08/18/1959 . Proceedings of the Civil Service Board meeting held August 18. 1959. The regular monthly meeting of the Civil Service Board of the City of Clearwater was held on Tuesday evening, August 18, 1959, at 7~30 o'clock in the Civil Service office. 114 No. Osceola Avenue. Members prescnt: Chairman R. B. Mauney; William B:f.rchall; Charles Coit and Jack Russell. Member George Dalby. absent. Employees present: Athol Markam. Utilitiea; William Raible and Albert Fortier. Garage; Kenneth Wicks, Police. Chairman called the meeting to order and asked for a reading of the minutes of the July 28, 1959. meeting. Read and accepted. Police Department: Approved leave of absence for a period of not more than one year, due to illness, School Patrolman Arthur Shaw. Approved military leave. Patrolman Ted Jones, Reported two suspensions. Capt. Martin and Patrolman Donald Vierling. Reported dismissal, Monroe Somerset, probationary Patrolman. and approved his 14 day vacation pay. Director instructed to contact the City Manager request- ing that he furnish the Board with detailed information which prompted dismissal of Hr. Somarset. following eleven months in service. Patrolman Kenneth Wicks was present to inQui.e if it would be permissable for him to be an inactive partner in a private business. Fire Department: Reported resignation, William Berryhill. and replacementt Warren Carlough. .." ~','l:J Utilities Department: Reported illness and hospitali~ation of James PhillipB, Utilities Serviceman. Director instructed to send a message expressing the Boardts wishes for a speedy recovery. Reported resignations: Robert J. Wilson, Service- man Ii Lolita Golden, Clerk Ii retirement, Leroy Edwards, Laborer. Director in~ structcd to write Mr. Edwards that his resignation was accepted by the Board with regret, and to express the Board's appreciation for the loyalty and faithful service rendered by him to the City. Sales Assistant applications discussed and further agreed that sales personnel shall not come under Civil Service; Mr.ILucas. Sales Manager. to be so notified. Finance Department: Reported resignation. Helen screws. Clerk I. and replacement, Miriam Braun. Clerk I. from eligibility list. Engineering Department: Initial date of longevity) John Anderson--Agreed that Mr. Anderson's longevity should date six months prior to date of permanent appointment) that of July 1. 1952. Reported resignations; David Kitchen. Engineering Aide II. and Joseph Dagnon. Engineering Aide I) temporary employee. Resignation, Russell Coit, Engineering Aide I, not accepted. Parks and Recreation Department: Reported Parks Department resignations. Laborers Gerald Ramble and Tyson Railey; appointment. Hayward Messer. .r .. Electrical Department: Reported reprimands from Mr. Ort to three employees. namely: U1ys Payne. Francis Gaspelin. probationary employee. and David Linkous. Letter re- ceived from Mr. Ort discussed; motion made by Mr. Coit that last paragraph be stricken from record. Motion made that a meeting be set up, inviting all parties concerned. including Mr.Kllgore, Mr. Ort, Mr. and Mrs. Horne and City Manager) Meeting called for purpose of clarifying statements made and to get to the bottom of complaints. J<.''', .. . \ ~ " Public Works Department: Reported absence of over a month from duty, J. L. Landt ';.'. .' ," , ,. -f,-,;''I ..:~ \\ ',- Laborer. without pe~ission of. or notification to department head. Director in~ structed to write Mr. Kane, asking his reason for a month's delay in furnishing the Board with the record on Mr. Land dated July 13, received in the Civil Service office August 12, whicb stated. "Left the job and has not returnod.tI noard recommended Mr. Land be notified by City Manager that he is no longer considered an employee of the City, effective July 13. 1959. having abandoned his job. Mr. Land would not be eligible for re~emp10yment with the City in any capacity. Mr. Land has walked off two jobs within a period of one year. Reported resignation. J. K. Devers, taborer. At the meeting of the Board held July 28, 1959. Board requested that Mr. Kane furnish letters giving details on the resignation of two employees, namely: Lonzic Mahon. Jr. and William Fletcher. Reported letters not received. Miscellaneous: Letter read from Manager, Florida Industrial Commission. Florida State Employment Office, re: testing of applicants for typists and stenographers prior to referring them to Civil Service office. Motion made and passed that the Di~ector continue the practice of using the stenographic and mechanical facilities of the Florida State Employment Office as an aid in obtaining qualified help and relieving the overload of work in the office. Director instructed to answer the letter from Mr. Cowartt Manager. and thank him for his letter and the service rendered by his staff. Regarding criticism by Mrs. Peters of accepting applications from persons referred . by fee~paying agenciest it was reported that legal advice had been received re~ garding the legality of accepting applications from those referred. Director was advised that there is no law against following this procedure as it is a help to the Civil Service Director in recruiting qualified help. particularly those in specialized fields. :':~J Regarding camplaint made by Mts. Peters that the Utilities Communications Operator's position had not been advertised prior to the examination, the Director was in~ structed to write President Lecouris of the Employees' Association that the Board was satisfied that the proper procedure had been followed and the position adver- , tised in accordance with the law. It was moved and seconded that Sgt. Blaine Lecouris. president, Employees' Associ- ation. visit the Civil Service office and look over the letters received. listing the percentage of failures resulting from examinations given in other cities. as compared to those given by our office and submit the information to the newspapers or the City Employees' publication. '.. '/ 'Regarding the communication from Mr. Stewart on the change in residence area. the / ~tor was instructed to request that the City Manager have the City Attorney . w an amendment to the residence rule, outlining by legal description the bound- aries of the e~tended area. , Tnere being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Respectfully submitted, :".J :~~:~ ~.:.-;.1.. ,I:j~,..o-"'''-''_' l . Ruth E. Brown, Secretary "..-