Proceedings of the Civil Service Board meeting hold January 19, 1960
Civil Service Board of Clearwater met in regular session Tuosday evening,
January 19, 1960, at 7:30 o'clock in the Civil Service office, 114 North
Osceola Avenue.
Members present: Chairman R. B. Maundy; W. B. Birchall; Charles Coit; George Dalby
and Jack Russell.
Guests: James R. Stewart, City Manager; Chief R. C. Dobson, Fire Department;
H. H. Baskin, City Attorney. Danny Beck, representing Employees' Association.
First item on agenda was election of chairman for current year, 1960 - 1961.
Mr. Maundy was nominated and expressed his feeling that some member other than
he be elected. Mr. Charles Coit was nominated and elected by unanimous vote.
Director was instructed to take care of publicity announcing name of new chairman.
Fire Department
Items listed under the Fire Departmen r that Chief Dobson
would be free to leave the meeting if
Re the additional bi-weekly pay for f cussed and the
proposal recommended by the City Mana follows:
Firefighter mechanic - $10.00 per pay perlod"M "ad3?t"ion to regular
'.. bi-weekly pay, assistant mechanic $5.00 per pay period in addition, to
regular pay. Each mechanic to be re-qualified each year. This will necessitate
amending rule 3, page 9 of the Pay Plan rules.
Regarding the establishment of a position for Fire Marshall, the City Manager
,. informed the Board that he had answered this letter and mentioned that funds
were not available in the current budget, but that this subject would be
presented during the 1960 - 1961 budget discussions.
Chief Dobson brought up several items not included in the agenda. One, the
request for the one-half step merit increase submitted for the stenographer
iu his department. The Chief stated that this had been returned by Mr. Weimer.
Board recommended that the Chief re-submit the request with explanation of her
work load.
In scheduling vacations, he stated that he was told a firefighter could not
take two vacation periods within a 13 month period. Board recommended that
the wording in the rule be changed to read:
Section 10. (a).':........ The second year vacation shall not be granted
until an employee has been in service eighteen (18) months or more........"
Chief Dobson mentioned that the driver examination would be given in the near
future to re-qualify some firefighters already on the list and-in order to give
others having completed their probationary period, an apportunity to be included.
Chief Dobson also brought up residence for firefighters and the Board maintained
that it has no authority to change the Law covering Firemen's Relief and
Pension Fund passed by legislative action, which outlines residence requirements.
Delayed merit increase for Captain Edward Guy discussed and the Board
recommended that if a department head delayed recommending a permanent status
employee fora normal merit salary increase, due to the employee's work attitude
and/or performance, such having been substandard, the department head should
10 notify the employee, the appointing authority and the Civil Service Board in
writing, the reason for the delay.
Regarding the extension for Chief Dobson, he presented the physical blanks
from Dr. Carr as requested in October.
Engineering Department
The matter of longevity pay for Mr. John Anderson, Draftsman, was further
reuiewed by the Board and after considering all facts furnished and the definition
in the rules under the Civil Service Act, which would include Mr. Anderson as
a full-time employee, prior to the time he was placed under Civil Service, the
Board voted to grant the 5% longevity pay to Mr. Anderson retroactive to the
date due.(?ecision made under Mr. Anderson's particular circumstances is limited
to his case only and will, not affect any other case which might come before the
: Board at a later date The City Attorney, present, stated that in his opinion,
the Board took no illegal action in regards to granting longevity pay for
Mr. Anderson.
Police Department
Re increase in longevity pay for Detective Sgt. William Harn. Replying to
Chief Booth's communication, the Board, following review of the records in
Mr. Harn's file, determined the date of December 1, 194-5 as the effective date
of his permanent employment, and the date of January 1, 1961 as the effective
date for his longevity pay increase. The Board suggested that it might be well
if department heads would check the records of the employees when questions were
raised regarding dates, prior to presentation of the matter to the Board and
thus eliminate many items which are placed on the agenda.
Utilities Department
The recommendation made by Mr. Stewart, City Manager, as a temporary measure,
regarding weekend standby pay for Utilities Servicemen, accepted by Board .
Request approved for additional positions already established within the
Utilities Department, namely, two (2) Distribution Servicemen II; one (1)
Utilities Serviceman'II and one (1).Clerk-Customer's Accounts.
Position of Gas Inspector discussed. No action taken.
Request from Edgar Miller, Serviceman II re commission on sales of gas appliances,
discussed. No action.
Safety Inspector position discussed. Not established. Deferred until more
information could be furnished.
Filling request for License Inspector deferred.
Clarification requested by Director for definition on "successive service"
in connection with longevity pay. Discussed, no definite answer.
conversion period.
F ,.
Board members discussed a
There being .no further bu
siness to come before the Board at this time, motion
.. 1,,
Aurh Ei Brown, Secretary
Respectfully submitted,
Charles K. Coit, Chairman
Request by Director for amendment to Pay Plan rules covering instances whereby
some. employees have been placed in certain steps for a two-year period, due to
Discussed refusal of some department heads to hire applicants over 45. No age
limit set under Civil Service law, other than for patrolmen and firefighters.
No aatian."
Funds for printing.Emplayees' Handbook. No action.
Reported ,on appointments,,resignations, dismissals, requests for employment,
examinations. .
d' d ha .8 i 1
..; M
n approve v ng two meet ngs month y. One at five'
o'clock the first.-Tuesday of each month and the regular meeting the third Tuesday
of the month at seven-thirty o'clock.
wade to adjourn until first meeting in February.