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ot~ of Clearwater, Florida ,.-....
July 26, 1984
E~S.~Hae8eker, Assistant City Manager, Chairperson
Oeoil Henderson, Utilities Department Director
Ream Wilson, ~ark8 and Reoreation Department Director
~e1tb Orawford, Traffic Engineering Director
Edward Betnel, Building Department Director
Paula Harvey, Rlanning Department Director
John Rooks, Public Works Department
Niok Lewis, Fire Department
Others Present
Chris ~apandreas, Planning Department
Offioer Sandy stevens, Police Department
Bill Burcbfield, Harbormaster
Harty Folwell, Long Range Waterfront Planning Committee
Jim Oarpenter. Downtown Development Board
ferry MoNay, Parkwood Subdivision
Larry Mills, n n
David T. Stokes " II
Sandy Lloveraa,(Lloveras, Baur & stevens) (Wendy's)
TOlD Radcliffe " " If "
Rush Bird, Wendy's International
Carl E. Gilmore, Sun Engineering & Construction - Gulf Marine
David J. Gangleboff, Gult Marine
Jobn'~. Bastow \George F. Young) - Master
~tis J. DeYoung (DeYoung & Associates)-
I~ FY E. Williams lConsultanta'Realty ) -
foro Lucas - (Baron Construction Company)-
John M. Seitz - Inverness Condominiums
John F. Saba (George F. Young) - Inverness
Tom Bell~ws {Bellows Housing Corporation -
Sarah. Kendall {James Ruyle, Architect) -
~James Ruyle C II It "
Frances J. Muller.- Discount Auto Parts
Barry 14. Finkel " " II
John Frubmorgen " " tI
Dennis'A. Pl~mley (Carter &.~lumley Equipment, Inc.) - Diane Heights
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The meeting was called to order in the Operations Center Conference Room
by the Cbalrperson at 9:10 a.m.
Minutes of the regular meeting of June 14, 1984 Approved as submitted.
Minutes of the regular meeting of July 12, 1984 Approved ae submitted.
Minutes of the special meeting of July 1;, 1984 - Approved as amended.
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ITEM ljft- Bayfront ~mprovement Plan
Harty Folwell, Jim Carpenter, and Chris ~apandreae were present for a technical
review of the Bayfront Improvement ~lan by the Committee. Ms. Folwell
,'-'~sented t~e plan, which includes the redesign of Coachman Park, a 99 slip
'~ina site, 3cquisition of-the Sand castle property, improving the intersection
c of Drew, Cleveland, and the Causeway, parking aitee, and redesign of the
paTkinglot near the tennis courts and eliminating one court, adding a
handball court, new restroom facility, etc. Department comments followed.
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Pollee 'Department - O!f~r Stevena sald that a mB r concern would be to have
Buff1cient lighting to deter crime in the Bay!ront area. Security lighting
is ava1Iable--low level sodium vapor light that is soft but would still flood
an area with light. The plan to move the restroom by the tennis courts was
~, but there is a need for additional restroom facilities at Coaohman ~ark.
&.Jther concern was that there be adequate pRrking. It a boautiful faoility
like this wae in downtown Clearwater, people would come from allover and
increased traffic and parking facilities should be considered.
Harbormaster - Bill Burchfield said that the proposed marina facility would
not be large enough to be a manned facility and this could create a problem
with night seourity. ~ranaient cruising people use a book called the
Southern Waterways Cruising Guide, and select docking areas much as selecting
a motel. ~ran61ents would want amenities such as gas, electric hook-ups,
sewage pump put, etc. Also, this size marina would be difficult to service
with DO one to collect docking fees. From a technical point of view there
could be problems with the large amoun't of dredging necessary to get a
relatively small amount of docks and they would be digging out a narrow
cul-de-sac bounded by ,a mudbank. Unless it was overdredged, deepening and
widening, they would have to come back again and dredge since the area would
silt up quickly with currents running north and south in that area. It
might be difficult to locate apolx disposal aites, which require permits.
He felt that for that small a facility, they might consider some type of
epecialty docking such aa for water skiing, boat rentals, para-sailing, etc.
Building De~artment - Mr. Bethel said that lighting needed to be adequate.
Be suggested the Lighting Institute could be contacted for recommendations.
