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City of Clearwater, Florida
.August 11, 1983
. Elizabeth Haeeeker, Assistant.City Manager, Chairman
Roy Ayres, Building Director
Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director
.Cecil.Henderson, Utilities Director
David Healey, Planning
~au~a.Harvey, Representing Planning Department
Ream ~i1son, Parks and Recreation Director
Nick. Lewis, Representing Fire Department
Joh~,Rooks, Representing Public Works Department
. '\1
..John P ~ Ehrig, Mudano, Associates
George Knight, International Control, Inc.
Stephen G. & Lee Beneke, Owners, Myrtle Avenue
.. Ed ,Walker, Will~ams and Walker Architects
. Curtis DeYoung, DeYoung & Associates
. ,
Redevelopment No. 1
. ....
, ~ :
. 'The meeting was called to order by Chairman Haeseker at 10:10 a. m. in
e the qperatio~s Center Conference Room.
~ . ... ~
Minutes of July 14, 1983 ROC Meeting
Minutes of the July 14, 1983.meeting were approved as submitted.
Mtnutes!of July.28, 1983 ROC Meeting
The'minutes of the July 28, 1983 meeting were approved with corrections noted
o'n .page 1;" Page 2, paragraph 2, motion #3; and page 3, last sentence.
:.,ITEM #1 SUNSET, SQUARE (Located Highland Avenue and Sunset Point Roadr
,Continued from 7/28/83.)
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: Nick Lewis:, No Comment.
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ITEM #1 - continued
Roy Ayress Asked Mr. Ehrig to outline changes for amendod sito plan
and list them on site plan. Changes br,iefly described are aD followBS
1. Depth of stores 203-206 changed from 50' to 60'.
2. Several stores that have already signed leas~s will need
depth of 100 I .
J. An additional 2800 square feet of building was added, but
it has not changed the depth of the building.
4. Parking was increased by 13 spaces.
John Rooks: Presented written comments prepared by the Engineering Department
with an additional note from nill Sheppard that the existing water main
easement needs to be picked up on the plat. (Attachment #1)
Keith Crawford: Parking on the South side scales out at 20.. Stalls need
,to be 22' 110n9, especially for parallel parking.
Cecil Henderson: No comments.
David Healey: principal recommendation is in the form of a suggestion
that where developer has had to introduce parallel parking on the South
side, Planning suggests you seek a variance to the parking requirement
. t::hat .wewould support and endorse, to lower the parking from 5 spaces.,
per 1,000 to 4.5 spaces per 1,000. I
. A concern .that the impermeable coverage seems to have increased. Mr. Ehrig
responded that the actual change was 3!100th of a percent.
Insistence that future expansion be removed from the site plan.
Ream Wilson: No comments.
MOTION:, Dave Healey made a motion that the Committee reconunend approval
of the amendment. to. the Sunset Square site plan, having reviewed it and
found'it consistent with our guidefines for site plan review subject to
the following conditions:
1. If the intent was to sell or lease separately Parcel A,
that a plat be"prepared, and that the preliminary plat
be approved prior to the issuance of the Certificate of
Occupancy for the now approved shopping center.
2. That the lines and wording with respect to the future
expansion be deleted.
Motion was seconded by Ream Wilson and carried unanimously.
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ITEM #1 - ContinuoJ1
David Healey made a second motion in the form of a recommendation, that
the doveloper seek a variance to tho roquired number of parking spaces
so as to have a minimum of 4.5 space a per 1,000 at their discretion.
Rewm Wilson seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Paula Harvey replaced David Healey for the Planning Department at this
',' i
ITEM #2 - MYRTLE AVENUE REDEVELOPMENT NO. I (Located on East side of
North Myrtle Avenue, South side of Carlton street)
, ,
Nick Lewis: If there is a fire hydrant at the corner of Myrtle Avenue
and Ca~lton Street, the Fire Department will require' one additional
hydrant at the southerly most entrance.
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Roy Ayres: Questioned if the plan was for dead storage units. The owner
replied that it was for mini-storage units and all units are facing away
from the streets. Owner will need to provide for at least one handicapped
parking space.
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. John Rooks: Presented written comments prepared by the Engineering Department
(Attachment #2). Additional comments to the owner were as follows:
1. sanitary sewer would not be s.ubject to moratorium because it
goes to Marshall Street plant and also there are not enough
units to be involved in the moratorium.
2. storm water detention looks adequate.
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3. There will need to be a sidewalk along Carlton street because
conditions for a waiver cannot be met. Engineering will need
" an easement for this sidewalk.'
. J
There was considerable discussion at this point on that portion of the
.street that appears to be on the developer's property. Keith Crawford
'offerred a solution to take a portion of the property and dedicate it
to.the City as right-of-way.
Cecil Henderson:
. be required.
If a parking variance is obtained, a dumpster pad will
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Paula Harvey: Planning Department comments were as follows:
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Figures for impermeable coverage need to be adjusted to
match what is on the plan.
