09/02/1960 - Special ~'.f;~", ,..", ", " . t~:!., . ' 1. ','/ . . p .~" .,.. . ')): .! t.~1 1;- :: . '_\1' ' I, },' . tt"'l . .~: '.... ", r ~ .;~;' ; J . , . ~ ". Pl.occotllngo of the Civil Service Board meeting held Friday. / The Clearwater Civil Service Board held an informal meeting. Friday J Saptombor 2, 1960, at 5:00 p.m., in the Civil Service office. All members were present and Chairman Coit, stating that he had only ten minutes to g1.vu to tho business at hand, said that he thought the Board should voice a Btrong protoot against the administration and that the Board members should rOR1gn in a body because they cannot be allowed to fulfill their own duties. and uphold tho oath. Mr. Coit reported Mr. Stewart called him Friday morning and said that he was \ vary unhappy about thQ announcement of the Assistant City Manager's examination. He said that he would not appoint anyone to that position. as he had withdrawn ':' his request. No one could make him appoint a License Inspector, Safety Inspector or Assistant City Manager. Hr. Birchall. Mrs. Bissell, Mr. Mauney and Mr. Dalby thought the Board should not resign. Mr. Birchall said that the Board had it in its power to subpoena the City Manager to answer for his charges against the Civil Board at a public hearing. ".,' Members felt that the Administration would like to have Board members resign but the members felt they should fight back. <',' , ~; ". " Mr. Birchall and Mr. Mauney felt that the Board sho~ld tell the City Manager what to do. . > , Mrs. Bissell felt that the Commission should not interfere with the Civil Service Board, and tl~t the Commission had no right to hold meetings with department heads with the Mayor presiding. Mr. Mauney thought that a letter should be written to 11r. Stewart telling him what the Board wants him to do. Mr. Birchall thought the letter should state that if matters. are not taken care of according to the law. the City Manager could be subpoenaed. ., '.'~ ." . .,I . ,.;~ .,. ':1 . '; c :~ :.1, Mr. Dalby and Mrs. Bissell said that the newspaper ~eporters should be invited to the meetings. It was agreed newspapers should be kept informed of what the , Board is doing. It was felt just the press and the City ~~nager should be invited to the next meeting on September 8, 1960. ~~. Birchall was selected to see about contacting the newspaper reporters to attend the meetings. Mr. Birchall suggested that the' meeting be held in City Hall so there would be ample room. Mr. Coit mentioned having a meeting with the City Commission and members agreed that they did not wish to meet with the Commission nor did they feel it necessary. . ;, :'1 . ~ < Mr. Dalby stated that it was time the employees worked for the City instead of the"'Board working for the employees. Meeting to be held at H:OO p.m., September H, 1960, in the Civil Service office. Mr. Birchall asked Mr. Coit to tell Mr. Stewart that the Assistant Purchasing Agent was not needed at the meeting. The Executive. Committee of the Employees' " Association should be iD1i ted to attend. "\ It, ...... '(,.:. .'.; 1.' ... . ....... ,. ...... ...,'. ,.'.,:.....{' 'I .., :., ,. ',: ,. ;. :'./ .' !.... ',<.... ... . . ;;>::;';;,:::'i":: ; i: :', '.:' :.:':;:.i:~.:'r/n:~:::;,::,:;:/;i;;i::;:::'~;;!:!;,:\i::~;: ..';, " ...:., ' \ '.. .. '", ,\ ',. \. ',- '.,' '..., .. -{-""'" , .\; .,..: .'.:< . ;.:.: .; · -";':.;.;., '. :: '..; c,.. .;:'.. .. . . '1. . ~:.:. ;(. ~ ,l' fl' t, ;', ",. I i :;';;, i"\\;. ;:'i;;;?<':,'i'::~~;:',>;>,: ./ ' . ., ,., ',::. "\"'1 r:~ .; ." ;s" '., 'l'; . . l" ' .' f" . *:C:., . }1\:! ". t:'\' . ;-.." I".: " ,.'..- ~~,o:, . lJ ~ \.' . ," '::" r ~ "'j!:." i\':.... , . .... . ~i ~L.C".- y...: . },1}'..>. : '. (',' .~ . ," .. i: t.l,~.: '. '. . f,,; . 1> '.. ~{:~.-> t;,:.'. f..., :, . j"" .' \.. ' . , r:~ 1.:: ..~; ," f: ~.: < r::" : .... . t;:./'; : t.l.,\\; :. 1/<' .' f:;:~,;.:>'::" . ~(::;,.-\ Jj~I\~. . '4~~r > ~<t'~::.,:.\,,:' .:'.; ;f '01' "j I ~., !\t. r . . ~ . F""'-" ,.' ~tr':::;~~.';:.; ,.... ~I'{\;' ". ..:' ~I\I..~~\.\~, .' , ~(,('J ';:; ,,: \~.:}~:;~~.:f 1. ' l ~[;~..",>; ~7;.: . ~ '/'1 I' ", ; - p . ~ .'