Also, the local A.I.A. chapter had some ideas on lighting that could be help-
ful. He boped that areas not utilized by parking now would be considered and
~all utilized since parking was one of the things that could make the ~yfront
J 'In work.
Traffic En~ineering - Mr. Craw~ord said that. the ligh~ing in Coachman ~ark
enould be improved now with the park being utilized more since the bandshell
was constructed. Commented that the amount of , green space shown on the plan
was not accurate, with-the Chamber of Cowneroe Parking lot not being sbown
and the median on Fierce Boulevard not accurately shown on the plan. Also,
t~e plan for state Road 60 relocation was incompatible with the Bayfront ~lan.
A possible feature of the relocation waa building a bridge from Drew street
to the Causeway, although this plan was one of several in the discussion
stage by various groupe in the city. He was in favor of the overall plan
but felt the price tag was high.
utilities Department - Commented tbat there would be a need for water, either
from on-site weils or the city water system. The city has adequate water
to supply the area. Also, the sanitation system could handle anything
generated by the park but there must be access points for sanitation trucks.
The salt water marsh concept was good but baving a boardwalk could create
a maintenance problem.
Public Works - Mr. Rooks said unless there 1s dredging to Dunedin Pass the
marina would be better located on the south side of the uausenay. , Ms. Folwell
said discussion on this location was based on Dunedin Faes being opened up.
Mr. Rooks said that the old Causeway bridge atFUcture is old and needed
heavy maintenance.. '.and ).repairB.~ .:: It might be better to build in anot~er
'-~~pation. The drawing indicated that the pond in Coachman Park was sb~f.ted.
'~e original pond bad been paved when &t was installed in order for it to
hold water and if it was mov~d, the same problem would exist.
-2- RDO 7-26-84
l'ub11c Works_ - Contiv~d - John Hooks aaid that-'te Norman Bie property
nad been staked for t. D.E.R. and the property i.ne wa~ right on tho"
back of the sidewalk and some of the aidewalk was on private property.
Ms. Folwell said they planned to negotiate with the D.E.H. and make Bomo
trade ofls. John Rooke aaid they might be able to work something out
~th the D.E.R. since they did not oonsider mud flats 8S environmentally
_enaitive 8S some other areas.
Plannin~ DeRartment - ~aula Harvey Baid the ~lanning Department had always
supportive 01 the project. Commenta were:
1. Onoe the properties the Bayfront Oommittee proposed to a~9uire had
been acquired, they would have to go through a rezoning and~~~ amendment
process both with the oity and the county. plan
2. Inquired as to where the statues at the eaet end of the Causeway were
to be relocated. Ms. Folwell said tbat would be part of the final design
plan, but the statues would be in the BalDe area, just more visible.
3. The parking situation was a major concern. If a private group built
a community room or other structure, parking would need to be provided for
tbe facility. .Based on the design capacity of such a facility, that would
~e o.ne parking spaoe for each three people.
'-4'~ '''If any marina slips are 'put in, tbere would need to be discussion and
satisfaction of parking requirements for those slips or any otber special
aotivity area in that location.
5. ~he location of the children's play area near the pumping station on
the bluff near City Hall was not good because of the odor from the station.
Ceoil Henderson said the Utilities Department was working on the odor problem.
Betty Haeseker said she felt the area was not su.itable for a children's
play area because of the high voltage electricity in the lift station.
Parks and Recreation - Ream Wilson waS in favor of the re-landscaping which
~uld elIminate the present high maintenance of shrubbery in Coachman Park.
..rees would be olustered and maintenance would be mostly around the side-
"walk. wi tb plant beds around the perimeter to add color. The Parks and
Recreation Board was in favor of a community building and both the Board and
the Parks and Recreation Department were interested in investigating the
library site, possibly by adding a 4th floor to the library. He said there
would be'no problem in eliminating one tennis court. and the existing courts
would.bed~essed up and new fencing'installed if the plan went forward.
Aleo, requests had beenrecelved by p~ople working in th~n~~9WJl^~k~~a
. :tor a small picnic area with a :few tables to be located!~" eR~~W~A:...
'Some .d1sGUBSion about "passive" play areas and identification of areas
as play area and small play area instead of passive play areas. Mr. Wilson
also"commented ,that additional restroom area would be desirable in Coachman
Park.' Presently, port-o-lete are used when big events take place at the
park, and this would still be the cas~lflve~ with additional restrooms.
