06/27/1985 ,l;>,' : . ...4~ ., . . , " 'c , r'\ . .1 ,.............., OIlI1ICIAL ~ l ", , ..' ,', ,.' .'. " .' r-:1 c . '. . ''''l'''1. M I NUT E S RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CO'1'UTTEE II City of Clearwater, F10rida June 27,1985 '.. ~ l"C. ;: Members Present: Elfzabeth S. Haeseker - Assistant City Manager~ Chairman Jeff Daniels - representing Fire Department 8111 Baker - Public Works Director Joh~ Rooks - representing PUblic Works ..cEdBethel Building Department Director Don'Meerians' - representing Traffic Engineering . Cecil Henderson - Utilities Department Director 'c. John Richter - representing Planning Department Ream Wilson - Parks & Recreation Director " / . <",---,,, ..../ ',', ' . --,....." " ,Y , . Others Present: ,~' " ... I. c . Kathryn Civitello . Sumner. '. '. David' F.' Ramsey Char1esc"'cSwain Kay Vega . Bill. Lerrme 1 . .Sherr1e Hicodemus - Premier Shelters. Inc. . . & Frye Engineers - Northside - American Tectonics - Sunc;hine Mall - Mudano Assoc. Architects - Recording Secretary "";." ' Ii.' ~; .', " '/) ~ . ~;;.;"~ rl..." \.:J;) "h;':".", ,,' '. {'~:./c..:., . i:.>...:.: '.'c Chairman Elizabeth S. Haeseke)- called the meetinQ to order at 9:10 a.m. :;'1:>: :'." 'Center ,Conference Room, Ci ty Hall Annex. - :::~.. ~ .: , : . . in the Operations .... ,L ," ",{ '. ~ '.' '. . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------- '.'~.:....~.,: ','ITEM, ih - p'remier Place,. located on :>>.<',' ..:..... , ,(COURTESY REVIE'W) , ~(::':c.c. ':::,:PREL'IMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT .c;'/':, . , :il~..':" ,,' 'cJe~f.'Daniel 5 \';J '. " 'c Bi 11 Bake'r. :1 . Soyth side ~tl~ur~e~Road. opposite Exca1iber Drive No comments. SUbmitted written comments. (~ttachment #1) ~ c:. i' .:: .... .,'. .Atc9:.l5 a.m. J~hn Rooks joined the meeting. ~. . .". t.t . " .. :',:.'::":> '. Landscaped area at entrance and retention basin to be in ;';'. :.,' , . 'property owners. If publ i C cOlTilTlon grounds are intended, J ~' . . . ,~~ c;" _ . ~ . :~/: :,.,c: '. ": Ed Bethel . the ownership of the adjacent ownership must be indicated. Subw.itted written comments. (Attachment #2) {,:;'.,:'~~ ' ';;\':::>?c., . ' ~f:.,::c:'::'~"', ~. " ~~;~j,:::::}'.;,:.':: .c ~j~:/~ .~, , .<, ,j , ~~~,~....~,:~,' ."' 1\ 'j " , -1- R.D.C. 6/27/85 ~I . ,. . ~::',;~~~'."" .... ( ;c r. ,'.' . }.... . / ::,:,.: ~' ~:.c . . , ..~:,. ,:' ': . : ' ',' \~.,,: , ':.','.,.~... '. ~,' ,:' :. ': -;':.' . ~, ,,': . ~ : . ':. :.' ,,::: . ".; ~. '.': I,: ': ~.. ~ ":. ~ . ~. : :.: ~ '; :. ',':', .' " .... ':.: '.': ...... \':, ~ .... : -' , " <. .' :', l. ::', ': " ~. :~. '.~ .~, : . .' .' /.' '.' : :' .,:...'..:., I: I ...'.'. .', ,,:~.'. . .' . : , ..,":.~ . (. ..., '.:, + ';: '.I,."~ '. ..': I ...; 'I ' . . . .~ " ......, Resource Development Co~nittee " C <:) ITEM #1 (Cont'd.) Don Meerians Traffic Engineering would be opposed to any additional access for the out parcels on Nursery Road. Access should be off the private street. The, 40 foot right-of-way should be shown on both out parcels. all the wav across the proja~t. The developer would be responsible for sidewalk on Nursery Road along the entire property. City.Code allows for a 30 inch wall which can not be in the right-of-way. Standard City street, cross section, should continue all the way around the cul-de-sac. The landscaped island in the center of the roadway is considered a traffic hazard by the courts and the developer would be held liable. This landscaped island serves no traffic function. Cecil Henderson Submitted written comments. (Attachment #3) 10 foot water easements required between Lots 4 and 5. John Richter Heights of walls shown are a concern. ~. '0 Do not encourage walls paralleTIingstreet ri9ht-of-way. Prefer access to be off of private street instead of Nursery Road. Need to eliminate lIout parcelslt on preliminary plat. A natural screen, landscaping, could be put in instead of wall. .'~ ; . ,.. \. '" ;.". I '{.:':' Ream Wilson Submitted written comments. (Attachment #4) City will inspect sanitary sewers when they are being put in. John Rooks At 9:40a.m. Elizabeth Haeseker excused herself from the meeting. John Rooks assumed the Chair. :MOTION Cecil Henderson moved that we advise the City Manager that we have performed a Preliminary ":'.' . Subdivision Plat Review for this project which is being developed in the County at the .. . . present time, but being annexed into the City, and that we noted the following things :, which should be changed or modified on the p.lat: ~ .' ..}. . \ ' " . 1. all property should be included in the platted lots~ this would include both the drainage retention area and the area along the access road; 2. the cul-de-sac area, the property line, should be designed to meet City standards; 3. right-of-way for Nursery Road should be dedicated to provide a 40 foot right-of way from the center line; ,4. 