Mr. Stewart. Reported applications being received for positions of City Engineer, Gas Inspector and Dock Attendant. Director asked Boardts decisioo,as to the employees eligible to compete in exami- nation for Fire Chief. Mr. Dalby suggested that there might be an outstanding captain eligible to take the examination. In answer to Mrs. Bissell's question, the Director stated the law w~ich mentions those one rank below Chief eligible to compete. Chairman thought if both Assistant Chiefs passed the test, then an examination for Captain would have to be held. Members felt the law should be followed and they need not take any further action. Reported dismissal of Ned Graham, Refuse Collector. Mrs. Bissell reported ci.r- cumstances of the dismissal. Mr. Stewart said that the rules should be followed in this case and Mrs. Bissell agreed to notify the employee to present his case through the proper channels. Mrs. Bissell questioned why this employee was not receiving longevity pay. Mr. Dalby felt this was up to the department head. Mr. Stewart said longevity should be automatic and it had nothing to do with the Civil Service Board. Mrs. Bissell maintained it a function of the Board, if one receives it, all should, no exceptions. Reported dismissal of Allen Gibbons, Refuse Collector. Reported request for decision on salary increase requested fur Janet Vollertson, Utilities Department. Employee had interrupted service. Mr. Dalby stated rule called for continuous service. Mrs. Bissell moved the matter be tabled until full Board present. Seconded by Mr. Butcher. Carried. Read letter from City Manager regarding salary increase for Ruby Brown, Library Assistant II. Director reported circumstances of employee's appointment. Mrs. Bissell suggested that Mr. Dalby discuss this matter with Attorney Harold Wilson, and advise the Board further the findings at its next meeting. Mr. Dalby agreed. Mrs. Bissell reported request by members of Clearwater Employees' Association ~for a joint meeting with the City Commission, Civil Service Board, City Manager Civil Servico Board Minutes, meeting of October 17, 1961 page 3 , ,<! >, .."~:' . ,;' :t:l ;:' , ", ,II', ,."; ',\;' ":~ and Executive Committee of Emp10yeos' Association ,to discuss merit increases. Chairman felt the meoting could be set up if all the Boards could get together. Mr. Stewart thought it might be arranged SOme time in November. J. N. Phillips, President, Employees' Association, explained reason for employcos requcsting merit ,increases. Mr. Dalby suggested that Mr. Phillips write lotter, formally requesting this meeting. Mr. Phillips agreed to do BO. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, motion was ,made and passed to adjourn at 8:45 until next meeting night, November 7. 1961. >, Respectfully submitted, \\ ~ ~ L c.r---/s-\. ..__~ Ruth E. Drown, Secretary Approved: , ': . 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