He was also in favor of using metal/Deffc~~v~ rather than concrete since
concrete benches created maintenance ~roblems when mowing. Metal benches
could be moved trom place to plaoe in the meadow. He also said that a
specialized docking facility would be good so tbat people. could come by
boat and tie up at the dock for special events in the park.
There was general discussion of the plan, with Cecil Henderson commenting
that a community room. could be built, with parking on a second level.
The possibility of adding a 4th floor to the library was discussed, and
Mr. Henderson Baid he did not believe the library was built for an added
floor--Bince it did not have the foundation or walla for an additional
'-"~:1oor. Betty Haeaeker tbanked the members of the Bayfront Comm! ttEe for
~be presentation.
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-3- RDO 7-26-84
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ITEM t2 - 2~rkwood ~~ laion - located on the So n side of Enter~r18o
Road adjaoeni on ~B~ lract d~ Northwood E8~ateB.
~e Departmen~ - No comment.
Building De~artmont - No comment.
~raff1c Departmen~ - No oomment.
Utilities - Cecil Henderson presented written oomments on the CIS and the
Isp, attached a8 items #1 and 12. He gave the developers a marked up copy
of the plat and Buggested they oontact the Utilities engineer r9garding
developmen't of the site plan. He oommented that they would need to provide
a 10' utility easement for the water line between lots 8 and 9.~ block G.
Planning,r- FauIa Harvey said they would need to prOVide a fence and landscape
plan for the double frontage lots along Enterprise and Landmark Dr. The
6' wall proposed along Enterprise would require a variance from the Board of
Adjustment and Appeal prior to the wall being put up. The plan would need
to be reviewed by tho Planning and Zoning Board and sent to the City
Oommission for their approval as a prelim1.nary plat. Also, they would need
a letter of oompliance stating they are willing to abide by tbe criteria
Bet out in the CIS for tbe development of the subdivision.
Parka and Recreation - Ream Wilson gave written comments from Parka and
RecreatIon and from'-the Landscape Archi tect--attacbments #3 and #4.
He said the written comments indicate that feea are due at the time of
~~ftif1cation of final site plan, but should be at the time the city recorda
._..a final plat. He inquired whether the developers planned to put a fence
in back o~ the homea, separating park property from the deyelopment.
Developersa1d there WBS a oattle fence already there. There was general
discussion about entrance to the park. Mr. Wilson said he would look for
one access point off of Landmark. Mr. Bethel said the barbed wire should
be remove4 from the cattle fence. Barbed' wile wae not permitted to be over
6t high and, then only with special approval.
Chair~erson Haeseker - The plat must be recorded before building permita
oou:Ld -be-issued. ,.
John Rooks said if the water & sewer improvements are not in at the time of
platting.' they-would have to be bonded.
t. ,
MOT10lf -, ~O~ltl";'~nac't .:~t1atement - .Paula Harvey moved for approval
at the Community Impact statement subject to the submission of a letter of
compliance. Motion aeconded by Cecil Henderson. Motion passed.
UO~ION ~ Preliminary Subdivision Plat - Paula Harvey moved for approval of
the Preliminary Subaivieion Flat for 2arkwood, subject to the following
1.~hat fence and landscape plana be submitted and approved for all
double frontage lots on Enterprise and Landmark Drive.
2. That the 6' high proposed wall along Enterprise receive a variance
by the Board of Adjustment and Appeal prior to the issuance of a permit for
said wall.
~, 3. That street names be provided on the
-/ 4. ~hat a 10' utility easement be given
5. ~hat right-oi-way for Landmark Drive
on the preliminary plat, be granted.
6. That open space and recreational land. 'fees be paid prior to record-
ing the final plat. -
preliminary plat.
between lots 8 and 9. Block G.
and Enterprise Road,as shown
-4- RDO Ju!y 26, 1984
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I~EM *2 - Oontinued - ~ood -
Ceol1 Henderson seconded the motion. After disoussion, John Rooks moved to
amend the motion to inolude:
~ 7. All B1deline/~~backs will be 7-1/2 ft. rather than 10 ft.
Motion to amend seconded and carried. Motion as amended voted on and motion
ITEM *, _ Wendy's Restaurant. located at intersection of U.S. 19 and Bellealr
PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION 2LAT - Reviewed as a aite plan
Fire Departmant - No oownent.
