proceedings of the Civil Service Board meeting held July 28. 1959.
The regular monthly meeting of the Civil Service Board of the City of Clearwater
was held on Tuesday evening, July 28, 1959, at 7:30 o'clock in the Civil Service
office. 114 No. Osceola Avenue.
Members present: William Birchall; Charles Colt; George Dalby and Jack Russell.
Chairman R. B. Mauney, absent.
Guests: Employees Paul Kane, Mary Drew. Helen Peters. Leroy Wolfe, Aubrey Ort
and Herbert McLendon; Mr. Eigenmann and Mr. Chase. representing the Federation
of Civic Clubs.
Mr. Charles Coit, acting Chairman due to Mr. Mauney's absence, called the meeting
to order and asked for a reading of the minutes of the June 16, 1959, meeting.
Read and accepted.
Police Department: Question as to whether or not Captain Beam would be entitled
to vacation was considered and denied. Board approved action taken and decision
made by Mr. Birchall and letter sent Chief Booth. Letter read from Chief Booth
asking that further consideration be given regarding vacation for Patrolman
Edward Rioux. Board upheld original decision denying vacation.
Action on resignations, Police Department: George Scheeper. School Patrolman,
accepted with regret; Stanley A. Richardson, Patrolman, accepted without comment.
Reported rp.quest received to fill vacancy for School Patrolman. Eligibility
list furnished City Manager and Chief Booth.
Action on resignations, Finance Department: Donald M. McManus. accepted with
regret and without prejudice; Public Works: Lonzie Mahon, Jr., Laborer, and
William Fletcher, Dredge Operator, accepted without comment.
Mr. Kane, Public Works Superintendent, was requested to furnish the Civil Service
Board with letters regarding the circumstances under which these two employees
resigned. Upon receipt. letters to be placed in the individual files.
Reported on appointments and promotions.
Reported that letter had been sent Mr. Stewart, as instructed, regarding laxity
in furnishing the Civil Service Board with personnel record sheets, and copy of
letter from Mr. Stewart to department heads.
Reported letter sent Mr. Stewart regarding amended pay plan. Letter included
in the minutes of the meeting held June 16, 1959.
Reported letter received from Mr. Stewart regarding pay increases under 1958
plan due July 5, 1959.
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Mr. Ort requested that consideration be given William Cone, Electrician I, pro-
moting htm to Electrician II, even though he had failed the promotional test
three times. Bo~rd denied the request and suggested that Mr. Ort meet with the
Director and delete any difficult questions contained in the present examination.
Director informed the Board that Mr. Ort approved the test when it was first com-
piled and difficult questions. or those not relating to his type of work, were
deleted upon his recommendation.
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Director instructed to write Mr. Weimer requesting a written memorandum of any
changes made in the new pay plan since the joint meeting, and to also set up a
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meeting to further discuss the plan. inviting any Commissioners who might wish
to attend.
Mr. Coit. acting Chairman. dictated 3 letter to the City Manager re: New pay
plan, suggesting that the Manager furnish department heads with a copy of that
section of the plan pertaining to each individual department.
Director was instructed to write the City Manager, asking that position class-
flcations in all departments be reviewed by department heads, and if any duties
have been changed since the original survey. to furnish the Manager with the
changes for his approval. prior to the meeting September IS. 1959. Following
the meeting, changes. if any, 'will be made and job classification books brought
up to date by the Director.
Director instructed to write the City Manager of the Board's decision recom-
mending that Patrolman Robert Jones be placed in the next higher step, and also
to advise the Manager, copy to Mr. Weimer, that the years of service for Patrol-
man Ted Jones should be one year, nine months, rather than two years, nine
months, as indicated in the pay plan.
Director instructed to contact the City Manager and kindly request that he
inquire of department heads if any were without a copy of the Civil Service law,
and rules, and if so, to furnish the names to the Director and copies will be
Director instructed to notify the City Manager, as requested by him, that his
recommendation for the new residence rule should be based on boundary lines.
rather than as first suggested, a telephone call not requiring a toll charge.
Mr. Coit, acting Chairman. appointed Mr. Birchall to set up a curriculum for
a department head's program.
Director instructed to write other personnel agencies asking the percentage of
failures ~esulting from various examinations.
Mrs. Peters reported position of Utilities Communications Clerk not advertised. ~ty
Director stated that the law and rules had always been followed, announcements ,\I' ."..
sent four newspapers, including outline of duties involved and date of exami- "1)."
nation, 1.n advance of examination. Announcements were also posted on Bulletin \~
Boards throughout the City offices and public places as required by law. Mrs..
Peters brought up the matter re: Accepting applications from applicants referred
by fee paying agencies. Director volunteered to find out if this is legal.
Mr. Ort, on his complaint, was instructed to set up a meeting of individuals ......-t. t
concerned. The Director requested that the City Manager) Mr. and Mrs. Horne,~...I-; .
and l1r. Kilgore be requested to attend to clarify misstatements made. ' Y \/)
There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the
meeting was adjourned until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Respectfully submitted.
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Ruth E. Brown, Secretary
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R. B. Mauney. Chairman
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