09/08/1960 <,I',. . (~, ; .I~t::" ,I,' " " '::,~ r ",t, I ,.' . , .\', r" " I~,. ' \" r ~ ",i; , ." \ {-<,', :. .',' :i .,'" ' >'~~~:\, ,," r,,:',; h:, ,i}~,\ :1 ' H" >' . ,~., ' ~.;'. r:; ;t~:;';,',.'" ~~~.\:!'; >-:... ' j .", /': ~:':;' ~<'-"" , , . ;j:f~'" .,,' ~:':~:I'<":: '<\ ' " i~'i:~::, ' l.r;~' ~,: ".~~ ~" i.:/, ;"~ 1 "1".. ' l'rucoodluOIt or 1Ill! C1'Ji 1 ~"rvlco U04rd meeting hclc.l Thursday. September 13, 1960. '[he cavil g"\l'v1co UOtu.\l m",t '-U rCBular session Thursday evening. September 8, 1960, at 6:0U p.ln, t in thu C~vll ~lQ.l'vlcc oCHce. 114 N. Oaceola Avenue, Clearwater. All membor" prUD~"t. Guestln City Conll\lurdonart\. City Attorney; representatives of Executive Committee. Employees' Anuoe 14t ion lltHJ l"Q\lorters. Chairman 4sked Cor a rOl1ding of minutes of August 23. 3960 meeting. Approved as read. Board member William nlrcl~ll atatcd tlwt he would like to submit his resignation to tho Board at this meeting. lmving accepted a position with the County as teachor, even though he had not signed a contract. He stated that he would submit a written resignation to be acted upon by the Board in regular manner. Mrs. Bissell questioned whether Mr. Birchall could not remain on the Board until such time as he could be replaced. or whether he had to withdraw immediately. Mr. Coit, Chairman, rcqueated the Director read that portion of the law relating to this subject as pertaining to Mr. Birchall's situation. Chairman also asked Mr. H. H. Baskin, Jr., City Attorney, for his opinion. Mr. Baskin stated that the first provision in the law included a Board member resigning, but felt that the last part of the paragraph would disqualify a Board member if he were employed as mentioned. Mrs. Bissell ~xpre8sed herself that the Board should have its own attorney to give legal opinions. Mr. Mauney asked Mr. Baskin if he felt Mr. Birchall should sit in at this meeting and Mr. Baskin replied that Mr. Birchall would be disqualified. Mr. Birchall asked whether or not the Board wished him to remain for the meeting. Hr. Mauney and Mr. Dalby felt that he should not. Mrs. Bissell opposed thin decision. Mr. Mauney recommended tlmt a resolution signed by Board mem~ers be sent Mr. Birchall, 1n appreciation for his contribution to the Civil Service Board while a member. '0.' . .~ Mr. Coit, Chairman. requested that the last item on agenda be taken up first, that 1s. letter from Executive Committee. Employees' Association. Director' read letter endorsing Mrs. Bissell's request for a survey of the Civil Service rules. ' Mr. Coit stated that the Board had not completed work on the draft of rules and 8uggested work session be scheduled. Members agreed on Tuesday evening. September 13, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. Director reported on examinations, resignations, appointments, suspensions. Board members discussed space for holding Civil Service examinations and requested that the Commission give the subject serious thought. Mayor Finch sugge5~ed putting wide arms on present seats in the City Hall Auditorium and using that space for examinations. Mr. Coit asked the Director to investigate the arm- rest suggestion. ~) " Director read letter from Mr. H. H. Baskin, Jr., City Attorney, requesting that the positions Secretaries III and IV for his office stand. Mrs. Bissell made mo~ion, seconded by Mr. Dalby that a Secretary III and a IV remain on the organizational chart for the City Attorney's office. Director read letter from City Manager concerning anniversary date for increase in salary for Patrolman Edward Rioux. Police Department. Discussed at length. Date of May 16. established. Mr. Dalby moved that May 16, 1959 be established as anniversary date. 1/~,",' ~F!" r' " " '\' , .: j.J':," " ~5!'''''~i> ~;.~~~ ,':',." > . '." , ~'{.:~:\':' ..."; t'r :< ~""",. " ' ~:~L:~;:<:,." . ~~}:E):': :" f~{c~i:j , :. ~ . r., . " ' r{~:' > ;,:' ;'~, ,.:' ~~:,;:',;~"<< ',:.; tr<:."',: :'.: f.... ' i, ", ' 1. '.i'~'~ '\'" :~iyr~~: ::":::; L.~". :}~:,?;~,'.<:?~ . ~.,,~,,',. '.. ~~'~i~\r,~:;"..,.:: ; 'ii[J:r:t~ "J >' I.'~ '~h:" i";;: '. <. ,~ ' , "' ~... ~, .. " " .~~~?;.:(/::~" ,', ' , <":',t.'-i:';.'