Building Department - Mr. Bethel
flnat bullulng drawings.
requested a site lighting plan with the
RlannlnjlffPsxtment_ Paula Harvey said that the Committee would be reviewing
the pl~/a8 a site plan to give Mr. Lloverss comments for corrections before
~. goes for building permits.
fraff1c En~1neering - On U.S. 19 up agaist the right-of-way, provide
planter in the 5 ft. strip. The parking spaces in line with the pick up
window look a little tight and could possibly cause a problem when
people baok out near the pick up window, although a6' should be sufficient.
Utilities De~artment - Suggest developer: contact Gas Division for possible
~~e of gas. Tne dumpster pad is not dimensioned but 1f it ia enclosed it
". '\jSt be a minimum 12' opening for trucks to negotiate. A ;/411 water meter
:...,Jdicated but they probably would want a 1 fI meter. The water line connections
should be on an easement up to and inoluding the water meter.
Public Works - Gave written comments, attachment #5.
~lannin~ De~artment ~aula Harvey commented that they needed to show
dimensions for tne distance between tho parking spaces and tbe proper~y 1'nea
on'the north, south, and east aide. The sign in the right-of-way easement
w111 bave to be removed at the tlme'~be easement ia used for road improve-
ment8~'Identlfy seating capaoity at the facility. Clarify by letterT-in
the approval of the Daddy's Money restaurant aite plan there was discussion
regarding the shopping oenter parking~-Mr. Lloveras was to work with Mrs.
Harvey on this.
Parks and Recreat10n- Mr. Wilson distributed written oomments from Parks
and Reoreation andfrom the Landscape architect., items #6 and #7.
Project exempt from open apace ordinance.
Keith Crawford - Regarding parking spaces, it has been the policy not
to have parking spaces in the right-ot-way. He counted 39 spaC~B without
those in the right-ai-way_
MO~IOR,-' Paula Harvey recommended approval of the site plan subject to
tbe'following conditions.
1. Tte parking spaces fronting on U.S. 19 be set 5' off the
~~operty line with provision tor landscape butfering in that area.
.-J 2. That there be provided a 4% landscaping area within the parking
,. Seating oapao!ty of the restaurant be provided on the plan to
assure that parking requirements are being met.
-5- RDC 7-26-84
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Item 1.3 - Wendy's - Co~~nued
MO~10H - Qant1nued
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4. That a note be provided on the plan that the pole sign within the
~!t. right-ot-way easement will be removed at the owner's expense at
~h time 8S tbe easement is needed for road improvement.
5, That dimensions be provided for parking spaces on the south and
eaet proportt lines.
6. That a minimum 12' opening be vrovided for the dumpster pad.
7. ~hat the water meter provided be one inch rather than three
quarter inoh.
8. That a 10 ft. easement be proyided over t~e water line up to and
including meters and hydrants.
Motion seconded by Cecil Henderson. Motion carried.
I~EK ~ - Gulf Marine. located on East aide of N. Ft. Harrison Avenue.
Hortn of Jones street.
I 1
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Pire Department - Nick Lewis said that before he could vote for approval of
tue Bite pian he would need an agreement that there would be access for
Fire Dept. vehicles. ,~he plan does not show what is available for ~ire
hydrants and he would request a statement to the effect that no structure
at its farthest point would be any faithe~ from a hydrant than 300 ft. from
a hydrant. If there 1s not one within' that distanoe they would need to
oupply one on that site.
~uildlng Department - The concrete paving for the storage lot only plan
...~.... in Mr.' Bethel's atfice prepared to be approved at the time Engineering
L~prove8 it. A~. Bethel said they would need a separate permit for signs
Also the proposed concrete paving plan should go to Engineering for approval.
T~affic.Engineerlng - Discussed plan. Inquired if this would get the boats
out of Hart-Street driveway. Developer said yes.
Utilities - No comment
Public Works - Discussed plan, easements.
PlanninR - ~aula Harvey commented aa follows:
. 1. The proposed canopy encroaches into the 15' setback on Garden Avenue
and Hart Street. Canopy is attached to the building and becomes part of
the structure so must Br set back 15 -;ft.
2. Paving should?extend to Garden Ave.. There must be a 5' landscape
buffer maintained between that right-at-way and the concrete area they
propose. There was discussion on this.
