04/21/1959Y ,
Proceedinga of the Civil Service Board meeting held April 21, 1959.
The regular monthly meeting of the Civil Service Board of the City of Clearwater
was hold on Tuesday evening, April 21, 1959, at 7:30 o'clock in the Civil Service
office, 114 No. Osceola Avenue.
Members present: Chairman. R. B. Mauncy, William Direball, Charles Coit, and
George Dalby. Member Jock Russell absent, due to business out of town.
Meeting called to order and the Chairman asked for a reading of the minutes
of the March meeting. Minutes read and accepted.
Item 1. Communication read from Attorney Lloyd Phillips, re: Extension of
time--Welter H. Carey, Jr. No action necessary.
Reported receipt of `personnel action sheet on Mr. Fred Lucas, neatly appointed
sales manager, Gas Department, which stated: after six months probation, employee
would be under Civil Service. This wag returned to the City Manager on the
instructions of the chairman. The appointment of Mr. Lucas, in this manner,
,,.'. was contrary to the understanding between the Civil Service Board and the
City Commission at a joint meeting. This position, it 1aas agreed, was not
to be classified under Civil Service, but filled by contract.
Letter read from City Manager in reply to one from the Board, re: Approving f
the hiring of laborers temporarily, in case of an emergency existing.
Reported returning to the City Manager improperly prepared dismissal notices.
.*, The director was instructed to notify the City Manager of any irregularities,
i. and he in turn notify department heads that proper forms must be used and
correct procedure followed in suspensions, dismissals, etc.
Fire Department: Application--Webster McMullen. Letter read to the Board
from City Attorney. Mr. George Buhmeyer, trustee of the Fireman's Pension
'=. Fund, present. In reviewing the records in Mr. McMullen's file in the Civil
Service office, the Board found that there were discrepancies between the
' ;. information in the letter from the City Attorney and the records in Mr. McMullen's
' file. The chairman'stated that he felt- these discrepancies should be a matter
of record. A motion, therefore, was duly made and passed upon that in the
opinion of the Board, under the circumstances, Mr. McMullen is ineligible for
an appointment. Director was instructed to write the City Attorney the Board's
.;. decision, advising him that he is welcome to examine the file on Mr. McMullen,
sending a copy to the City Manager, the Pension Fund Trustees and Fire Chief.
Reported on a suspension of Eli Jones. No action taken. Board upheld fire
"?'• Chidf's action.
'•. Drivery-Engineer test: Members questioned whether or not the Fire Chief had
the authority to'conduct tests and also mentioned that he had failed to comply
with the Board's request that he furnish copies of the exams or papers of those
members of the department who toolt the examination, the type of questions,
method of grading, etc. Chairman instructed the director to invite the City
Manager and Fire Chief to meet with the Board at its next meeting to discuss
the Driver-Engineering qualifications for eligibility to receive the $5 extra ;
it each pay period.
?r •
Reported that the quota of firemen for the currant year had been filled. Reported
on progress towards bringing the quota for patrolmen up to its number. Reported
on scheduled promotional examinations for Stenographers and8ngineering Aides II.
Harbormaster: It was the decision of the Board that the eligibility list compiled
and furnished the City Manager in March, 1957, is still in effect, since the
resignation of the Harbormaster was dated prior to the expiration date of the list.
The director was instructed to submit the five names standing highest on this list,
to the City Manager for his consideration.
Matter of relatives working for the City was brought to the attention of the
Board. Several complaints had been made that members of the same household were
employed in some departments and contrary to the rule established on request of
.the City Manager and adopted by the Board. Members agreed unanimously that the
rule in effect should stand and be followed, that is, members of the immediate
family would not be eligible for employment,.'particularly those living in the'same
household, or maintaining his own household. This rule to apply to permanent,
temporary and permanent part-time employees of the City in any capacity.
Mr. Russell stated complaints had been wade to him personally. Passed upon unan-
Budget discussion: Chairman appointed Mr. Coit to discuss the estimated
budget for 1956-59 for the Civil Service Board with the Director.
Conference: The Southern Regional Conference representative, Mr. Biyrdhall
expressed his willingness to attend this conference to be held in Richmond,
Virginia, providing sufficient funds would be obtained.
Pilrchase of recording machine discussed; no final action taken.
Mr. Coit•was asked to report on the results of the pay adjustment committee meet-
ing. He presented copies of letters sent by individuals who bad complaints.
There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, a motion
was made to adjourn until the next meeting, the third Tuesday of May.
Ruth E. Brown, Secretary
f •.
I .I
es ctfly submitted,
R. B. Mauney, Chairman