~I;L_J' Mr. Stowart explained his views on anniversary datos. Ite stAted that July and October dates arc not anniversary datos, Oi~ector read motion made by Mr. Dalby at a previous meeting. (Amendment to Pay Plan rule 7). Not commented upon. Mr. Coit asked that this discussion be included in the minutes, that the Board was incorrect in making previous decisions on pay increasc dates. Mrs. Bi8sell felt dcpa~tment heads should review the situation and Mr. Stewart stated that they had already done 80. (Mr. Bircl~ll left meeting at this point.) Director read letter from Janet Vollertson, Communications operator, Utilities Department, requesting twenty additional days sick leave. Mr. Coit asked City Commission for comments. Mr. Stewart commented tlmt the Civil Service Bo~rd is not interested in information from department heads or from tpe City Manager whether or not additional sick leave should be granted. Mr. Stewart said that one department head had been advised tlmt the employees need not go through the department head and City Manager but that the employee should apply directly to Civil Service Board and Board would approve or disapprove request and notify City Commission. Mr. Stewart suggested that an employee make application through the proper channels so that notations could be made on request and passed along to the Board. Board Chairman asked ~tt. Stewart who had advised the employee incorrectly and Mr. Stewart said that the advice came from the Civil Service office. Referred to one application that came through the proper channels. Remarked the Board had said the letter should come directly to the Board and then to the City Commission. Mr. Mauney and Mr. Dalby were of the opinion that the City Commission received a copy of letter sent the Board. Mr. Coit stated that the Board felt the requests were coming through the proper channels since it had not been notified to the contrary until ~s. Vollertsonts request was submitted. Mr. Coit asked the Director to see that an employee send his request to his department head and City Manager, then to the Board and on to the City Commission for final approval. Mrs. Bissell questioned whether or not ~anet Vollertson case would set a precedent. Mr. Stewart said he would get full report to Board before next meeting, on this subject. Mr. Mauney made motion, seconded by Mrs. Bissell and passed, that the requested additional time be granted to Mrs. Vollertson and recommend that the City Commission approve same. ~ ":,. Gas Inspector's appointment brought up. Mr'. Stewart reported all that remains ') concerning an appointment is that applicant obtain a journeyman's certificate. Stated he had urged examining board hasten the examination and that he was doing all he could to hurry the matter. Di~ector reported on W. R. Norris sick leave. .....-.....-... , "[' Mr. Stewart gave his ideas on figuring sick by Mr. Dalby and passed, that the method of next meeting, September 20. \ \ leave. Mrs. Bissell moved, seconded\ figuring sick leave be tabled until ) I;" ,\ , Mr. Coit asked Mayor Finch if he would like the floor. Mayor said that he appreciated being invited and stated we have City ~bnager who is running city affairs satisfactorily. Said the City Commission came to the Board meeting to . see if there were any problems that needed settling and to hear matters firsthand. Mrs. B18sell said that the Board had invited Mr. Stewart to attend its meeting. , '.' . , " '" J, ',~ Mr. Coit brought up ehe matter of Assistant City }hnager. Mr. Coit read copy of letter signed by Mr. Stewart, daced January 12, and also read excerpts from minutes on this subject. '/\ " , I~', , ~'l- ,I '..') .<i. }: " /, ., , ,-.' , ':. ...., : "I " ;:"', ':" ~,~ .. "'-, , · ,', "''', " ".. ,,,....'..,,,,'" -' .., '.., " "..', , ,",' " 1.... , '.. " " ':-:'.'; ':, ," , '., .(1,.."., ,1- ,!"" ,~~.v I,..\: J I"'l'{'~.'~ ~ .,,~, "Ii' , ,r",'~, ...,,:'~:\\.,,>" ::\:,;,:':,:,',,'t:":'>~""/""<'~'!""~I;"';~.'."::' ";'\C",,,,, \' '.",:, ',' ,"" .',' , ...,"...;:;'~':',:',: .::,:, ' " , ,< '" " :'.';: " ;,., <, \i ,to::-' ,,'", '.. " " .' , .' 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Questioned why the Assistant City Manager should be under Civil Service when the Ci ty Manager is not. The Assistant City Manager follows uame duties as the City Manager in his nbaencc. Mr. ~~uncy felt Assistant City Manager was in same category as City Manager but if not appointed) should be in thc job following an cKamination. Mr. Stc~art stated that there is a difference bctwecn Acting City Manager and Assistant City Manager. Board concurred. Referred to letter received from Board members and said that he thought the City Manager was due a certain amount of respect. Mr. Stewart said that all he had asked for was reclassification of Hr. Weimer' s job) and if Board did not agree with him, the mattcr would be dropped. Also said that he felt positions were approved by Board when Pay Plans were adopted. Mr. Stewart gave as one reason for making Mr. Weimer Assistant City Manager "that when the public calls and he is out and one is referred to the Purchasing Agent. people wonder why they are referred to the Purchasing Agent) when they called for the City Manager.1I Referring to letter sent by Board to Mr. Stewart. Mr. Mauney said that the intent of the Board was to ask hUn whether or not he was in agreement with the Board in placing employees in positions by examination. Mr. Mauney stated that he felt that if a title was