3. The. new storage and service areae on Iota 6 and 7 will require
approval by the Board of Adjustment and Appeal as special exception usage
in the CG zoned district.
4. The existing storage in the area where mne building is located is
currently unauthorized And in violation of the code.
5. Parking spaces are required to be positioned .a minimum, o'tl 3'" f-rom.'. the
street, at.'Ft. Harrison.
. 6. Unclear how the number of parking spaces ~rovided on site actually
.::nates to the use on the property. Need clarification. .
7. The ~uture fencing on Garden Avenue will be limited to a height of
30n unless they received a variance from the Board of Adjustment and
Appeal. .
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-6. RDO 7-26-84
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It'em #4 - Gulf Marine -,4nt!nued
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8. Also, the future fence adjacent to Hart Street 1a alao, 11m! tod 'to 30u
unless a variance is approved.
...... Some points of information that nued to be inoluded on the a1 te
F' ~n itself to be approved.
1. ~he number of parking spaces that are required for this UBe.
2. A survey loc~tion of the numbers of trees on site and distinotion
between those that are to be removed ana those that are to remain.
,. Location, size, and type of landac8.ving that will be provided on
the site.
4. An indication of the contours or spot elevations BO tbey could
determine how drainage 1s affected on the site.
5. A notation regarding areas tor garbage piok up.
6. Dimensions on the plan needed regarding location of building
and distance from the setbacks to assure there is no violation of the
7. A condition of approval of the plan would be that the conditions
that were placed on this project by the Hearing Offioer on April 24,
1984, be included. (Attached as Item H8.)
Parks and Recreation - Mr. Wilson gave written oomments from Parks and
Recreation and from Charles Dray, Landsoape Architect (Attached as Items
1/9 and #10.)
MO~ION - Paula Harvey moved to continue the site plan. Cecil Henderson
seconded.the motion.
After discussion by the Committee, John Rooks Bug~ested that the
Committee recommend that although the plan ae a whole should be continued
~~ the RDO, the Committee had no objection to the issuance of individual
___)rmits. A vote was called for and the question carried.
MO~ION: John Rooks made a motion that, to help Gulf Marine to comply
'more with building codes, the Committee recommend issuing building permits,
after'proper review, for a temporary'parking lot as proposed, proposed
concrete around service area to get the repair of boats off of the street
and into a service area, and also fencing of boat storage area to get
existing boats out of existing rights-of-ways and alleyways. Motion
seconded by Mr. Bethel.
This motion was voted on and carried, with ~aula Harvey opposed.
ITEM #.5 - MAST~R ~y STORAGE' i '.loca ted on U. s. 19, North
Fire Department - No comment.
. Buildlnp.; Department - .Building...plane to address restrooms and site lighting.
~raf~ic EngIneering - No comment.
U~ilit1eB Department - No comment
Planning DeRartment - ~aula Harvey said parking sbould reflect all, of the
parking on the site. Distinguish between regular parking and parking storage.
There. is a 10' setback requirement along tb~ north property line. Indicate
I building height on the plan. Original c~nditioDS for approval on the
~~a8ter Key site plan be carried forward OD this major plan revision.
I...);tached as Item H11.' '.
-7- RDO 7-26-84
'11 ~
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Kaster Key Stora~ -;~ntlnued -,
Pub11~ WQrK8-- John Hooks Baid that storm water detention should be to
city standards at time of final review.
~)arks ~d Hoaree. t.ign Ream Wilson presented wrl tten comments from Parks
and Reoreation and the Landscape Architeot. Attached ae Items #12 and 13.
MOTION Paula Harvey made; a motion to recommend approval of the major site
plan revision based upon a finding of this committee that the plan
conforms with the design guidelines for site plan review, subject to
the following ohanges being made on the plan prior to certification.
1. Parking data should reflect parking on the entire aite.
2. A distinction be made between regular parking spaces and
storage spaces.
,. The new building on the north ~roperty line be set back 10 feet
from that north property line.
4. Building heigbt be shown in feet.
5. A landscaping plan be submitted to and approved by the City
Forester prior to issuance ot building permits.
6. ~hat the conditione to be noted on the plan at the time of
certification be those same conditions of approval applied to the
certified site plan of January 27, 1983.
Cecil Henderson seconded the motion.
