08/08/1985 . 'l, '>t' , , . .. '11;' , . .' ". 'l," t: ~ ' ' , ' " . ; ,', . .' '."'.: , ' .. :' '~'.'j '. ;'" . ' \':"': " ~\\ ) '.: J: - ";'J - ". .. ~' . 'L. .. !: . '.... < c : '1: ' "."" . .I; !~ ~,~.i:' . . !'.., ~. . " . ... -j ;.l ~:7""\ ....:.....1 I,:: .. t t~ /'"'- . OFFICIAL MINUTES RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AUGUST 8, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT Elizabeth S. "aeseker, Assistant City Manager, Chairman Edward V. Bethel, Director of Building Department Paula Harvey, Planning Director Claude Howell. representing the Utilities Department Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Ream Wilson. Parks and Recreation Director Nick Lewis, Fire Marshal William C. Baker. Public Works Director v OTHERS PRESENT /" ..,/" Keith Appenzeller. Appenzeller, Boyd & Zarro, Inc. C.I. Babcock, ItI, Cornerstone Communities, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The meeting was called to order by Chairman Haeseker at 10:45 a.m. in the Operations Center Conference Room. ELYSIUM SUBDIVISION, LOCATED ON NORTH SIDE OF UNION STREET. EAST SIDE OF SOULE ROAD. (COURTESY REVIEW) PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT NICK LEWIS - was primarily concerned with the fact that almost all streets in the subdivision had the name of "Elysium" and this would create a problem for emergency vehicles in locating a spec:J.:'f ic add res s . WILLIAM BAKER- distributed written comments - (attchment #1) - and suggested a 6th note be placed on the plat stating that the detention ponds would be designed to City standards regarding litto;ral s'helf construction and aquatic plantings. The pump station and force main needs to be on the North side of Union street since there is a 16" stub-out existing at McMullen-Booth .Road on the North side. Discu~sion regarding making the preliminary site plat. in the language of the agreement, as an attachment to the agreement with the City. There was general discussion on this. Mr. Babcock was open to the suggestion and said he would discuss it wit~ his attorney. Mr. Baker also suggested that a 7th no~e be added to the plat regarding underdrains being required unless soil and water table .analysis by ,soil expert indicated otherwise. . 'I EDWARD BETHEL - question regarding lighting of subdivision. Developer said a homeowners association would be responsible for paying for street lighting, mowing the entrance area, etc. -1- 8-8-85 ~ , , ;:.., r-\ . ..,. I <../ l~ /~ KEITH CRAWFORD - commented that the Clty would pay for the lighting when tho subdivision was annexed into the City and it was the standard city layout of lights on 30 ft. concrete poles. It was to tho CltY~8 advantage to have the minimum number of poles and the maximum amount of light coming from those. He suggested that when the developer considered changing street names that it would be well to check with Bill Shepard in Engineering to avoid duplication. CLAUDE HOWELL - some discussion about cul-de-sacs being indicated on the plan. PAULA HARVEY - reiterated what Mr. Baker said about the oite plat being included ao an exhibit to the agreement and that it be specifically referred to 1n the language 8S the project that is going to be built under the County~s .jurisdiction. Also. Item 7 at the top of page J--to clarify the statement that there would be no additional review fees payable to the City of Clearwater. include ~he wordo "while under the jurisdiction of Pinellas County.1t Some discussion about lots 77 and 78 on Soule Road and dimensions. REAM WILSON - distributed written comments (Attachment #2). Discussion with the developer about the net land area, and a requirment for a copy of the most recent purchase contract, and a copy of the JUBt value from the Pinellas County Property Appraiser's office. Also, Mr. Wilson suggested that the developer consider an easement from the cul-de-sac leading into .the park from the East so that residents would have access to the park and tennis courts without going around. The developer had indicated that in lieu of paying the Recreation Facility assessment he would request appproval to construct two tennis courts. Item 02.(c) in the draft agreement does not indicate this. Mr. Babcock said tbat the draft agreement had been done from. a standard city form. Mr. Wilson said that when the developer revised the agreement he might consider clarifying Item 02 (c) regarding payment of the recreation facility fee by stating the fee would be paid as required by ordinance or to constru~t two tenni~ courts to City specifications, if approved by the CityCommlssion. Mr. Babcock aaid they would consider this when revising the agreement. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MOTION: Paula Harvey moved to recommend approval of the Preliminary Site Plat for Elysium subject to the following conditfons. 1. That the. names for the streets within the subdivision as proposed be amended to provide clarification to those city and county departments providing service to the subdivision. 2. That a note #6 be added to the Site Plat which states that retention ponds are to be designed in accordance with City of Clearwater standards regarding littoral shelf ~ construction and aquatic plantings. -2- RDC 8-8-85 \\ .... ~_~~~'.~. ...................f. .r: '................,.... ~I ~.,.~'.'-~f"~....~~ . ' ,/~c.'", r:"~ .0.....0 P.. .~. .,0", ",,,_ . ,...,~, co< _,' ...~,_...._..,..T....-. , ~ . , /- 3. That a note #7 will be added to the Site Plat that underdrains will be required unless it is proven by n 80ilY expert that they are not needed. o ~'1" 4. That the Preliminary Site Plat prepared by AppenzeLler, Boyd & Zarra. and approved by the Clearwater Resource Development Committee, be attached as an exhibit to the Agreement to Annex and referred to in the agreement as the project to be constructed while under the County;s jursidiction, and made Q part thereof. s. That the developer consider a 10 ft. land dedication located from the cul-de-sac to provide additional pedestrian access for the residents to the City park. 6. That clarification be provided in the agreement on the method of payment of parkland fees and/or land dediction or park improvements. 7. That ttem 17 under 2 -(e) of the Agreement be 'amended to add to the existing statement. "Has no additional review fees payable to the City of Clearwater~-- add the language "while under the jurisdiction of Pinellas County." REAM WILSON SECONDED THE MOTION. WHICH PASSED. ~\'~ ~ .'f.. .,.,.~ '.':'..t~';~>' . ". . , . . ~ ' '.. . WILLIAM BAKER -commented regarding Us of the Motion that a 7 1/2 ft. easement would be sufficient rather than a 10 ft. easement from the cul-de-sac. ',., .., '..... ,. . ~ c' .' 'REAM WILSON-said that if the developers do consider dedicating the additional strip of land for pedestrian access~ the square footage should be added to the park dedication. . . .~ \ . . . . ~.~ :" . ,e The meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m. :~:"h'~' c .. ~':'_ l ' ~. ". c ,.<. A:.' ... ~\.' '. c;;~ . {; \-:." ~' . :".:.' c .:.'1' , ,', ,,' '.;.. . . "'.' ti~:.: '. ?/:..; '..' ' ,. .8, i:~man ~ /' '~ . ' -.; : . ' .I....... ., ~.ir:..8 .' RDC/pp . )....:... . ~EI,.. .' ~ '. /:~;< . tit' \ >.: tll. .. :r:.:: ~ . .... ;'<".' F " ,', ~}:.LL~~;:;;.:li..Jl,;;;:;,~;~.;;,~.~:;~.;,>!..,;;.;'::..v.,.:.;,.~:~:; :.:, ',r--:'.' , . "'.,... -3- RDC 8-8-85