changed. an examination should be held. ~rr. Mauney said that the Board1s intention was to do away with misunderstandings, the reason a copy of the letter was given the press. ~k. Stewart objected to contents of letter. He stated that he wanted to work in harmony with the Board, Bnd felt it was not illegal for things to continue as they are. He is satisfied with things as they . are and said the only pressure put upon him is the question of "will the rules be changed by the time the personnel action sheets are sent to the Board and are returned to his office." Mrs. Bissell stated the reason for writing the letter. She said that it is known tlmt Mr. Weimer is not doing the same job as set up in pay plan. Mr. Stewart replied that ~rr. Walb is doing some purchasing. Mrs. Bissell referred to Police Sgts. Williamson and Lecouris doing work of Captain but Mr. Stewart felt that did not enter into this discussion. Mrs. Bissell asked members of Employees' Association present for their stand concerning their meeting of September 7. Mrs. ~~yon Taylor reported that they felt there should be no favoritism shown and that if some employees had to take examinations, others should have to do likewise. No resolution was drawn up but employees felt tl~t if one doesn't take an examination) other employees should not. Mr. Coit requested Mrs. Heyon Taylor get the opinion of the Employees' Association in writing. ' ' Mr. Mauney asked why no appointment of License Inspector had been made. Mr. Stewart referred to past happenings. Referred to returning of personnel action sheet marked "License Inspector." Referred to change in salary. Said he was not authorized to make an appointment when salary was in 'question. Director read from minutes of previous meeting. ,Mr. Stewart said when the Board accepted the pay plan, it agreed to the positions shown in the pay plan. Reported "License Inspector1 in pay plan is vacant. Mrs. Bissell asked Mr. Stewart if he agreed that an independent survey should be made of rules. He said "no", he felt the resolution made when adopting the pay plan should be followed. Mrs. Bissell stated again that she felt that rules should be made understandable to all, made in more compact fo~, etc. ~~. Mauney questioned again whether or not) if Mr. Stewart wanted to hire anyone ~ithout an examination, he would. Mr. Stewart replied that the pay plan is the J3.ible, it is the rule. Mr. StewaY.'t said that when a man wanted to advance in ",.' , , " " t\ +'. t' " :,1'. . ':\\~> ' ~~~ ' ~; t ~"" grade) he should take an examination. Mr. Stewart said he lUld never assigned any .person to another job without permission of the noard. , ~~/;,; , t,~~ '_;" t..} ~ i.: }',::> Mrs. Bissell asked whether or not a change in job doscription had ever been received by the no~rd. Mr. Stewart said that his office was not going to send changes because there was no nc~d for sending them. No action would be taken. p, " , Hayor Finch stated.that the Administration is going to abide by the rules if they know what they arc. He referred to adoption of pay plan and resolution and ,stated that no one was employed under a new class title without an examination. He stated that the Board cannot direct a person to take an examination because every person under the pay plan was in his job legally and no employees l~d been hired illegally. ' , t < , " " ~I,;': . " I ", ' ,', .,; ~?:";: , ,') '.,' ~ : 'I' ':'~' : ~ . . ~ . /~ .' ,.. Mr. Finch further stated misunderstandings ware all caused by Mr. Birchall and that'Mr. Wetmer 1s going to keep on doing just wlwt he is doing. Commissioner Smith, said lithe things that grieve most are the mistakes we matee." He felt Mr. Mauney was sincere in his statement that he did not intend to insult the Ci'ty Manager. .', 'I ",' ...' . . :'~':' , , ,., ,,' ,+.',) ~' ~ J' ~ I " '}.~ ''\ , ,,' '.", ~ J' ..::': ',~ " I :...., ~i/;, ."." ~: ~ ',Mr~ Dalby said he agreed with everything that had been said. ~;:i;;?,,: "" ,', ' :';:;:'.:::)'. ~ "" ?'::~:" i \': ' " " " .'. . ,~;"X;; '" " ,;~';:(D....,;"',,, :" tl,?;J,.,,'.>, , ,',', ' :,1t;-::;,:,~~'t:>":,:,, ti?-r:J ,~,~ f.';;,::"(":." ,,::.., ':, '. ~~ E. 'Brown~; Secre~ary ~f~h:,i,/: " ' ' ~j;)~:: r::'! ',;> , f~~'/:>r:', ' " ", ~~' .T , ' l~ }' ".',;"!tJ# " ':' ~ ,,' " There being no 'further'business to come'before the Board at this time) meeting adjourned until next meeting night, Tuesday, September 20, 1960. .1' ',' .'~')J r,; ~' Respectfully submitted, . .' ~II,~ . , ~,.I- . " >: I~ 1 , ':, '. ,. "/);{~, " , ' :~ .t~ c. K. Coit, Jr., Chairman ,~x . :,:$! :. .. , ':' ~~")': .:. : :~ ~', ,.: f.,t\ , ';' ~ ,'l::~~. " '~, ,'~ , . ~ .~: ).~:;~' " ~. ~. " ): ~~c,l , I. , :' , ~.~ , :~: , "'.:: , \ I', .' . ~~ , ", , ' " .>, " I., j., , , n " , \ . .., '. ~\ , ' ',I::t '\ . . ,''', , ' ' . ,i .,' " , ,1' . , '.,:' . " ,