Keith Crawford commented on tbe paved area. The 4% planting area should
be clearly labeled.
of Cleveland Street
Major Site'Plan Revision
Fire Department - No comment
Building Department - No comment
Traffic'En~lneering - Keith Crawford said that an ordinance was passed by
the City Commission earlier in the year that parking lot renovations,
resurfacing, striping differently, etc. required developers to come up to
current code. ~he current code requirement would be for a 5 ft. planter
along the right-ot-ways.
utili t~es. Department - Cecil Renders'on. distributed wri ~ten comments
attached as #14. If dumpster enclosure is planned, a m~nlmum 12' clear
~pening is required for acceSB by sanitation vehicle.
Public Works - No comments.
Planning Department - ~aula Harvey said this plen would be processed as
a lot revision without raplat, to be approved by the City Commission.
As it is in tbe downtown development distri c.t, a copy would be forwarded
to the. Downtown Development Board for review prior to Commission review.
As far as the plan goes, they needed to indicate the design capacity of
. .-..-."" the restaurant in terms of seating and usable floor space to determine
~tbat there is adequate parking provided in the lot area.
:' .:.~
1::~ I
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. .
Farks ~nd Recreation- Mr. Wilson said there is no Open Space
1i'!Z;~~ this is in the'downtown district. Distributed comments:'
'Parks and Recreation & Landscape Architect. (Items #15 & 16)
':\ ~ (
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Item {2.- Continued - Clp~land Plaza ~~
~OTION - ~aula Harvey moved for ap~roval of the Major Site Elan Revision
based upon the finding of the Committee that the plan conforms to the
~de11nee for site plan review, subject to the following changee being
m~ to the plan prior to certification.
1. That the design oapacity of the restaurant, both in terms of seata
and useful floor epace be ~rovided on the plan.
2. That a 5 ft. landsoape buffer be l)rovided between the parking Bvaces
and the right-oi-way in this area.
3. The requirement tor 4% landscaped area within the interior of the
parking lot be provided.
4. That it be noted that there will be a 12 ft. clear opening for the
5. The following condition be noted on the plan for certification:
That the building permit be issued within 6 months and the project be
completed within two years.
John Rooks seconded the motion. Motion carried.
~lanning De~artment ~aula Harvey expressed a concern that because they were
Dot requiring platting and because there is no specific restriction on size
of late in the downtown area, it would be easy for additional facilities to
come in on that parking lot. There is no mechanism in the code at the present
time to keep that from happening. She felt it necessary to go forward with
the lot division without replat in order to have some control in the way this
property is being developed.
ITEM 17 - Inverness Condominiums, located at Enterprise Drive and
y.'. ~age Drive.
Fire Department - No comment.
Building Department - Mr. Bethel said that he had described to the Committee
how tbe Building Department is accepting their plan of a 4 hr. fire wall
and treating it as separate buildings rather than two buildings.
Traf~ic Engineering - Yr. Crawford discussed parking with developer.
Utilities Department - Distributed comments, attachment #17. Mr. Henderson
discussed comments with developer.
~ubl1c Works - John Rooks - Same comments as on original site plan. Ingress,
egress easements, water, sewer, and right-of-way easements.
Plannj,ng Department - .Paula Har.vey said they had not identified building
height on the plan and the building separation distance requirement between
the structures must equal tbe building height andle no less than 20 feet.
Delineate on plan the pool and recreation area.
Parks and Recreation - Ream Wilson said there is no open space/recreation
iiBessment aince that was satisfied at time of annexation. Distributed
written comments from Parks and Recreation and the Landscape Architect.
:,'.:JBChments 118 and #19.
Traffic Engineering-Keith Crawford said the dri~eway on Enterprise was shown
as '5. and the code.~equirement was 30'. ThereiB a requirement to separate
the driveway and the parking area from the street right-of-way by 5 'I.
-9- RDC 7-26-84
Itom tl-- Inverness Con~,iniumB - Continued
MOTION: 2aula Harvey moved that the site plan revie10nbe
to the following conditions.
approved, subject
1. That building height be shown on the plan.
2. That more detail be provided regarding the pool and recreation
area. inoluding any struotures to be built in that area.
,. That eaeements be provided over all the water linea, up to and
including the meters.
4. ~bat no above ground etructures be located within the easements.
5. That each of the six clusters be individually metered.
6. That 12~ openings be provided tor tbe dumpsters.
7. Tbat no .carports be constructed over tbe water main.
8. That easements be provided for the corners of the property that
overlap the public streets.
