05/21/1984 - Special .h ." ~;:" . . ~ ~ ,. . c. .' "'"},l ;;;:,:,. ' ~,~ ;_. I . "~\ : . Cd (. " r,~' -,' t') .. . t ;. :;', , '~'. \. ' ,I: r. \. 000.;,:,- ~ :~:":- ' '. ;,~>: J " "~'I. , ' !(,~l'" ' :~~.~:', ': ':,. . "l;l~( '. ; .r;." '. ' ~<'(.:.;. ". " " . " OFFICIAL., n """ MJNUTHS IUtSQunCl! VIlVllI.OPMl!N'r CO~IMITTEE SPBC1^1. MUm'ING ~r 21,. 1~ / Members Proscnt: Elizabeth S. Huosckcr, Assistant City Baringer - Chairman John Rooks I representing tho Pub lie \~ol'ks Department Joseph Molnar, Fire Mnrshnl Edward V. Bethol. Building lHrcctor Keith Crawford. Traffic nnginecring Director Cecil Henderson. Utilities Director Chris Papandreas, Acting Planning Director Ream Wilson. Parks nnd Recreation Director ..- ,,/ // .// Others Present: Bruce Tyndall. Owner R. Z~ Safley, owner Tom Terpening. Engineer for Owners . .. -----~------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order by Chairman Haeseker, at 8:40 a.m., in the Operations Conference, Room. Eagle Estates, located East of Landmark Drivel adjacent on the East side to Landmark Woods 2nd Addition. (Gulbankian Parcel) CO~~NITY IMPACT STATEMENT - APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Joe Molnar - Commented the fire hydrants on a looped system should be no more than 600 feet apart. Ed Bethel - No comments. Keith Crawford - Commented the right-oi-way on page 13 is incorrect and questioned wtiether this was considered right-of-way or an easement. Tom Terpening responded it is an easement. Chris Papandreas - No comments. Cecil Henderson - Commented gas was available on McMullen-Booth Road. " See written comments (Attachment 1). " John Rooks - No comments. Ream Wilson - See written comments (Attachment 2). Ream Wilson moved the Community Impact Statement be approved based on the following 'condi t ions: 1. 2. That park impact fees be satisifed. The spacing of the fire hydrants be no more than 600 feet apaJ:'t. - 1 - \j. . . ..;; . . . '\ " . { ~; ~ ~, \. ' . . ~ :' I ~ . ;.' . _I .; ~ ..:' 'i'... ',~', . , '. . ,', , . " " . '!' , ,;-'" -.... . ~ . < " 'I': ,.1; ,: :' .' , " , ...~. ~ ' , ,~ John Rooks seconded the motion; tho motion passed unanimously. . . 't" '., " , " I." ' ," I" , , L " \;, . I' . , . :?, -, . ;....".~D. , . . , :. .C1. .~ PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT -APPROVED,WITH CONDITIONS ',:) :, , Joe Molnar - No comments. " .~ " Ed Bethel - No comments. (,',- , , :~:,~I :'.:~ .' Cecil Henderson - See written comments (Attachment 3). Mr. Henderson requested an easement for the water mains up to and including the hydrants and meters. ~1r. Henderson questioned \oJhy the developers did not develop a regular subdivision. M~. Tyndall responded that the project would be developed as a private-road system to save the heavily-treed area and commented further the homeowner's documents would include the responsibility for street paving. Keith Crawford H Stated there would not be enough room to include street lights, signs, etc. He stated Traffic Engineering's position for the need for the roads to be 24 feet of pavement. He furtR!+ questioned what practical purpose the island served located in the Northwes~ part of the subdivision. Mr. Terpening responded the island was for beautification. ~lr. Crawford objected to the median in the entrance road. Mr. Terpening responded .that it nad been changed to 10 feet. Mr. Crawford questioned the right-of~way at the entrance of the subdivision. Mr. Terpening responded incoming vehicles will have the right-of-way which will be indicated by traffic control signs. ~ohn Rooks - Questioned the maintenance of the private streets. Mr. Tyndall explained a monthly Teserve fee would be included in the homeowner's documents which would be paid each year for the road maintenance assessments. ;- ...'" ,...:.