. " . . \11/~. ..... ,.' '." ~ tt'c:,l.. "I' -::,,,<.... I'. ~,...." .' ~,~~.:' I. . . ~fi!}:'.~:'-.,. l't'; .~ ""'~.J,:{ 'W.';: . ~hV<,(':'1 ~}\~'.'>:;:'>':~5 . .fa .. .i;)f;;1;~r .... ~~';;'{i':"" ~1' ':~~~i~:/~.:':~: . "l~\"" , . ~~~:;~.l~t '~:. ."~: '.: "~': < :-,I-,~ .. , .', \:t ~ , .'~ i J ,':,' . ,~' " . /.:: ~ :.1 '\.-~ :~;.,} : ~~~, '1,,' the Public Personnel Association and International City Manager's AS9ocation, and that said examination should be a combination of written and oral questions. Members were in agreement. Clmirman Coit appointed Mrs. Bisoe1l, Mr. Birchall . and Mr. Dalby co work on this matter. Director reported that the Public Personnel Association could make up an appropriate examination for this position but that there would bo a charge. Members diucussod proposal of Mrs. Bissell that a Citizens Committee be appointed to review tho Civil Service law and rules. Mr. Birchall. seconded by Mrs. Bissel~, moved that tho Civil Service Doard complete their study of the rules at a work session, and sond both rules and law to the Public Personnel Association for survey Qnd also requQst that the powers and authority of the Civil Service Board be defined. .wtion carried. Director was instructed to write and find out the charge for such a survey. The problem of having adequate space provided for conducting Civil Service ' examinations was brought up by Mr. Birchall. Following discussion by the Board members, Chairman Coit suggested that Mr. Birchall write an appropriate letter to the City Commission concerning the need for ncecessnry space. Director reported inquiry had been made if the Gas Inspector certified, had been) appointed. Chairman Coit appointed Mr. Birchall to contact members of the Gas Inspectorts Examining Board to determine when the Gas Fitter's exUminntion would be held in order that Mr. Keith. the certified applicant. could obtain his journeyman's certificate. --- Reported on resignations. suspensions and appointments. Reported certification of a Communications Clerk, Police Department. No appointment made. Mr. Dalby, seconded by Mrs. Bissell, moved that another examina- tion for this position be scheduled. MOtion carried. Reported on emergency appointment in City Clerk's office. Mr. Coit suggested a letter be written recommending that a position within the City Clerkts office be established in order to have a qualified person on call in event of an emergency. Lette'r to City Manager dictated by Mr. Coit. Mrs. Bissell stated that the Board should have some method of issuing bulletins to department heads. reminding' them of.the proper procedures to be followed in all matters. Letter read from Employees' Association's Executive Committee. signed by Sgt. Kenneth Williamson, President, requesting that the sick leave rule be further reviewed. Mr. Williamson stated that the employees would probably be satisfied ~ith the present sick leave rule if it is what the Adminstration wants. Director reported promotional examination for Secretary III and that the Secretary, Utilities Department, had refused to report for the examination as required by the Board. No action. 'i. Board members agreed to lmve a work session on September 8, 1960, at 5:00 p.m., immediately prior to the regular meetingt rather than on Tuesday, September 6. .... " ~ ':. ".. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, meet~ng adjourned until next meeting night, Thursday. September 8, 1960. ~ . .' ',' ". ',I, <..:'/ ',', " Respectfully submitted. '\ll ; ~ '! i ""~ \ .r ~ ~ ~ ~A'-Y1 . Ruth E. Brown, Secretary C. K. Coit, Jr.. Chairman ", .~ '{ '.} , ,I" . " '\ ',' ',.h.~.,:.;. '~~",~,,'..,,: . 1 ~.1 h " i I ;', '.'~" <. I . " . ,.', '/, '.' .~. . ,,<.. .C'l,',!+ . " '."'.1 "l:_ .,.;-:-..... ' '.':, ',i, ',,",,": " :'.',; ...':',:.' ::1', ..... ' ,,-' ',:'::'.:;~'\' " ~ :::' ;, .,. . :. ; ,.,. .'.. ':::( '''';., .;~:.::, ,\ "i: :.: ,: , ;, (:' " ' ,,;:, '.. ," . >.~..: :.,'I.~,I".::':);:'.. 'u" , ~ ",,:.' ' , .: oq- I. ~,.." _ ',. ' '. ' , ~ ..' . . ~ ' , .' , ' ,'. :', \. I::, c~, ',." " . ~ '" '. ',' ' , ,':\.'. " I , . ,] . ':'::'.~ :', {"c" "." 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