9. That the developer assist the City in securing ingress and egress
easements for all internal roadways, including that portion now developed
with privately owned condominiums.
10. That initial building permit be issued within 6 montha.
11. A one year extension be granted for completion of the project
providing for project completion no later than December 20, 1985.*
Ream Wileon seoonded the motion.
*Paula Harvey amended the motion to delete #11 from conditions.
John Rooks seconded the amendment, which carried. Motion as amended voted
on and carried.
" .
located at North sidel.of Nurser
ROBetree Cour .
Traffic En~ineering - On the C.I.S., on pg. 6, number of trips should be
~O if single family residences.
.Utilities De~art~ent - Cecil Henderson distributed comments (attachment HZ?).
Public Works - John Rooks said that they wou~d need a 40t toi!a.l...half,,,JOW
on Nursery Road and a 10' easement around the perimeter of the property.
Planning Department - Paula Harvey said they needed to provide information
on tax affect-page 15 of the C.I.S.
Parks and Recreation - ~resented written comments from Parks Bnd Recreation
and cIty Forester. (Attachments 21 and 22) statement on page 9 of the C.I.S.
incorrect in that asses,ament fees will be required.
. MOTION ~C.lfS. - FauIa Harvey moved for approval of the Community Impact
Statement subject to the following information being submitted in the form
of an addendum to the O.l.S. Qer
1. That corrections be made on Eage 6 regarding trips ~a~ day that
r (Jl result from this single family project.
RDO 7-26-84
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Item #8.- Chimney SprinS8~ continued
MOTION - C.l.S. continued
2. ~bat corrections be made on page 9 regarding the requirement for
pa~ent of Open Space, Recreation Land, and Recreation Facilities for this
. .1 3. That information be provided in accordance with page 15 on tax
4. That the Community Impact ~tatement address the requirement .tor
a 10 ft. easement around the perimeter of the property.
5. Additional right-ot-way required for Nursery Road.
6. That sanitation needs, pick up specifically, be addressed in the
Community Impact statement.
Motion seconded by Cecil Henderson. Motion carried.
.P~LIMlNARY PLAT - Chimney Springs
Fire Department, Building Department, Traffic ~ngineering - No comments
Utilities Department - Cecil Henderson said they would need easements over
water.mains up to and including hydrants and meters. Water lines should be
shown outside of the paved area and easements provided for on the plat.
Public Works - John Rooke said 10' easements on the plat, total 40' balf
right-of way. Lot lines should be platted to the center of the road.
Some discussion of Tracts.A,B, & C.
Planning Department - Paula Harvey said that at the time this goes to the'. 01 ty
Oommission they would need to request a variance from the subdivision reg- .
ulations that requires all platted lots to be served by public or private
a+--':,ets which meet City standards.
Parks & Recreation - No comment.
.Traffic Engineering - Keitb Crawford suggested motion on plat be withheld untU
discusslon on site plan was completed.
.\ 'I\~
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Fire Departmen! - Concern would be for water main, water line, and hydrants
.on site and none shown on the plan. Baaed on the size of the site, possibly
two hydrants would be needed. Also, the water main size o~f of Nursery Road
. not shown, .but they would like an 8" line.
Building De~artment - Mr. Bethel said the Btandard Building Code requirements
as to openings in the walll according to the distance of the sideline, should
be ~ollowed by the architect in the design of the buildinbs. Also, he would
.like an electrical site plan with the final permit plans.
Traffic Engineering - Keith Crawford said the driveways were very ahort and
parking prOVisions for the project.not well planned.
.. ~tllities Department- Cecil Henderson gave written comments out, attachment
#2~, and discussed them.
.'. .~ublic Works - John Rook~ said they could tie into the existing pond in the
. .b~r~for storm water detention--would need an easement from Florida Power
.' to~o across' to their lake. Need a sidewalk shown on Nursery Hoad, indicate
:. . sanitary aystem, detention system could be another shape rather than boxed
.' and they could contact Karen Wilson on that.