~tern #2 - Continued
Paula Harvey:
2. Planning agrees with Traffic Engineering that it would
be a benefit to the owner to reduce the number of parking
spaces. We encourage you to seek a variance on the parking,
nnd will support that requQst.
3. Buffering will be required along the East and South property
line. It was the developer's understanding that it was
the North and South property lines. Mrs. Harvey suggested
that the developer contact City Clerk's office for what
the Board's conditions of approval were.
~: .
Ream Wilson: Presented written comments from the City Forester. Further
noted. that since the project comes under the new Parkland Dedication
Ordinance, and is a non-residential project, open space is the only
requirement that must be met. Also stated that the city will want money
in lieu of open space since this would be a difficult area to maintain.
(Attachments 3 & 4).
.',. "
DISCUSSION: Mr. Ayres had an additional ,comment that approval of the site
plan does not constitute approval of the sign on the property. Will still
have to apply for a sign permit.
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. MOTION: Paula Harvey made a motion that the final site plan be approved
subject to the following changes being made on a revised site plan:
~'. /
1. Existing. sidewalk needs to be labeled, and the sidewalk
on 'Carlton Street needs to be shown.
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2. Handicapped spaces need to be shown.
3. Erosion control needs to be shown on the final aeRB~~aB~~eR site plan.
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4~ Adjustment needs to be made to the impermeable coverage
figures on the site plan to agree with what is on the
. site, that figure not to exceed 85%.
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.M~S. Ha~vey further moved to recommend approval of the final site plan
based upon a finding of this committee that the plan conforms with
the.design guidelines for site plan review, subject to the following
conditions: "
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1. That a. fire hydrant be located on the Southern-most
entrance if required by the Fire Marshal.
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2. That a sidewalk easement or dedicated right-of-way be
given on the Northwest section of the property.
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~tern #2 - Continued
MOTION: (Continued)
3. That clarification of the ownership of the railroad
right-of-way be given/~nw~he~~~hwe~~w~eion~f-~ne
p~~&~r prior to the building permit.
4. That verification of the assessed just value of the
property and the most recent sales price be. provided
prior to the approval of the final site plan.
5. That the initial building permit be procured no later
than January 11, 1984, and that all Certificates of
Occupancy be procured within two years from date of the
issuance of the initial building permit.
6. That buffering be provided on the site as required by the
approval of the special exception use by the Board of
Adjustment and Appeals.
Motion was seconded by Cecil Henderson and carried unanimously.
There followed considerable discussion on the railroad right of way
and whether it was actually on the owner's property, between Cecil
Henderson, Chairman Haeseker, Paula Harvey and Mr. Beneke. Chairman
Haeseker concluded the discussion with the statement that the Committee
will require a copy of the deed,as well as a copy of the current survey
as proof that the Benekes do, in fact, own the portion of property in
ITEM #3- Sunus Business Center, located Southwest corner of Belcher
Road and.Logan street
Nick Lewis: No comment.
. Roy Ayres: Questioned sidewalk not being shown along Belcher Road.
T~e developer stated his intent to ask for a variance because of the
d1tc~ along the road and also the upcoming Widening of Belcher Road
to S1X lanes. will need to note that a variance has been applied
for on the site plan~
.'. John Rooks: Presented written comments prepared by the Engineering
Department. Mr. DeYoung will need to contact Max Battle regarding
payment in lieu of storm water detention provision since Mr. Rooks
and Mr. DeYoung's understanding on this. differ. (Attachment #5)
Water Quality added a note that they want everything 'toga through a
.grassed.area.. They are not concerned about quality of detained roof
area~ just the parking ~~. lot. .
Keith'Crawford: Noted that Traffic Engineering couldn't count two
park~ng spaces th~t are actually in a loading zone.
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Item #3 (Continued)
. Cecil Henderson: Presented written comments prepared by tho Utilities
Department. (Attachment #6)
Paula Harvey: Planning Department comments are as follows:
1. Need to show proposed building height in feet.
2. .Location of any free standing signs needs to be shown on
the plan.
3. Need to have clarification as to the use of the property
in order to determine parking requirements. On the final
revised plan, a breakdown will need to be shown of the
three proposed uses, and parking will have to be recalcu-
lated accordingly.
'Developer stated that the plan of use of the three areas were partial
office, partial warehouse storage or very light manufacturing.
" Ream Wilson: Preserited written comments prepared by the City Forester.
. (Attachment #7)
..DISCUSSION: RoY Ayres noted that showing a sign on the site plan does not
constitute approval of the sign. A sign permit will still be needed.
.Mr~ Crawford cautioned the developer to figure the most conservative way
whenre-calculating parking spaces.
MOTION:Pau1a Harvey made a motion to approve the final site plan subject
:.to the following changes.being made on the site plan prior to approval:
. , .
'.1. That sidewalks b~di~~ on Belcher Road, or note be provided
on plan that a ~ is being sought for the sidewalk
2. That the dumpster location be widened to a minimum of 12 feet.
3. That there be a note provided on the plan that the individual
units will be individually metered.
