03/19/1984 - Special >" --\ ;............., OFPrCIAL ~ " " ' "\~ M I NUT Ii S RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEHTING Mr^ RC H 1 9, 19 8 4 / Members Present: //' " , \ ' Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager - Chairman Joseph Molnar, Fire Marshal John ROOKS, representing the Public Works Department Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Cecil Henderson, Utilities Director Ed Bethel, Building Director John Richter, representing the Planning Department Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation Director , !c" Joe Grammatico, representing Master Key Storage Harold S. Wilson, Attorney, representing Master Key Storage ,> ' ". ',,' ,r\, . .' . ~ :' .">,':} ....~ ",," '. " The meeting was called to order by Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Chairman, at 8:40 a.m., in the Operations Center Conference Room. f~ ',:. " . :.~ .: ~ . ~:: I. . . ' ",. .1 .~..'. .' . '. ~. MASTER KEY STORAGE, located at 1891 U. S. 19 North, Clearwater. REVISED FINAL SITE PLAN - APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ~:::.: ~/ . Joe Molnar - No comments. OJ. ., ,i :.~., " John Rooks - Stated Environmental went to the site and expressed concern for the erosion in the back. Mr. Grammatico responded he was putting in limerock and sod. ',' 'John Richter Commented the parking computations need to be shown and to ascertain that there are enough parking spaces to serve the storage areas on the site. Keith Crawford Discussed the project was not built in accordance with the Certified Site Plan and expressed concern for tho fence being located in the .',' , right-of-way easement. He also stated the parking spaces were not included :',',,' in ,the original' plan. ' '},' (), . 'John Richter - Discussed the zoning for the site is CG. ~tr. Crawford conunented ., , on,the disappearance of the planters that ,were originally to be in the back part :'t". of the parking lot; the parking space diTectly behind the side\ifalk which leaves \~::, :.:" a' 20 ft. instead of a 24 ft. maneurvering space; the need for proper identifica- ;~~:"I","" ticn of the column spacing for the carports; and the required paTking for the ;~oI>e!l, .spaces bui:lding being rent;.~hich, therefore, increases the storage area which would :;,',;: ',':" .. " in~rease the required parking for the site. ',", :,' - 1 - . ".>', ~'::.i'::. ~;4"\.:'" . "'('-.. \ . \i:'~' ,', " &~ ,:: "'.. ., , \;1' f .=- ,...., ", :..~,:~ '\i:;:)"I'~";":'~":';""""~'I:.',;,'L:'..~",<:';::'-""',', ."., . ,.:,.,.~:,. 't' .:.\:::,...'.'.....:-.. ".'..:j.l','.'.",'. '.~~: "'~::":'\'}':~::"'::'~'~:.I:l-. ,-..." ~ " ..,. Cecil Henderson - Questioned the dumpster pad and whether the garbage truck could hit the dumpster pud and make the required turnaround. Mr. Henderson suggested the developer's engineer should obtain the turnaround design for the garbage trucks and tho design should fit that criteria. ~ir. Grammatico responded there was no problem with the turnaround design. Ed Bethel - Stated the fence should be held to six feet and the barbed-wire should be turned in toward the project. Mr. Grammatico agreed the barbed-wire fencing would be turned in toward the project. Keith Crawford plan. Commented the handicapped parking needs to be identified on the Ream Wilson - Expressed Chris Cowles. the Ci.ty Forester's concerns that the the project was a deviation from the original site plan and further stated that approximately 45 tree replants have been made in accordance with the ordinance. :~. . r'..~) .~. Discussion ensued regarding the parking of vehicles in the right-of-way easement. Mr. Grammatico commented the cars and buses that are located in the front right- of-way will be moved when the carports are completed. Chairman Haeseker stated the parking in the right-of-way easement may be used for overflow parking but cannot be used to figure permitted parking. Chairman Haeseker - Questioned the spades in the back of the project that appear to be,foT open storage. Mr. Grammatico responded that that was not the issue . here' and stated that he was asking for carports. ,. , . . '.' Joe Grammatico commented a permit was issued fOT the fence with the understanding that the right-of-way could be used for signagc. fences, etc. as long as it could be removed if any proolem arises--i.e. street lightingt etc. Discussion ensued regarding the planters on the original site plan. Mr. Crawford commented the Code requires 400 sq. feet of internal planting for every 10.000 feet of paved area. "', '.' \. .,1 " . :'. ' ',.; Chairman Haescker - Questioned whether any documents were signed regarding the removal of the fence and at whots expense. Mr; Rooks responded that anything built in the right-of-way easement could be removed and will be removed if the City needs use of the easement; usually the removal would be at City's expense. Chairman Haeseker - Questioned whether the developers obtained two special . 'exceptions--one for covered storage and one for open storage. Mr. Richter responded the developers received two special exceptions. ~ '~: . ~ ' .,. ~ :. . ,'. John Richter - Suggested the Revised Site Plan clearly indicate which spaces are for the purpose of serving the parking requirements for the facility and which spaces will De rented out; with the understanding that the spaces rented out. are storage area an~ therefore, create an additional need for more parking spaces on the site. . :. , .... "0'" ~. ~ ...... :1/ " \ .: ',' , . . -, :~, ,r - 2 - ,~ \" . :.'. " . 3/19/84 I " , ..." ~ 1 . l o,'~' \"\' ..oj I . . .' ..,: ", . '. ""~~ "'" .~. . ,',' ,oil . ,~ t 1 ,.,.-.\ '.'~lON Cecil Henderson moved to recommend approval of the Revised Final Site Plan since this Committcc~finds that it meets the criteria established for our review subject to the following restrictions: . . 1. Indicate correct parking computations on the plan and show where the required parking is located. .. , 2. ~ . '-, 3. 4. Show the column spacing on the renr of the development. Mark the appropriate handicapped parking space or spaces as required. That the building permit be issued within six months of plan approval by the City Manager and completed within two years. ,i '.: '\" J ..<' . " . " , ,. p Joseph Molnar - Seconded the motion. Cecil Henderson - Discussed he did not like the fence in the right-of-way and suggested informing the City Manager of the Resource Development Committee's concerns. ,.' ~ . ',' IC::. . f ~ . ~ C . . l'~:. . John Richter Commented the need to indicate the outdoor storage areas. John Richter - Moved the motion be amended to require the outdoor storage areas be identified on the site plan and be recognized for the purpose of the ~arking computations. The.~amf.mdment to the motion was seconded by Cecil Henderson. The Motion as amended passed with one vote in opposition; Keith Crawford. e" ~:tJ ~\ t ~i .. "," ,. ~:.:/:~ . ~. :\t::,/" l~<~;ee. e., , ~ '. . ~ .'.' . :}:";' ,:'<' The meeting' adjourned at 9:20 a.m. // I !).....~,. . t..:.'V" :/!" ~~ ~ . . ~.~! ~. ',. .. i;r'/~""e' . . .' h.,;':::: . . . . '., ~ ". ~~:'~,'h:,>' :.,\'. .' ;. ....; '.,"" .... .j - 3