< ~ ~. : I". 't.t, ',. " ''': ~ , .. 1.'";J ~i:: ',. '.' Chairman Haeseker - Questioned whether platting would be included to the center "line of the road. Nr. Terpening stated the lots would be platted to the center line. 'John Rooks commented on the following; the storm line and sanitary lines will remain private, the water line will require a water line easement, an egress/ ingress'easement will be needed, the entrance road easement still needs to be resolved,and Environmental has requested a 25-foot easement setback away from the lake. Ream Wilson - See written comments from the City Forester (Attachment 4). Mr. Wilson also suggested the adjacent pa.rcel to the South be donated in lieu of cash. "Keith Crawford ~ Commented if the medians serve no traffic function, City policy dictates they will not be built in the road for beautification purposes. John Rooks moved to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plat based on the following conditions: 1. Bgress/~ngress easement over the private roads. , , 2. Water line easements over the water lines up to and including the meters and hydrants. - 2 - .:;~~t~\ :;.1." C ,'~. ',' fJ(.,:.' ., .~:, ' 11': . ..'~ 'Ii".' l .'~. .....1 1 . "0 ."~:;' . :~'I\~;- ,> l, ".n. HJ' " ~',', ; ". t...'1 .. < '. " '~' . . , ,'~. W;::,,:," , ~\i ".'.', " 'j 1,>,\,' 't. /<' ;:" ..... . c. . .~": :.:' :<.1 !;., '.' '.: 1i~:;~,i~ " ',' ~:: ~. .". . . . ~ r' 3~Entrance road egress/i?gress be resolved between the City and the developers. 4. Basic setbacks be given to the lake area with the approval of the Environmental division of the Public Works Department. ',', S. ,The street maintenance assessment be included in the homeowner's deed documents. Joe Molnar seconded the motion. ,f, ffiNDMENT. ,Chris Pap~dreas moved the motion be amended to include the following conditions: ,; :l~ ': L , " '- /l:::~ f,;,',:);::" ::,,:,"1, I' ~~. i' .".. ,: : : ~, 'i . , . " " {~,!.~ <. . ",. (J;;,::h:.' , ~~ir'>~t~B' :;' , ; ~".~""I .-,,:h . r.:: ~L;.:~~' " l~iX:.':::';::.,":>:' .,.' , ' m:~:~:':;{','; ,'" ~f::")d ... ." . 1~';":\:(.:':',:> ' .\r.;' ~,,", ",,, {f;/,;\'"::,,, ',>, .' Jj;,:~~,'..:'i.....: .:., ...' ~i("~':::'</ :> .' .'. .. ' 'i~~iI":,\i.;,;,:": ....., .,:.... " ; , . , . ~ ' '. . '~.,~ . D '1'. ,The 'applicant verify that the width of Lot 19 is adequate at the setback line. . 2. The kidney-shape beautification feature be deleted. 3. The streets be ,built to 24-foot paving in addition to curb and gutter. 4. 'The effective building area be equal to or in excess of the minimum required by,:the' zone)outsid~ the special lake setbacks that may be imposed by the " Public Wor.l<s Department and exclusive of the street thoroughfare curb and 'gutter area. . .:, Cecil'Henderson seconded the amendment; the amendment passed unanimously. The Motion as amended passed unanimousl~. , 'I'hc'meeting adj ourned at 9: 20 a.m. I. .' ' ~~,t HAESEKER, Chairman . ',1 " , " - 3 5/21/84 ~', \,'F:1"t'P?'.lo';.t~'~'F',"('~'J.' }}.di1.f~~~;;' ~',: I.:;' :,' :':f~."?I~.t1\1;J; iff!::?f~~t-i.:l:~'t':~ *I."\.,~,,. ",' ..' ",', tf~k':~~~r~:."~:"".:' "'~': ~..: c,:~;!;':