4. That parking calculations be shown for the individual uses
propose.d on site.
That location of exterior free-standing signs be shown on
the pl~n, noting that that does not constitute sign approval.
That building heights be shown in feet.
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!.tem >>3 (Continued)
MOTION~ (Continued)
She further moved to recommend approval of the final site plan based upon
a finding of this Committee that the plan conforms with the design
guidelines for site plan review subject to the following 'conditions:
1.. That detention be adequate to the site, subject to the
approval of the City Engineer.
2. That initial building permit be procured within six months,
and Certificates of Occupancy be issued within two years of
issuance of the original building permits.
Motion was seconded by Ream Wilson and carried unanimously.
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ITEM #4 - Office-Factory-Warehouse , located North side of Sunnydale Blvd.,
between Belcher Road and Hercules Avenue.
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Nick Lewis: Questioned the location of the fire hydrant. Mr. Knight
responded that it.was across the street on the Westerly corner.
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Roy Ayres: . Must limit parking spaces to what is proposed on site plan.
Sidewalks need to be labeled.
John Rooks: Presented written comments prepared by the Engineering Department.
(Attachment #8) Will need to submit a letter to get sanitary sewer to the
site because of the moratorium on the East and Northeast plants.
Keith Crawford: Recommended eliminating narrow landscape areas on the
~ediate periphery of the buildings. proposed the elimination of one
, parking space that would be unmaneuverable.
Cecil. Henderson: Presented written comments prepared by Utilities. Noted
that ~he entrance radius must he wide enough that the garbage trucks can
tu~n around. (Attachment #9)
David Healey: Planning Department comments are as follows:
'l('''-:: ~. .
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1. 'With respect to the designation of office-factory-warehouse.
Factory use is not a permitted type of activity as zoned.
,Manufacturing would be a better terminology for the type of
activity permitted.
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2.. Must st~pulate on site plan the maximum area in each of the
.use categories.
3. Need to stipulate a maximum number of employees.
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Item #4 (Continued
David Healey: (Continued)
4. Suggested that Planning would like the middle opening to be
closed, and that parking in front be reoriented.
5. Also in the way of a suggestion, driveways need to be lined
up better'.
6. Need to specify building heights in feet.
7. Need to identify where the loading spaces are going to be.
B. Need additional information on the final site plan with
respect to sign dimensions.
: ;
9. Need to identify landscape materials.
. >
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,. .
Mr. Healey also noted that the Commission specifically requested that this
site plan come back before them.
'" . ~. '
. .
Ream wilson: Presented written comments from the City Forester..
(Attachment #lO) Also noted that this development comes under the City's
new Parkland Dedication Ordinance, and as a non-residential development
the open space requirement would be 4e~ A mone~ary contribution to the ~.04%.
City will be necessary to satisfy the parkland dedication requirement.
(Attachment ill)
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DISCUSSION: Keith.Crawford questioned if the retention area and the planter
.are the sarne. He remembered that the Commission ruled that you can't use
one area to. meet requirements of two separate requirements, i.e. cannot
'allow retention area to be used as part of the open area.
. .
. .MOTION: David Healey moved to recommend approval of the final site plan
based. upon a finding of this. Committee that the plan conforms with the
design guidelines for site plan review subject to the following:
A. Those things' that would be changed on the final site plan
before it is submitted for approval by the Commission:
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1. proposed sidewalks be identified.
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2. Th~t the narrow landscape areas on the immediate.
periphery of the building be deleted,. and that the
required loading spaces be identified.
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3. That the required items of information with respect to
building height and sign size be added.
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Item #4 .. Office-Factory-WarohousQ Complex (Continued)
MOTION (Continued)
A. 4. That the maximum amount of square footage in each of the
three use categories for office, warehouse and manufacturing
use be identified on the plans.
5. That the parking formula be adjusted to note the maximum
n~er of employees for the manufacturing use.
6. That the landscape area at the North end of the building
be adjusted to provide a proper turning radius for the
sanitation vehicles.
, .
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7. That the Eastern and Western most curb cuts be realigned
. with the entry and exit drive.
,." ,
,. .
8. That the middle access egress opening be closed and the
parking on the South side of the building be reconfigured
perpendicular to the road.
B. Those items that will be conditions of approval of the final
site plan be amended to include:
1. Verification and payment of required open space money in
lieu of land prior to certification of the final site plan.
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2. Issuance of the building permit within six months of date
of approval of the final site plan and issuance of the
Certificates of Occupancy within two years of the date
of building permits.
Motion seconded by. Cecil Henderson.
'AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION: Roy Ayres moved to amend section B of the motion
to,include an item #3.
3. That the city Engineer specifically approve the roof top
water retention, and if so approve~that a structural
engineer s~j,1.-:b/be I:equired on. the roof assembly.
. cecil Henderson seconded the amendment. Amendment and Motion carried
. 'There being no further business before the Committee, the meeting was
adjourned at 12:40 p.m.
. .
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