-11- RDC 7-26-84
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It~m #~ - Chimney S~rings-Continued
.Flannlng~lJepartment - .Pal.._a Harvey aaid that on the ..alculationa they had
aone they had indicated gross land area but had not indicated the net land
area. Net land area would be gross land area less any right-or-way, easements
at-access, and existing submerged land. Take that amount and multiply by 8
tF~et the number of units allowed. Maximum density on the property would
be RPD 8. Suggested that swimming poole not be shown on the plan since
approval was on an individual basis. Provide fencing and landscape plan for
frontage along Nursery Rd. If fencing planned along perimeter of property,
it needs tore identified on plan, wlth height 01' fence or wall shown. If
fencing between individual lata is planned, that should be shown on plan.
Ten percent of land area needed to be identified as recreation area.
If they were proposing to use some of the common ownership as that 10%
requirement, it should be identified on the plan. Restriction would be that
retention area cannot be used as part of that recreational area.
Parks and Recreation - Ream Wilson said that fees should be paid prior to
site 'plan certification.
phairperson Haeseker - Adjacent zoning should be shown on plan.
MOTION - PR~LIMINARY ~LAT - Cecil Henderson moved to continue the ~re1iminary
P~at. ~aula Harvey seconded the motion, which carried.
MOTIO~ - FINAL SITE~~ - Cecil Henderson moved to continue the Final Site
Plan. Paula Harvey seconded the motion, which passed.
Auto Parts, Inc. renovation,
~~"nning Department - Paula Harvey said there was some ~ifference in
i:._..'erpretatlon as to proposed use of property and the review process.
utilities - Cecil Henderson inquired about the type of business-Auto Parts.
Developer said that Discount Auto Parts had resigned from the site and
the proposed use of the property now was to have a bath and linen shop on
one side of the property and dishwear and china on the other side. Use
of the property would still be ror bome ~urniahings.
Fire Department - There was considerable discussion about the fire code
requirements. Mr. Lewis aaid the fire code would require a sprinkling system
due to the size o~ the building. If the building were to be divided into
two separate stores they could be separated by a 4 hour ~ire wall to the
underside of the roof. Anything 15,000 sq. ft. or over would require a
sprin~ling system, but an alternative could be a 4 hour non-penetrative
wall to separate the two mercantile establishments and then a sprinkling
system would not be required since the businesses would be under 15,000
sq. ft.
, Planning Department - ~aula Harvey said that their interpretation 8S to
whether or not the discount auto parts would have constituted a change in
use was that home furnishings, which was classified in the code as retail
sales, was the use permitted in the zoning district. The discount auto parts
was also retail sales and, based on the interpretation from the City Attorney,
there was no change of use. Therefore. it was not necessary that the existing
parking be revised.
'...'\ffic Engineering - Regarding driveway, there should be one exit/entrance.
1~ere would be Borne internal beautification necessary, handicapped parking
spaces required, 12', 2 spaces. Gulf-to-Bay is the truck route and trucks
should not use Rainbow lirive.
RDC 7-26-84
Item #9 - Discount Auto ~~ts - Continued
; I
Utilities - No comment.
~ub11c Works - Detention area would be required for additiol1al run-oft.
!EiY would need a registered engineer to design the parklnBlot beoause
~as over five parkinB spaces. Developers were planning for Borne
beautification in the parking lot.
2arks and Recreatlo~ - No comment.
ITEM #10 - FOR DISCUSSION ONLY - Diane Heights.
Fire Department - No comments.
Building Department - No comments.
~raffic En~ineering - No comments.
Utilities Department - ~ater, gas, and sanitation not heavily impacted.
'Public Works - Area ',is too low for sewer, would need sand fl1 ter system.
'Everything would 11eed to meet Oity standards. They would need to provide
, 'a 10 · ,easement around the back 0.1' the lots, water lines to be indicated
and to meet fire codes. street would need a standard cul-de-sac, 30'
;back to back,60. right-at-way.
:Parks and Recreation - When property is annexed, a 4% Open Space fee,
150 sq.' feet for unit Recreation Land b'ee, aud $200 per unit recreation
" 'facility fee would be required prior to annexation. There was discussion
: '~n payment of these fees. On the agreement to annex the developers, could
'.c ,r-~"U'antee that' all of the fees would be paid, and the 01 ty Attorney could
"', ' 'a~iBt in preparing the agreement.
" "There was further discussion on a promissory note and the pOBsi bili ty of
t::,:: v'oiding' this and having an agreement to annex that incorporated all the
, 'reCluirements.
. '
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RDC 7-26-84
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