07/02/1985 - Special
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July 2. 1985
Members Present
Elizabeth S. Haeseker. Assistant City Manager - Chairman
Nick Lewis. Fire Marshal
Bob Maran, representing the Public Works Department
" Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director
Claude Howell. representing the Utilities Department
Edward V. cBethel. Director of Building Inspections Dept.
Paula Harvey, Planning Director
Ream Wilson. Parks and Recreation Director
Others Present:
Kay Vega, . representing Sunshine ~mll
Bill Lemmel. Mudano Associates Architects. Inc.
Patricia Greer, recording secretary
. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Haeseker at 8:38 a.m.. in the
Operations Center Conference Room.
Sunshine Mall (additional restaurant), located on South
Missouri Avenue, in the Southeast corner of Sunshine Mall.
(Plan Change. This item was continued from RDC meeting
of June 27, '1985.)
Nick Lewis - No comment.
Ed Bethel - questioned the number of stories fOT the restaurant. Miss Vega
. : responded that the restaurant would have only one story.
Keith Crawford - questioned the older plan that was submitted which reflected
J. C. Penney's tire and battery building as an outparcel. ~tr. Lemmel responded
'the older plan was submitted for reference only so all Committee members would
have a copy of what was originally approved. Mr. Lemmel stated that sheet L-1
. reflects the most current plan and the configuration shown indicates that the
site wou~d have 2,154 parking spaces. Mr. Lemme! stated there are 45 parallel
'parking spaces in front of the mall that cannot be counted in the overall
parking. He stated the. parking is still wi thin compliance of the Code for
not only the ma~l but also for the restaurant.
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l-fr. Crawford questioned if there was enough parking for the restaurant why
was the lot expanded a few months ago. Hi:\s Vegn responded that she requested
the contiguous parking because the mall hud the property, they had no other
use for it, and it looked nicer to have the purking paved.
Chairman Haeseker questioned Mrs. Harvey if the sheet identified llS L-I would
be the sheet that the Committee would be reviewing. Mrs. Harvey responded
Bob ~Iaran questioned the lack of snnitnTY sewer hook-up. Mr. Lemmel responded
a 4" water line would be extended from behind Kentucky Pried Chicken. tie
further stated the manhole in front of nyrons was the original plan to gravity
feed into the 6" VCP.
Claude Howell - no comment.
Paula Harvey - stated that the parking spaces provided on the plan are in
compliance with City regulations. She further stated that the restaurant
would be considered as part of the overall package of the shopping center
for the total parking requirement and that any parRing that was going 'to
be deleted as a result of that addition or added to as a result of that
addition would be included in counting towaTd the shopping center total
Chairman Haeseker questioned the existence of fTee-standing signs which are
located on the site. Mrs. Harvey stated to the applicants of the need to
indicate the existing signs on the site plan.
Ream Wilson - no comment.
Paula Harvey moved to recommend approval of the Revised Site Plan for Sunshine
~mll subject to all the information required by the Code be shown on the final
site plan identified as L-l and that the building permit be issued within six
months and the project completed within two yeaTS as it applies to the
addition of the restaurant.
Ream Wilson seconded the motion.
Claude Howell questioned whether the threatre addition was part of what was being
reviewed by the Committee. Mrs. Harvey explained that the Planning Department
had requested the applicant to show the theatre on the plan for the purpose of
indicating that tnere would still be en'ough par]<ing on tile site when the addition
was added. She stated further that when the applicant constructs the addition,
if it is anything different than what is shown on this site plan, then the
applicant would have to come in for a revised site plan showing the difference.
Both'Claude'Howell and Chairman Haescker questioned whether the Conunittee was
approving the theatre at this point. 'Mr. Lemmel responded the restaurant was
the applicant's primary concern. He also advised that the applicant is seriously
considering the addition to the theatre in the future and would like it to
become a part of this plan. Chairman H~eseker questioned Mrs. Harvey if the
Committee approved the revised final site plan would the theatre also come under
the two-year time limitation. Mrs. Harvey responded that the issuance of the
six-month bUilding.~ermit applies to the whole site~ If the applicant does not
get everything/~~ ~e~within the two-year timeframe, then the applicant would
need to have the plan revalidated.
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to be, met
Crawford stated the beautification requirements
for the restaurant outparccl addition.
of the Code would have
The motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at
9:00 a.m.
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