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Proceedings of the Civil Service Board meeting held Tuesday, September 5, 1961.
The Clearwater Civil Service Board met in regular session, Tuesday evening,
September 5. 1961. at 7:30 p.m., ill the Civil Service office.
Members prescnt: George Dalby. Chairman; Nary Fay Bissell, and Harold Wallace.
Absent: George Butcher and R. B. Mauney, out of town.
Meeting called to order by Chairman Dalby.
Read minutes of meeting held August 1, 1961. Mrs. Bissell, seconded by Mr. Wallace,
moved that minutes be accepted as read.
Director read letter from 1. M. Tubbs, Gas Distribution Serviceman I, protesting
change of duties and hours. Mr. Tubbs was present and explained his reasons for
appealing. Mr. Bob Daniels, Gas Distribution Superintendent, Mr. Tubbls immediate
supervisor,'present and stated that he felt if Mr. Tubbs could continue doing the
new duties to which he has been assigned he would get along all right. Mr. Daniels
felt that Mr. Tubbs should not be expected to do heavy labor as he had in the past.
Mr. Taylor, Utilities Manager, stated, too, that this employee was not physically
able to perform strenuous duties. Board members agreed it would be a hardship for
Mr. Tubbs to work nights and were of the opinion that after the years of service
with the city he should continue with the new duties. Mr. Wallace, seconded by
Mrs. Bissell, moved that Mr. Tubbs be retained in the same job he is at present
doing. Motion carried. Mr. Stewart, City Manager,and Mr. J. D. Nelson, Gas
Superintendent, to be notified the decision of the Board.
Attorney Harold Wilson present to report on progress nade in the matter of a
proposed suit against the City. Mr. Wilson reported that following the joint
meeting of the City Commission and Board members August 4, he met with City Attorney
Herbert Brown and discussed ways in which they might provide for solution of
problems. The attorneys agteed that there are certain issues between the Civil
Service Board and the City Commission which are insolvable except by the determi-
nation of some third party. Stated there are two ways to continue:
(1) By filing suit in the Circuit Court as proposed previously.
(2) By asking for an opinion from the State Attorney General.
Mr. Wilson stated that such an opinion would not have the dignity of a court
decision but both groups could rely upon an opinion from the Attorney General, and
it would not have the adversary effect that would follow a court decision. Both
groups would be bound by the opinion of the Attorney General. Mr. Wilson felt
that the value of the Attorney General's opinion would depend largely upon the
preparation of the questions asked and a great deal of thought should be given them,
and presented jointly to the Attorney General. Mr. Wilson felt that the Civil
Service Board should make a concession and request this opinion, inasmuch as the'
City Commission felt just as much good would come of the matter if this procedure
were followed.
Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mrs. Bissell, moved that Attorney Harold Wilson and City
Attorney Herbert Browll be instructed to proceed and prepare a draft of questions
for presentation to the Attorney General. This draft to be presented to the
Civ~l Service Board at its next meeting, September 19. Motion carried.
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Police Department
Read request from the City Manager to establish position of Janitor, Police
Department. Mrs. Bissell, seconded by Mr. Wallace, moved that the position be
established as requested. Motion carried.
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Civil Service Board Minutes, meeting of Sept. 5, 1961.
puge 2
Read request of Theodore Jones for reinstatement to position of Patrolman, following
military leave. Mrs. Bissell moved th4t this request be granted. Seconded by
Mr. Wallace. Carried.
Reported names of four applicants accepted by Chief Booth for position of Jailer
and acceptance of Clerk I &pplicant.
Reported appointments, and suspensions.
Public Works Department
Reported resignations, dismissals and appointments.
resignation of Homer Courson, laborer, be accepted.
Mrs. Bissell moved tl~t
Seconded by Mr. Wallace. Carried.
Utilities Department
Read letter from the City Manager ~equesting the Board establish an additional
position of Serviceman II. Mrs. Bissell, seconded by Mr. Wallace, moved that this
position be established. Carried.
Reported dismissals, appointments, certifications.
Director reported that Albert Bailey, Gas Plant attendant, returned a
form sent him by Utilities Manager, Mr. Taylor. Mr. Bailey felt that
sign the form since he did not actually resign but was told he was to
Mr. Dalby suggested that further investigation be made and the matter
until the next Board meeting.
he should not
be laid off.
be tabled
Mr. Dalby also requested Mr. Taylor, work out something in regard to temporary
change of duties for Manuel Peters, Refuse Driver. Mr. Taylor agreed. Board
members previously furnished with copy of letter from Mrs. Peters.
Sewage Treatment Division
Reported resignations and appointments. Mr. Wallace, sec~nded by Mrs. Bissell,
'moved that the resignation of Robert Baird, Plant Attendant, be accepted. Carr~ed.
Parks and Recreation Department
Reported resignations, appointments, suspensions. Mrs. Bissell moved that the
resignations of Floyd Clark and Russell Eslick, laborers, be accepted. Seconded
by Mr. Wallace and carried.
Director reported that Jimmy Lee Smith, Janitor and Recreation Assistant, agreed
to accept reduction in work hours.
Engineering Department
Board members considered vacation request from Electrical Inspector, Mr. Schamerhorn,
who is retiring. Mrs. Bissell, seconded by Mr. wallace, moved that this request
be rejected. Carried.
Reported promotional examination, Building Maintenance Supterintendent held August 8.
Three applicants reported and failed. Promotional examination for Secretary III held
July 29, 1961. Five applicants reported. ..,Two passed and certified.
City Clerk -.Mrs. Bissell moved that resignation of Mrs. Genevieve Gorman, Secretary I,
City Clerk's office be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Wallace. Carried.
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Civil Service Board Minutes, meeting of Sept. 5, 1961
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page 3
Fimtnce" Department
Reported Controller examination. Six applicants reported and failed.
Mrs. Bi80el1, 8econded by Mr. Wallace, moved that the matter of pay step increase 'l
fer James Thompson, Safety Inspector, be tabled until ruling is received from the
,Attorney General on Civil Service matters. Carried.
Reported on various examinations given during the past month.
Members agreed that the subject of residence limits for employees be tabled until
fu~l Board is present.
Mrs.. Bissell moved' that a letter be written to the City Manager reminding him
that. there are no age limits for city employees, other than Fire and Felice
.Director requested Board members bring in Pay Plan books in order that they
might be ,brought up to date.
There being n~ further business to come before the Board at this time, meeting
adjourned at:8:38 p.m. until next meeting night, September 19, 1961.
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Respectfully submitted,
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Ruth E. Brown, Secretary
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