10 foot easements should be shown between Lots 4 and 5, and 5 and 6; 5.: the indication of a wall should be removed from the plat; 6. open space.and recreation fees should be paid prior to the final reading of annexation. ',' ; , . ;\. :~'I ;',., . ~" !::).... -. , ~ ~ . ;~~. ~: ~! ,I... . , . , ~he motion was seconded by Rea~__Wilson; motion carried. -2- R.D.C. 6/27/85 r ~ ~ ~.' '. ..~ . " Resource Development Committee ~ ITEM #2 - Northside~~are (Tract 2 Countryside formerly Festival at countr~~~de) located Southeast corner of Northside-orTVe and U.S. 19. {PLAN C ANGE-- th~S item was cont1nue~d froni.:'RDC meeting of Sun~ REVISED FINAL SITE PLAN Ream Wilson assumed the chair. Bill Baker excused himself from the meeting Jeff Daniels - No comments. Ed Bethe 1 Submitted written comments. (Attachment #5) No comments. John Rooks Don Meerians right-af-way. Sidewalk should continue all the way to north side of driveway, and be ramped. The 40 foot along U.S. 19 is a drainage and utility easement, not Cecil Henderson Submitted written comments. (Attachment #6) I 'c ~; John Richter A buffer needs to be provided adjacent to the mobile home park and . condominium properties. This would need to be an immediate buffer. I .::-. 'J Parking calculations need to be corrected for the two restaurants. Ream ~~i 1 son Submitted written comments. (Attachment #7) " ~,. : Don Meerians Upon the issuance of a C.O., for whatever is built first, we are /,'..:' ..' going to want sidewalks all the way around property. Sidewalk to continue to street. t~~. . f'._ . ~~: ' lOne more street light should be adjacent to the property. :~'~ ~ ;r' .: q. :OTION'.Cecil Henderson moved to approve the Revised Final Site Plan for Northside Square subject .~,/:, .' to tne follOWing conditions: : ~ : " . . " , " ,., " . " 'J.i. .~,::", ',' .". :~~}. . ~! . . " ;.~ "". :i ~. ~ ,'- '. 1. . easements be provided over the water lines up to and including meters and hydrants,as required by the Utilities Department; 2. a 20 foot drainage and utility easement be granted along the east and south property lines in addition to other required drainage and utility easements, with all ~asements to be granted prior to the iss~ance of a Certificate of . Occupancy; 3. sidewalk being constructed to City standards; 4. .providing a buffer between this project and the mobile home park; 5. providing the correct parking calculations on the plan; ,i~:' . '~/. . ~ I . . .t..~. ~ "", ~ i: . ~~.~:(,: . The requisite initial building permits be issued ~lithin six (.6) months from the date of :i;:... . City:Man,ager approval of the final site plan and' all requisite certificates. of occupancy r,.<, be issued within two, (2) years from the date of issu~nce of the i,ni,tial bui:lding permi.t. ~<'c':" :', ,The motion was seconded by John Richter; motion carri~d. c~~t:>. c' ~~.~ :)'::." .'. ~\..,' -3- R.D.C. 6/27/85 ht~, .- ~k:: ' .';.:.....'a...~:.I:,::.I.. ":-w ..,:,.;.:L......':..:......:';~..,'.. '."':,.'~ ,':".: '; ,'., ," '..'.'' ......::..' ',,',:.',:. ." '~'.,",:. ','I~:':' .':.:...,I.,'..,:~....;..,'.::,... ',.' '::" ....'.:"'::'.;..:..'.:....,.,,','I:,..~:...:,..,:,~:.'.:.>:~.:~. ,~ I , "'..... Resource Development Committee o ITEM #3 .. Sunshine Mall (additional restaurant), located on South rHssour1' Avenue, in the SOl!t.he'as~t corner of Sunsh~!!e Marr.--CJlLAlrclOCfffit) REVISED FINAL SITE PLAN Jeff Daniels Questioned if fire hydrants in front of Byrons meet the 300 foot coverage of this new building. John Rooks Ed Bethel Submitted written comments. (Attachment #8) No corrments. . Don ~1eeri aos Questioned if there are the 21,000 required parking spaces. Some of the existing parking spaces were added after the initial building site was approved and should not be considered as legal spaces. It is a Code violation for the spaces which have been added next to the property line in the aisle. J," . Cecil Henderson on plan. John Richter It is difficult to evaluate utility services, since none are shown It is 'difficult to assess this plan because of the lack of information. >- Plans need to include utilities, height of buildings, parking formula, building coverage ~,~:..' ,for site, impermeable coverage for site, and zoning assigned to it. ,~~;: :3 Most notable 1 ack of i nformat ion is on park i n9. j"',+ Ream Wilson There is no open space assessment fee, in that the restaurant site is less than one acre in size. ,::,t " John Richter Clarified that only pad for building is being leased and that subdivision platting would not be required. Ream Wilson Stated that the Committee would be willing to set a special meeting one day next week to keep this moving. Copies 'of plans are to be distributed before the Specla1 Meeting. ' ~. " . 1:.:' " ~L,., .' . ~ . . ~OTION 'Ceci1 Henderson moved to continue this item until the required information can be placed on J<'. ' the plan and that a special meeting be set to review and consider the pl an. ;\:,; . D:: The motion was seconded by John Rooks ; motion carried. j' 1:0'.' , ~T . , .;". ,., . :l' , The meeting adjourned at . ~ .~. . H~. ii~~ " , . ) , . '. c' ~ ", '.. >':"0' ~~;:'.:. l~\,::::':',':.' ,. !;.:J~:-' ,::' " , {~~!/:., .,:: '~ -4- R.O.C. 6/27/85